Together with Hetu Luoshu and Xihe, they were all knocked out of the prehistoric world and entered the illusory chaotic starry sky.


The Donghuang Bell rang again and again, and the invisible Chaos Star Dou descended, defending around Donghuang Taiyi.

However, the Wu people had already killed their red eyes, attacked desperately, collided with the Star Dou Great Array, and fought until the sky was dark.


Under the violent attack, the Jiufeng Great Witch couldn't resist at first, the real body of the witch clan split open, and almost died.

Even Hou Yi's body was covered with cracks, unable to withstand the powerful backlash.

"younger sister!"

Qiangliang roared, his eyes were red as blood, he stepped on dragons and snakes, and his body was full of electric lights. He broke away from the great formation of gods and demons in an instant, and rushed to Donghuang Taiyi alone.

You must know that if you continue to maintain the formation, the damage you suffer will be distributed to everyone.

Only by disbanding the formation will Hou Yi and Jiufeng not fall.

"Break it for me!"

The demon clan's Zhou Tianxingdou Great Array, blessed by the Eastern Emperor Bell, is as solid as gold and does not move at all.

Qiangliang was fearless and rushed directly to the Star Dou Great Array, and his body suddenly burst out with the energy of destroying the sky and destroying the earth.

Zu Wu blew himself up!

In an instant, Zhou Tianxingdou couldn't bear it, all the big monsters died, and the formation was shattered.

Donghuang Taiyi was in a state of embarrassment, and was wrapped by Donghuang Bell so that he would not be injured.

"Damn you!" He yelled, turned into a Golden Crow, carried the Eastern Emperor Bell on his back, turned around and wanted to run away.

"Kill the second emperor of the demon clan, otherwise my witch clan will have no chance of rising!"

Di Jiang roared, and immediately woke everyone up.

You must know that at this moment, the Zuwu killed and injured three people, and the Twelve Capital Heavenly Gods and Demons Great Array could no longer be arranged.

If this ends, the demon clan has two emperors, and as long as they recuperate, they can rise again. For the witch clan, it is a catastrophic danger.

"For the future of the Wu clan, kill him!"

For a time, She Bi Shi took the lead and took the six ancestral witches to directly surround Dong Huang Taiyi.

Seeing this, Di Jiang's eyes were cold and stern, looking at Xuan Ming and Hou Tu who were seriously injured, he immediately waved his hand and tore apart the space.

"When you go to Wudang Mountain, I hope that Li Zhenwu will protect the future of the Wu clan."

Due to their abilities, Xuanming and Houtu had almost all the attack power endured by the great formation of gods and demons transferred to them, and they were powerless to fight at this moment.

In the blink of an eye, the two great Ancestral Witches disappeared into the cracks of space. Although they were unwilling, they could not control anything.

"You go too!"

Di Jiang turned his head, stared at Hou Yi and Jiufeng, tore apart the space again, and sent the two people with weak breath away from here.

The next moment, a riot broke out in this place.

"Di Jiang, leave this place to us, and you go after Di Jun and his wife."

The other ancestral witches shouted, and immediately separated into two teams, Shebi Shi and Di Jiang, who tore apart the space and chased out of the chaotic void, vowing to kill Di Jun.

After they left, they sneered, and a vast power burst out from within them.

"Taiyi, even if you shrink in the turtle shell, we will kill you here."

There was a determination on everyone's face.

The next moment, the six Ancestral Witches blew themselves up in unison, and the boundless power was concentrated on the Eastern Emperor Bell, and suddenly a shocking fluctuation broke out.

Chapter [-]: The Lich Is Destroyed, and Kunpeng Takes the Dao!

The six ancestor witches blew themselves up, shaking the world, and the entire chaotic void immediately set off an endless evil wind.

That majestic power can annihilate everything in the world, and under the saints, those who touch it die.

However, Donghuang Taiyi was not dead yet, hiding in the Chaos Bell, he escaped the catastrophe.

"Cough cough..."

Dong Huangtai's expression was gray and tattered, and even if he didn't die, he had reached his limit.

You know, with the chaotic treasure defense, he couldn't bear the madness of the ancestors, and he almost killed him in the Eastern Emperor Bell.

The explosive power infiltrated the Donghuang Bell invisibly, allowing Donghuang Taiyi to endure a trace of its power.

The power of the six ancestral witches' self-destruction was enough to destroy the Xiantian Great Array.

Donghuang Taiyi has not died yet, and his own strength is indeed strong.

"Oops, where are my brother and sister-in-law?"

Suddenly, his face changed drastically, and he turned to look into the depths of the chaotic starry sky.

But I couldn't see anything. I calculated the secret, but found that it was blurry, and it was impossible to determine the whereabouts of Di Jun.

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