
I saw at the end of the earth, two innumerable Lich tribes, rushing towards here, the ground shook, and billowing dust rose into the sky.

"The background of the two lich clans, the human clan really can't be compared, the two clans who want to escape from the world alone, there are more than hundreds of thousands."

Beside Shennong, Ji Bo looked at the magnificent landscape in the distance and shook his head with emotion.

When other people heard it, they felt guilty, especially the belligerents, who felt reddened by their innocent words.

"It doesn't matter, no matter how many people they come, they only need to be placed near Wudang Mountain. As for the future, we will leave it to the end of the Lich War to make a decision!" Shennong said with deep eyes.

Now that the Holy Father Zhenwu is here, Shennong's courage is not comparable to others at all.

You must know that the Holy Father is the backer of the human race. As long as he is there, the human race will not decline. This is the firm belief in Shennong's heart.


Wudang Mountain, Zhenwu Dojo.

The three mirrors reflected in the sky reflected the images of the Lich War and the three major races of the Great Wilderness.

"It seems that I can't be idle anymore. You guys stay here and have a look. I'm going out for a while."

Li Zhenwu stood up, instructed Wu Xiao to say a few words, then stepped on the void, took one step, and disappeared in front of their eyes.

It wasn't until Li Zhenwu disappeared for a long time that Xiaohua and Xiaocao reacted.

"Is the young master going to participate in the war?"

"Didn't you say that the saint was secretly taking action to protect the future of the demon clan?"

"How brave the teacher is, even if you face a saint, you still deal with it calmly, that's the real powerhouse."

"Moo, the teacher is about to take action, let's quietly see what big things will happen."

"The saint is nothing more than that in front of the teacher."

The five little ones looked solemn, Xiaohua and Xiaocao, sitting beside them a fox, a monkey, and a little black cow, quietly looked at the picture of the sky.

Chapter [-] Chaos is the bow, starlight is the arrow!

In the center of the battlefield, a group of ancestral witches arranged a great formation of the twelve gods and demons, with mighty power, like the beginning of chaos, exuding a shocking atmosphere.

"People of the Wu clan, immediately withdraw for hundreds of millions of miles."

Xuan Ming's cold voice came out from the great formation.

Immediately, the witch who was fighting with the demon clan immediately turned around and ran, rushing towards Shayazi in the distance.

"Want to escape, chase!"

Seeing this, the Heavenly Army of the Monster Race was reluctant, driving the formation again and again, chasing it from the void.

Soon, in the distance between Buzhou Mountain and the Zuwu tribe, there was only the strongest of the two tribes, and they looked cold and stern, and they held each other from a distance.

The great array of gods and demons in the Twelve Capitals, powerful and powerful, isolates the sky, covering the sky and the sun, making the world pale.

Infinite chaotic aura emanated from the formation, covering all directions up and down.


Di Jun's face was indifferent and he shouted loudly.

As his voice fell, hundreds of big demons, holding the Star Dou flag, shook with a rumble.

The next moment, the chaotic starry sky appeared, the majestic star, high in the vast sky, the 887 scene was spectacular, which was simply shocking.


The Eastern Emperor Bell rang, sending out invisible ripples that resonated with the Star Dou Great Array, forming a terrifying power.


Donghuang Taiyi and Di Jun each guarded one side of the eye, made powerful shots, and were not afraid of each other.

Hundreds of big demons, with red eyes, followed the Quartet, waved their flags, and exuded infinite chaotic murderous intent.

The sky is full of stars, interweaving the scene of the chaotic starry sky, and the twelve gods and demons of the Wu clan collide violently.


The loud noise erupted, the whole world shook, and the vast land of hundreds of millions of miles was instantly razed to the ground.

A powerful shock wave swept all around, and all the two lich clans that were far from the edge of the battlefield turned into ashes in an instant before they could even scream.

"Master Wushen is so strong, we continue to step back, otherwise it will affect ourselves."

There was a great witch shouting, waving his hand and leading countless witch clans to go further.

"Hmph, keep chasing 1"

The army of monsters is very strong, and they are chasing after them.

They also thought that the witches were defeated, and the big demons used their means, with countless formations, to vigorously pursue.

"If the battle continues, I am afraid that the floods will be destroyed, and the cause and effect involved will be huge."

Kunpeng's wings were like clouds hanging from the sky, soaring straight up, he came to the outer sky, looking at the tragic state of the earth below, a bad premonition suddenly came out from the bottom of his heart.

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