The five little ones looked up at the three mirrors in the sky, their eyes widened, and they all showed a puzzled look.

"Master, what is the meaning of Elder Shennong's move?"

"Junior Brother Xuanyuan is also interesting, but he is unwilling to compromise."

Xiaohua and Xiaocao said, likewise, they are curious about the position of the human race.

Only Li Zhenwu's eyes were bright, and he couldn't help sighing in his heart. For Shennong, he felt more and more worthy of being one of the most powerful beings in the future human race.

On the other hand, Xuanyuan's temperament is still a bit irritable, perhaps because he is young and lacks tempering.

"He is fighting for luck with the saints. No matter in terms of courage or skill, he is not weak at all." Li Zhenwu praised.

Hearing this, several people in the dojo were shocked, and they all showed incredible expressions.

Seeing this, Li Zhenwu raised a smile and explained: "Shen Nong doesn't seem to be involved in the Lich War, but this move is robbing the luck of the saints!"

"You know, if there is a war between the Liches, those two races who are tired of fighting, where do you think they will go?"

"The reason why Shennong was hesitant just now was because he couldn't be sure of my existence. Now that I know that I have escaped from the hands of the saints, I am naturally fearless. This son is more powerful than I imagined!"

If people in the human race temple heard what Li Zhenwu said, they would definitely be shocked.

In their eyes, Shennong, who is not bold enough, has a long-term vision and a strong courage, which is far from what everyone can imagine.

You know, snatch the luck of the saints!

What a bold move this is, if Shennong speaks out frankly, I am afraid that everyone will hold him, and even join forces to trap him, so as not to act rashly.

In the demon clan's heavenly court, in the huge palace complex, bursts of Buddha's light lit up, and there was a sound of Sanskrit, which echoed between heaven and earth.

"If my demon clan is safe, then the territory where the demon clan is located will only respect the two brothers."

With the sound of Di Jun's voice, the Buddha's light disappeared, and the Sanskrit sound was silent, as if it had never appeared before.

"I'll go to the Empress to ask for peace. After all, it is about the survival of the demon clan. I don't think the Empress will sit idly by." Dong Huang Taiyi said.

In less than half a day, when he came out of the Wa Palace, he couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"Heaven will also destroy the witch clan!"

When the day before the Lich War, it was a real flood, and it was surprisingly quiet.

All the saints don't teach the truth of the Great Way anymore, the great supernatural powers of the great wilderness, everyone is in danger, and everyone's eyes are all on the two Lich clans.

Chapter [-] Before the war!Heng E serving Dan (Second Update)

Boom boom boom!

In the Wu clan tribe, the war drums sounded, and countless Wu clan warriors turned into their real bodies and stood solemnly.

The Ten Great Ancestral Witches and the Nine Phoenix Great Witches stood at the forefront with solemn eyes, looking towards the end of the sky.

"It's a pity Xiangliu, although there are many great witches in the tribe at this moment, their strength is not enough to withstand the great formation."

The corpse was furious, a pair of fists clenched and clucked.

You must know that the power required to cast the Twelve Capitals Heavenly Gods and Demons Great Formation is simply not something that ordinary great witches can afford.

As the younger sister of Zu Wu Qiangliang, Jiufeng has worshiped Xuan Ming as her teacher since she was a child.

Of course, there are many great witches, but none of them can become a position in the great array of gods and demons.

"Haha, after today, there will be no Wu clan in Honghuang."

At this moment, Dong Huangtai's wild laughter came from the end of the sky.

As the voice fell, I saw the dark clouds pressing down, and countless demon clan heavenly armies, standing on the clouds, flags fluttering, majestic.

"The witch race is cruel and ruthless, and shouldn't exist in this world." Di Jun said coldly, the killing intent in his eyes almost turned into reality.

Of the ten sons, nine died tragically at the hands of the Wu clan, which made him hated so much that he wanted to kill all the Wu clan immediately.

The 200 courtyards of the demon clan are like a rainbow, and at a glance, there are countless, almost covering the entire sky.

Emperor Jun was wearing purple-gold armor and stood in the center, with Donghuang Taiyi and Xihe beside him. The demon master Kunpeng was half a step behind.

Behind them, ten demon gods commanded monstrous mana to the sky, looking coldly at the witch clan on the ground below, revealing a bloodthirsty light.

There are also more than [-] big demons, holding the Star Dou flag, exuding mighty heavenly might.

In the end, it was the Heavenly Army of the Hundreds of Millions of Monster Races, with a clear banner, bright armor, and full of slaughter.

"Why do you talk so much, if you don't care, everyone is just each other." Di Jiang smiled coldly.

"The demon clan is so powerful, do you really think we are vegetarians?"

Numerous ancestor witches watched with cold eyes, but their hearts became more and more solemn.

Including the Xuanming Ancestral Witch, the breath of the whole body became even colder, making the surroundings covered with countless frost.

The Wu clan is huge, riding on the hill-like beasts, but they are not compared in terms of momentum. After all, they are unparalleled in their own power, and against the demon clan, they really do have ten of them.


I don't know who shouted, and suddenly, the earth shook, the dark clouds rolled, and the sun and the moon were dull.

The warriors of the Wu tribe were tyrannical to the extreme, riding a beast like a mountain and a great mountain, directly charging over, and bursting with a majestic breath.

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