
I saw that the Great Witch Hall had been shattered, and it was easily destroyed by a [-]-foot-tall giant, turning it into countless rubble and splashing out.

Hou Yi Dawu?

When they saw this scene, everyone was stunned for a moment, and then they breathed abruptly, looking at the figures dancing in the sky, showing a strange look.


Hou Yi screamed in the sky, and desperately grabbed his hands towards the front, trying to prevent the beautiful woman from leaving.

However, all was in vain.

No matter how hard he struggled, even if he leaped out of the sky, the distance between the two was always the slightest difference, and they could no longer be in contact with each other.

This strange scene shocked the witches below.

In terms of Hou Yi's huge body, Heng'e's height is not as high as the clouds, but at this moment, in Hou Yi's eyes, it is as if it has been stretched infinitely, which is amazing to the extreme.

"Defying the heavens and fate, is this the punishment of heaven?"

Hou Yi looked tragic and solemn, his eyes were full of tears, he shouted hysterically, and his mind almost collapsed.

Unexpectedly, the so-called eternal separation between heaven and man is such a scene, which makes people feel like a knife.

You know, watching the beloved woman gradually disappear from your eyes, while you can do nothing, is the most painful thing in the world.

"Don't be sad, husband, you are a strong man in the sky. Heng E believes that one day, you will find me."

Heng'e's clothes are fluttering, and her face is exquisite and charming, like a fairy flying out of a picture scroll.

At this moment, she couldn't control it and flew towards the sky.

After taking the elixir, the cause and effect fell, and Heng E knew that she and Hou Yi would never be able to see each other forever.

However, Hou Yi's sadness made her smile and comfort her softly.

"Do not……"

With Hou Yi's loud roar, Heng'e flew out of the sky and slowly walked towards the lunar star.

Even in the primordial life on the ground, you can vaguely see a figure like a scroll, imprinted on the surface of the vague lunar star.

The whole world was silent, Hou Yi's heart was ashes, looking up at the sky, his eyes were dull, with the disappearance of Heng'e, his heart seemed to be taken away.

It was not until there was a loud noise in the far-flung land that he gradually came to his senses.

"My lady cheered up for me and did not hesitate to take the initiative to break the insulation, how can I fall down again?"

Thinking of this, Hou Yi's eyes gradually focused, and he turned to look in the direction of the loud noise. His eyes gradually became sharper, like a divine arrow breaking out of the bowstring, and a shocking divine light erupted.


The Great Witch Tribe made a loud noise.

I saw a giant standing in the sky, carrying a big bow, holding a simple arrow, and quickly walked towards the Ancestral Witch Tribe.

After Hou Yi's mind was firmed, the whole sky seemed to feel the aura like a ray, and the sun and the moon were fleeting.


In the Ancestral Witch Tribe, the war broke out, and the thunderous shouts of killing were earth-shattering.


The warriors of the Wu tribe were extremely powerful. They rode a fierce beast and charged away. All obstacles were destroyed and crushed.

The demon soldiers were simply unable to resist, and the battle formation was easily destroyed.


The mysterious lines, from the direction of the monster army, outline the formations one by one, bursting with bright rays of light.


When the warriors of the Wu tribe rushed to the front of the formation, they were immediately wrapped in the formation, exuding an earth-shattering killing intent, cutting countless witches into pieces.

"Have a rest."

Seeing this scene, hundreds of great witches roared again and again, raised their fists like mountains, and slammed them down.

Dozens of formations arranged by the monster soldiers were immediately destroyed, and the monster soldiers in the formation suffered countless casualties.

"Hmph, the reckless man of the witch tribe, who doesn't understand the divine passage method, is worthy of being a citizen of the mountains and the wild." The demon master Kunpeng snorted coldly, and turned into the real body of Kunpeng who covered the sky and the sun, with wings like clouds hanging from the sky, and he directly rushed to kill him. The shaman in front was wrapped up.


The body of the witch was shattered, causing millions of casualties in an instant, and he was no match for Kunpeng in the quasi-sacred realm at all.

When the great witches saw this, they immediately abandoned the blocking of the demon soldiers' formation and rushed towards the demon master. The two collided and a world-shattering war broke out.

"My demon clan adheres to the fate of the world, and when the lord of the heaven is in charge of the prehistoric world, the witch clan does not practice the god channel method, but is abandoned by the way of heaven."

Di Jun smiled coldly, and Hetu Luoshu was sacrificed and turned into mountains and rivers of hundreds of millions of miles, shrouding all the ancestors and the nine phoenixes in front of him.

"Haha, brother is right, after today, there will be no more witches in Honghuang."

Donghuangtai laughed loudly, and kept ringing the Donghuang bell, and a powerful invisible ripple erupted. Those who touched it died, very powerful.

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