Xiaocao Xiaohua looked at the picture and couldn't help sighing with emotion, then she went silent and continued to watch.

In the human race temple, after Shennong got the banana leaves, his mood became firm and he was no longer shaken.

"Bring the witch, I have something to say." He ordered the guards to go down.

Soon, under the leadership of the guards, the shaman looked anxious, and as soon as he stepped into the hall, he bowed respectfully.

"Go back and tell them that the human race does not participate in any wars, nor does it target anyone. Anyone who wants to escape the world can come here and be sheltered by my human race."

Shen Nong spoke lightly, his expression was calm, and there was no wavering in his eyes.

Hearing this, the sorcerer felt helpless and could only sigh, then turned around and left after saluting.

"Shen Nong is like this, why?" Ji Bo, who was beside him, asked.

Even King Pan had doubts in his eyes and felt that this move was inappropriate and would definitely cause dissatisfaction among many people.

Sure enough, before Shennong could answer, he saw a group of high-level human races pouring into the temple gate, headed by Xuanyuan, with a turbulent momentum.

"Senior Shennong, whether you participate in the war or not, I don't care, but you want to protect the two Lich clans, but you are so confused!"

Xuanyuan, the golden sword of the horse, sat in front of Shennong, his eyes contained a powerful momentum, and he looked at him.

Chapter [-]: Winning Luck with the Saints!

The atmosphere of the Human Race Temple was depressed, and everyone dared not to come out, and looked at Shennong and Xuanyuan dully.

You must know that Shennong is the leader of the human race, while Xuanyuan is the disciple of the Holy Father. No matter their status or status, they are not comparable to others.

At this moment, Xuanyuan was outspoken, so that everyone's eyes fell on Shennong, and their eyes were also inquiring.

The belligerent is puzzled, and the cautious is equally puzzled.

Feeling the eyes of everyone, Shennong's face was indifferent, his eyes were calm, he glanced at everyone in the field, and finally settled on Xuanyuan.

He was not angry, and said lightly: "I dare to ask you, what's wrong with this move?"

"It's very inappropriate. The two lich clans have a bloody feud with us. The human clan does not sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight. It is already the greatest tolerance. Now, if you want to protect them, isn't it a joke for all the creatures in the world?" Xuanyuan still said angrily.

Hearing his words, most of the people in the hall nodded.

There are also a small number of people, such as Ji Bo and Pan Wang, but they bow their heads and frown, falling into contemplation.

"The war between the two lich clans is a disaster for all beings in the world. Humans are in it, and it is impossible to achieve cause and effect."

Shen Nong shook his head slightly and sighed: "Have you ever thought about why the two lich clans fought? How should we be positioned among them..."

"Since you should kill the evil and evil witch, there is no other way."

Xuanyuan was extremely powerful, and he spoke coldly, interrupting Shennong's words.

Obviously, he was furious at the moment, and if he hadn't cared about his feelings, he would have taken action long ago to stop Shennong from talking nonsense.

You know, this is the elder he most respects.

Unexpectedly, when it comes to the future of the human race, it is so confusing, which makes people love and hate.

"What about the saints?" Shennong's eyes flickered slightly, his expression still calm, and he said lightly: "You must know that the words and deeds of the saints are not something we can figure out. If we are enemies of the two clans, what the result will be is unknown."

As soon as these words came out, the hall fell silent.

Everyone's faces showed surprise, even Xuanyuan's eyes were firm, but they contained a strong expression of struggle.

Although the human race is the Taoist ancestor, it should be the race of Daxing, even if it is a saint, I am afraid that it will not dare to do it.

However, when the human race is flourishing, there is no time limit.

If the saint doesn't like it and deliberately calculates, it can make a group fall into an endless stagnation.

Thinking of this, everyone in the hall fell silent.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Shennong continued: "If you believe in Shennong, in the next Lich War, even if I sacrifice my life, I will protect the human race."

Speaking of this, although everyone was unwilling, they could only reluctantly accept it.

"The matter of sheltering the two lich clans has nothing to do with my Xuanyuan!"

Xuanyuan snorted coldly, his expression was extremely cold, and he left immediately.

Although Shennong had already acquiesced in what he said, he was obsessed with it, but he absolutely couldn't do anything to protect the two lich clans.

"It's okay, everything is for Shennong's insistence, and it has nothing to do with you." Shennong shook his head slightly, but he was not at all embarrassed.

Seeing this, the others felt embarrassed and could only listen to their orders.

On this day, there was explosive news from Honghuang.

"There are all kinds of spirits in the wild, if you want to escape from the world, you can be sheltered by the human race if your heart is not bad."

As soon as this news came out, the whole flood shook.

There are also people who are eager to move between the two Lich clans, and there are always people who are tired of the continuous war between the two clans.

At this moment, when I heard the signal from the human race, I even sneaked away from the army and went straight to the shore of the East China Sea.


On Wudang Mountain, Zhenwu Dojo.

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