When the voice fell, the ancestors, the great witch of Hou Yi, and Jiufeng all stepped on the mysterious position, and the boundless chaotic atmosphere continued to emerge from between them.


The next moment, a scene like the beginning of chaos appeared. An indomitable giant stood up from the chaos, exuding a powerful breath.

Pangu's real body is infinitely huge, holding a chaotic galaxy in his hand, which is more powerful than imagined.

"Hou Yi Ancestor Witch?"

The ancestors also exclaimed, turning their heads in unison to look at Hou Yi, their eyes full of inconceivable.

Chapter [-] The only witch in the world! (third more)

The Great Array of Gods and Demons in the Twelve Capitals is the most powerful being in the Great Array of Innate Heaven.

The Ancestral Witch, which contains the blood of Pangu, is extremely powerful, and the formation formed by twelve people is almost invincible under the saints.

If it wasn't for the demon clan Donghuang Taiyi in charge of the Chaos Treasure, I'm afraid it would be difficult to resist.

In the first Lich War, the Wu clan could compete with the hundreds of millions of demon clans in the Heavenly Court just by relying on the Great Array of the Twelve Capitals.

If it wasn't for Gonggong's anger and the death of Zhou Shan's body, the outcome is still unknown.

Without two ancestral witches, the power of the Twelve Capitals Heavenly Gods and Demons Great Array is no longer in its heyday.


At this moment, the power contained in the great formation was faintly in its peak state. The power was so powerful that the surrounding space was shattered inch by inch.

"Houyi was instructed by the teacher and realized the arrow path in the Three Thousand Avenues. Although his own strength is not enough to break through the ancestors, the mysterious energy in his body has temporarily restored the peak power of the incomplete great formation."

Feeling the shocked gazes of everyone in the great formation, Hou Yi opened his bow and arrow and explained lightly.

Hearing this, Houtu's faces changed slightly, and their faces were incredible.

"You said you understood the way of arrows?"

Xuan Ming exclaimed in disbelief.

You must know that the primordial spirit of the Wu clan is deficient, and any method of divine passage cannot be comprehended.

Even if the hindu senses the opportunity of sanctification, it is still the causal relationship of Pangu at the beginning, and he is the only one who has received Pangu's karma among the ancestral witches.

However, Hou Yi was not. He was originally just an inconspicuous member of the Wu clan.

Unexpectedly, it is absolutely beyond everyone's imagination to be able to comprehend the divine passage method.

"I feel very familiar with the energy radiating out of your body." Houtu Dai frowned and was extremely puzzled.

But at this moment, the battle was imminent, and she couldn't recall it for a while.

"Never mind, since then Yi can revive the Great Array to this level, it's enough to deal with the mere monsters."

Shebi Zhe grinned loudly, stepped on dragons and snakes, and was very mighty.

The strongest of the twelve witch clans, stepping on various mysterious positions, interweave the power like the beginning of chaos.

The entire sky, in an instant, turned into a dazed chaos, and invisible power emanated from it, covering the entire prehistoric land.

Ten thousand spirits in the world felt the war chestnut from their souls, and could not help but crawl on the ground, trembling all over.

Five Village Views.

Zhen Yuanzi's face was ugly, his eyes fell in the direction of not wanting to fight, and his heart was bitter.

"Zhenwu misunderstood me. If the demon clan wins, I am afraid they will miss me. I must not let Di Jun and the others have a chance to survive."

At this moment, his heart was ruthless, and in his thoughts, he waved the Taoist temple into his sleeves, stepped on the auspicious clouds, and walked straight towards the center of the battlefield.

When the Lich War started, as a great supernatural power, Zhen Yuanzi knew that he had made a mistake.

That is to trust Li Zhenwu too much!

"Alas, the war between the two clans was originally a battle of luck, but now, because of Zhenwu's words, I have been infected with the biggest cause and effect." Zhen Yuanzi sighed, his face full of helplessness.

You know, the Lich War, although it is the embodiment of the calamity.

But if the two clans live in peace, they will delay the catastrophe until it suddenly erupts one day.

But because Li Zhenwu instructed Zhen Yuanzi to get the so-called chance, the final result was to directly ignite the fuse of the war.

Kuafu died, Hou Yi shot the sun, and fell on the nineth.

Countless causal links led to the Lich War, which broke out in a short period of time, and it was truly amazing to the extreme.

The demon clan has saints to help secretly. Similarly, at the beginning of the witch clan, they taught Hou Yi, Xitui picked spiritual fruits, etc...

All of this was the plan of Li Zhenwu and Zhen Yuanzi, which directly made Hou Yi become a super witch, the first person under the ancestor witch, and completed the great formation of the Twelve Capitals.

Of course, in fact, only Li Zhenwu was planning, and Zhen Yuanzi was at best an accomplice.

Because of this, Zhen Yuanzi, who was an accomplice, felt bitter in his heart, so he simply rolled up his sleeves and shot himself.

"If I don't do it, I will never stop. Since I have been infected with the biggest cause and effect, I want to avoid the world, but I can't do it."

Zhen Yuanzi desperately pushed his feet on the auspicious clouds, which turned into a stream of light in the sky, and disappeared at the end of the sky in an instant.

At the foot of Wudang Mountain, the place where the human race lived.

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