The Bone Spike Demon was furious, and the Thunder shot immediately and violently suppressed it.


Suddenly, the world shook.

The jasper gourd that was originally placed on the ground suddenly floated up and spun, and the mouth of the gourd was facing the bone spur monster.

Jasper gourd, bland, and there is no magic.

However, when he saw the mouth of the gourd, the bone spur demon felt that the breath of death instantly filled his body.


Almost instinctively, he swayed and retreated rapidly from the spot, the speed was extremely fast.

However, from the mouth of the gourd, a whiff of white fluff spewed out, like a mist, and disappeared in a flash.


The bone spur demon, with wide eyes, a huge body, slammed to the ground, with a blood hole on his forehead, and the dead can no longer die.

"Thank you father!"

The youngest Jin Wu kowtowed respectfully, then put away the gourd and hung it around his waist.

However, when he encountered this scene, he had no intention of going back to heaven to see him. He just glanced at it from a distance, and finally turned to leave, and disappeared into the heaven and earth.

As for when the youngest Jin Wu got there, the former enemy in heaven, countless creatures in the entire prehistoric world were looking for him.

However, no one could be found, as if disappeared from this world.


"The cycle of cause and effect is destiny. I don't need to take action this time. I hope you can understand what Di Jun said in the future."

Li Zhenwu stepped out from the place where the Bone Spur Monster fell, his eyes were deep, he looked at the back of the youngest Jin Wu, and muttered to himself lightly.

Immediately afterwards, he smiled and his figure blurred.

When he appeared again, he had come to a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters.

This place is rich in spiritual energy, high mountains and old forests, and there are not many tribes arranged around, including all three tribes of human beings, witches and witches.

In the center of many tribal arches, there is a simple Taoist temple, and the couplet next to the door shows the ease and freedom of the owner of the Taoist temple.

"The immortal mansion of immortality, the family of the same longevity as the sky!"

Li Zhenwu sang, and immediately laughed, and the figure had already appeared in front of the Taoist temple.


The moment he appeared, the door of the Taoist temple opened instantly, and Zhen Yuanzi turned into a gust of wind and flew out from inside.

"Friends of true martial arts, don't misunderstand the old way again."

Zhen Yuanzi is wearing a 547 Tai Chi Taoist robe, with long snow-white beard fluttering, immortal style, and a demeanor of a master.

However, his face was full of bitterness at the moment, looking at Li Zhenwu's eyes, he was a little more vigilant.

"Fellow Daoist Zhenyuan blamed me wrongly. I came here to make up for the chance of fellow Taoist!"

Li Zhenwu raised the corner of his mouth with a faint smile.

Unexpectedly, Zhen Yuanzi, who has always been at ease and relaxed, would show this attitude, obviously he was really forced.

At first, because Zhen Yuanzi trusted Li Zhenwu, he forged a chance with Hou Yi, which turned out to be the scourge of the Lich War.

He never imagined that this son of Zhenwu was so daring that he would dare to take that chance from the calamity of heaven and earth.

This is undoubtedly equivalent to taking chestnuts out of fire.

"Why didn't the daoist say that the opportunity came so long?" Zhen Yuanzi's face was ugly, but he didn't immediately believe what he said.

Li Zhenwu smiled lightly and said, "It's coming now."

Hearing this, Zhen Yuanzi almost laughed angrily, thinking that this guy can't make friends, he's just fooling the old man.


The thought has not yet fallen, and I can only see the sky, thousands of golden rays of light, like a waterfall, pouring down from nine days away.

Merit golden light?

Chapter [-] Give you a chance!

The golden glow obscures the sky. This is auspicious air. It is hazy transpiring in the sky.

When the golden light of merit appeared again, the shattered prehistoric land was shaken again.


The sky roared, heading towards Zhen Yuanzi in front of the Wuzhuang Temple, shrouded straight down.

At this moment, Zhen Yuanzi was stunned, the whole person was in a sluggish state, and the merits were added to his body. He only felt countless auras flashed through his mind, and the true meaning of the avenue was gushing out like spring water.

It is no exaggeration to say that his state at this time is comparable to that of a saint.

The Dao, which used to be obscure in the past, now thinks for a little while, and then the idea becomes clear, as if seeing an avenue of azure clouds leading directly to the throne of the saint.

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