Just like the two Lich clans, as the overlords of the Great Desolation, their luck was so deep that even the saints could only envy them.

This time the war between the two clans, the amount of calamity came, because of the grievances of the two clans, causing the heaven to lose its balance.

So when there is a catastrophe.

"The Holy Father is not here. I am the leader of the human race. Everything I say and do is related to the future of the human race. If I go wrong, it will lead to a doomed situation."

"The two lich clans seem to be in imminent danger, but their strength is still not comparable to that of the human clan. If they make a rash move, I am afraid it will lead to the killing of the two clans."

Shennong sighed, the thoughts in his heart were not as calm as his face.

You know, no one knows better than him that the human race has its current status, not because of their deep blessings, but because of the shadow of the Holy Father.

When the ancestor Wu Qiangliang and the demon emperor Jun were on the verge of life and death, Li Zhenwu, as the holy father of the human race, still took action to forge cause and effect.

Others may not know about these things, but Shennong was told by Zhen Yuanzi in Wuzhuang Temple, and what he was thinking was naturally not something that everyone could understand.

"Elder Shennong!"

When the guards guarding the temple saw Shennong come out, they all saluted respectfully. Their attitude was the respect from the heart.

After all, since Shennong's return, his contribution to the human race cannot be erased.

At the beginning of the retreat at the foot of Wudang Mountain, now the human race is blooming everywhere, and its power expansion is faster than everyone can imagine.

In addition to cultivating the way of true martial arts, Shennong also taught the method of divine passage from Wuzhuangguan to those who were destined to avoid suspicion.

I don't know how long it took, when Shennong woke up, he came to the gate of Wudang Mountain.

"Holy Father should have foreseen today's scene, but Shennong is stupid, but he can't guess the cause and effect. I really feel ashamed of the people and the Holy Father."

Looking at the quaint mountain gate, Shennong sighed, his eyes dimmed.

You must know that when Li Zhenwu took action to resolve the life and death of the ancestors and the emperor, he should have foreseen the future today.

It's just that, without true martial arts, the opinions among the human races are difficult to handle.

"Elder Shennong!"

Suddenly, a crisp shout woke Shennong from the lost mind.

When I looked up, I found that on the mountain road, a monkey demon spit out human words, holding a banana leaf with both hands, and walked straight from the mountain.

"This is?"

Seeing this, Shen Nong raised his eyebrows, his face unable to hide his doubts.

Since the disappearance of the Holy Father in Wudang Mountain, almost all the creatures on the mountain have disappeared, leaving only three little demons who have unlocked their spiritual wisdom.

At this moment, the monkey came from the mountain, but Shennong's eyes were on the banana leaf on the monkey's hand, with deep doubts.


The little monkey couldn't help but threw the banana leaves that were several times larger than its body in front of the mountain gate.

Seeing Shennong reaching out to catch it, the little monkey didn't say anything, just turned around and left.

In the field, Shennong was left in a daze.

When his eyes fell on the banana leaf, the tiger's body was shocked, and the confusion in his eyes disappeared instantly.

Instead, a touch of firmness.

"My heart!"

The banana leaf is very common, with two characters scrawled on it, probably written by the little demon just now.

However, Shennong said nothing, bowed respectfully to the mountain gate, and then turned around and left.

His footsteps are steady, with invisible confidence, and the dissenting opinions within the human race can no longer shake his heart.


On Wudang Mountain, Zhenwu Dojo.

The little monkey had a strong figure, and after a few ups and downs, he came to Li Zhenwu, gave a respectful salute, and sat down to the side.

Everyone's eyes fell on the three mirrors in the air.

On the one hand, it reflects Shennong, which is very wonderful.

"Master, why does this mirror only reflect Elder Shennong and not Junior Brother Xuanyuan?"

"Junior Brother Xuanyuan is a student of the young master, isn't he enough to change the future of the human race?"

Xiaohua and Xiaocao looked at Shennong in the mirror with deep doubts in their eyes.

Even the other three little demons did the same, looking at the scene in the mirror with a hint of surprise on their faces.

You must know that although Shennong is the leader of the human race, he is after all the disciples of Wuzhuangguan. Compared with Xuanyuan, they are more inclined to Zhenwu.

In this regard, Li Zhenwu smiled lightly, "Xuanyuan has never experienced hardships and is not enough to bear the responsibility of the human race in the future. They are like this, it is destiny, how to act, everything can be done by heart."

Hearing this, Wu Xiao was stunned for a moment, thinking that the teacher is really a wonderful person, so let it go, isn't he afraid of chaos?

At this time, some changes have taken place in the mirror image that reflects the human race.

"It seems that Junior Brother and Elder Shennong are about to break up completely."

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