Obviously, after the calamity comes, the saints can no longer calculate the secrets. twenty one


Suddenly, at the end of the sky, the demon master Kunpeng turned into a human figure, dressed in black robes, tattered, so miserable.


Kunpeng was in tears and was beaten by a group of great witches.

"Demon Master, can you see your brother?" Seeing that it was Kunpeng coming, Dong Huangtai's face was filled with joy, and he finally realized the feeling of the rest of his life after the catastrophe.

"I tell the Emperor, I have never seen it before!"

Kunpeng turned into a man in black robe and saluted respectfully.

Hearing this, Dong Huangtai flashed worry in his eyes, and finally sighed.

"Forget it, Zu Wu is almost dead and wounded. Let's go back to Heaven first and wait for my brother to come back before making a decision!"


Kunpeng bowed his head, a strange light flashed in his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, when Dong Huangtai just turned around, he suddenly made a violent move, and his powerful momentum was suppressed like a ten thousand zhang mountain.

For the rest of his life after the catastrophe, Donghuangtian was not strong enough to be at his peak, and he was suddenly concentrated by Kunpeng.

"You..." The body shook violently, and Dong Huangtai vomited blood and his eyes widened. He couldn't believe it, Kunpeng dared to attack him.

If he was at his peak, even ten Kunpeng would not be his opponents.

But at this moment, the oil was exhausted, and Kunpeng took the shot with all his strength, directly destroying his half-breath.

"Heavenly Emperor, you are fighting for the hegemony, but you regard our fellow monsters as ants. If you die, don't blame me."

Kunpeng opened his mouth coldly, with a crazy look in his eyes.

The next moment, he shot again and turned into Kunpeng's real body, with wings like clouds hanging from the sky, flapping frantically.


There was a continuous loud noise in this place.

In the end, Kunpeng was tired of fighting and stopped. At this time, Donghuang Taiyi, who was already dead, couldn't die any longer.

"Haha, the Chaos Clock will belong to me, Kunpeng." Kunpeng screamed in the sky, he has always preserved his strength, just for today.

After getting the Eastern Emperor Bell, he has the aura of looking down on the world, overlooking all living beings in the world.

"There is one more, when I get the Haitu Luoshu again, the position of the Emperor of Heaven will be at my fingertips."

With a cold smile, Kunpeng put away the Donghuang Bell, then turned around and flew towards the depths of the chaotic starry sky.


Ancestral Wu Di Jiang and She Bi Zhe traveled through the void, looking for Di Jun and his wife who were knocked away.

Emperor Jun is in charge of space, with extravagant corpses, tearing apart space, and taking one step, he flew out of countless galaxies.

The chaotic stars were collided by their ancestor Wu's real body, and they exploded immediately, bursting with dazzling brilliance.

I don't know how long it took, the two of Di Jiang, in the very depths of the chaotic starry sky, discovered the world of mountains, rivers and rivers that Hetu Luoshu had turned into, and immediately rushed over with murderous aura.

"Di Jun, your time of death is here today."

A dull sound like thunder was transmitted in the starry sky.

The voice fell!

Hetu Luoshu shook violently, and a shocking killing intent erupted.

Di Jun was very aggrieved. When he was hit by the Wu clan, he penetrated the space crack and flew into the depths of the starry sky.

He wanted to kill Jiang and go back immediately, but was pulled by Xi He, because Xi He was already on the brink of life and death.

"Master, don't fight for hegemony. For the sake of Shi'er, let's live well!"

With tears streaming down his face, Xi He lay in Di Jun's arms, trying to persuade him.

Hearing this, Di Jun also had tears in his eyes, grief came from it, and he couldn't help but sigh.

Just when he wanted to say something, there was a loud shout from far away from the chaotic starry sky, and he was immediately startled.

"The reckless man of the Wu clan, even dared to chase after you, this emperor killed you all."

Seeing the two of Di Jiang, Di Jun gave a loud cry, hugged Xi He, unfolded the Book of Charts and went straight to kill them.

Seeing this scene, Di Jiang and She Bishi were not surprised but delighted, and a flash of determination flashed in their eyes.

"Di Jun, accept your order!"

The two shouted at the same time, and the body of a million feet exuded energy fluctuations that destroyed the sky and the earth.

Even if they were too lazy to fight, Di Jun and She Bizhe also urged the blood of the ancestors to do the self-destruction.

At this time, Di Jun had already rushed to the front of 673, feeling a little bit, and immediately his face was bloodless with fright.

"You..." He exclaimed, trying to escape, but it was too late.

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