"Is this the congenital treasure of Empress Nuwa?"

Xuan Ming exclaimed, his tone full of disbelief.

Unexpectedly, the sage Nuwa, after all, is still inclined towards the war between the two lich clans.

"It won't let you succeed."

Hou Tu's pretty face was dignified, and his body radiated crystal clear light. The pulsation of the earth was outlined, and the source of the mother energy of all things turned into a yellow cloud, shrouding Jiufeng Dawu.

"Hmph, the demon clan is despicable, and the saint has no virtue."

Di Jiang roared angrily, ignoring the obstruction of Shanhe Shejitu, his figure was like a dream, and he came through the void.



The bell rang, and the golden bell, emitting a grand sound of the sky, came from the sky, blocking all the way.

"If you want to save people, ask me first!" Donghuang Taiyi said coldly, driving the Donghuang Bell to meet Dijiang who came to rescue.

At this moment, the second emperor of the demon clan, the first queen, displayed the strongest trump card, and must first kill the Jiufeng Great Witch, and cut off the possibility of them setting up a great formation of the twelve gods and demons.

When the other ancestors saw this, they all went crazy and rammed directly at the map of Shanhe Sheji.

However, the Holy Spirit Treasure is so easy to be broken, even if they do their best, they will at least take a breath.

One breath was enough for Di Jun to kill Jiufeng ten thousand times.

The peak of the great witch and the peak of the quasi-sage are not at the same level at all, and they can be easily destroyed with a wave of hands.


The big claws of the three-legged Golden Crow slammed hard on the yellow cloud transformed by the source of the mother energy of all things, and suddenly violent fluctuations broke out.

"Monster clan thief, you are really despicable." Jiufeng was so frightened that her face turned pale, and she immediately scolded.

If it weren't for the unparalleled defense of the back soil, I am afraid that she would be turned into flying ashes just now.

"Break it for me!" Di Jun snorted coldly and waved a golden light.

The next moment, the golden light gradually enlarged, and the Sanskrit sound burst, which was actually the treasure of the Western Spirit Mountain, the [-]th grade Karmic Fire Golden Lotus.

"The saint has lost his virtue!"

Seeing this scene, everyone in Wuzu 1.1 couldn't bear it any longer, and they all screamed in grief and anger.


Accompanied by a loud noise, the [-]th-grade Karmic Fire Golden Lotus smashed the yellow cloud into pieces, and the back soil suffered a backlash, and the whole person flew out.

"Death to me!"

Without Huang Yun's protection, Jiufeng hardly even resisted in front of Di Jun.

"The arrow of the setting sun was shot by Hou Yi. I will shoot it for another day today, so that my arrow can be enlightened!"

At this moment, a cold voice sounded from the end of the sky.

As the voice fell, everyone's expressions changed drastically, and they all turned to look at Di Jun, their eyes showing horror.

call out!

A stream of light flashed from the sky, and the next moment, it penetrated Di Jun's claws, and a dull loud sound erupted.

Chapter [-] Descendants of the Ancestral Witch! (Second more)

The sudden change caught people off guard.

too fast!

Emperor Jun is at the pinnacle of quasi-sage, and his cultivation is so powerful that he is almost invincible, but at this moment, he still cannot react.

When the voice sounded, he sensed a premonition of danger, but then, his body swayed, and the pain in his claws almost overturned the three-legged Golden Crow's real body.


Seeing this scene, Donghuang Taiyi and Xihe were all shocked.

Di Jun was actually injured?

And still getting wounded by an arrow, which is unbelievable, unbelievable.

You must know that the arrow is a long-range attack. For a great supernatural power of their level, if you don't get close, you can easily dodge it no matter how powerful your mana is.

But now...


Di Jun let out a miserable cry, and Jin Wu's real body suddenly shrank and turned into an indifferent young man. The palm of his hand was dripping with blood, and the palm of his hand penetrated a blood hole, which was very terrifying.

This was so shocking that even the ancestors were shocked.

The next moment, a huge wave was set off in their hearts, their eyes were dull, and they turned to look in the direction of the sky.

I saw a giant standing upright, holding a bow in his hand, carrying an arrow on his back, flying on the ground, striding towards here.

"Lord Wushen, Hou Yi is here to help you." Hou Yi's expression was stern and majestic, and he was not afraid of any demons to block him. With a big bow and nothingness pulling the string, the sound wave could shake a large area to death.

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