However, this feeling only lasted for a while, and as the golden light of merit disappeared, it returned to normal.

"This is... my cultivation level has skyrocketed again." Zhen Yuanzi felt the change in his body slightly, and he was surprised and happy, with a complex expression on his face.

Seeing this, Li Zhenwu smiled faintly: "Is there any gain?"

"Yes, but the gap is endless."

Hearing Li Zhenwu's words, Zhen Yuanzi shook his head, naturally knowing what Li Zhenwu asked, a trace of loss flashed in his heart.

The happy thing is that the cultivation base that has been stagnant for many years has skyrocketed again, and the strength has increased by at least [-]%.

Surprisingly, the stronger the cultivation base, the more unfathomable the saint feels.

At this moment, even if you are standing on a high mountain, the sky is still hopeless and unreachable.

"It doesn't matter, if you can grasp the opportunity well, it may not be possible to achieve something in the future." Li Zhenwu said.

"Friends of true martial arts are joking."

Zhenyuanzi smiled bitterly, thinking that it was a holy position, not a Chinese cabbage, and all the spirits in the world were fighting for it.

Even if you are robbed of the opportunity, and you are not lucky enough, it is still someone else's wedding dress.

At the beginning, his friend Hongyun was like this. He got the Hongmeng Purple Qi from Zixiao Palace, but in the end, he ended up dying.

Li Zhenwu just smiled and didn't say much. When the time comes, whether he can get it or not depends on his personal choice.

No matter how deep the blessing is, if it shrinks and is sent to the holy position in front of you, it is impossible to get it.

"The war between the two lich clans is over. I don't know about Daoist Zhenyuan, but do you want to continue to obtain that supreme opportunity?" Li Zhenwu said with a half-smile but not a smile.

Zhen Yuanzi's heart throbbed, the first time, not a promise, but a balance between the two, the consequences of this remark.

After experiencing the Lich War, he was frightened. Even if the golden light of merit and virtue fell from the sky, he could not heal his fragile heart.

"In this time of great desolation and peace, there will be no more hegemony in the world, so what other opportunities can there be!"

Zhen Yuanzi was very cautious. He wanted to know the details inside and out, but did not agree immediately.

"Don't worry, there won't be any cause and effect this time. If there is, it's the cause that all the souls of the prehistoric must bear your cause." Li Zhenwu snapped his fingers and said calmly.

Hearing this, Zhen Yuanzi was moved, but Li Zhenwu waved his hand and turned to leave.

"When the opportunity comes, if you can grasp it, in the future, fellow Daoist Zhenyuan will definitely thank me."

Li Zhenwu's temperament was dusty, and the faint voice came from a distance.

The voice fell, and the person had disappeared.

Zhen Yuanzi was stunned for a moment, looking at the direction in which Li Zhenwu disappeared, he couldn't help shaking his head with a wry smile.


On the bank of the East China Sea, Wudang Mountain.


Li Zhenwu stepped out of the void with a faint smile on his lips, and looked towards the Zhenwu Dojo below.

I saw the originally peaceful Wudang Mountain, because most of the two lich clans came, and there were even people who fled after the war.

They already had a bloody feud. When they met at the moment, they immediately started fighting, almost destroying the habitat of the human race. The two ancestors, Houtu and Xuanming, wanted to take action to suppress the demon clan, but they were worried about Li Zhenwu, so they endured it. No shot.

The second emperor of the demon clan had already died. At this moment, the lich confronted each other, and the demon clan suddenly fell into a disadvantage.

"Haha, little demon clan, today I will see where you are fleeing." You Dawu is extremely powerful, transforming into a huge body like a mountain, looking down at the group of demons below with cold eyes.

A small part of these demon clans came here to escape from the world, but more of them came here to seek shelter after the Lich War and the death of the second demon clan emperor.

At this moment, headed by several great witches, leading the tens of thousands of witch tribes to surround all these monster tribes.

As for the two ancestral witches in Houtu and the great witches such as Hou Yi, they didn't make a move, they just stood by and watched indifferently.

"Elder Shennong, you once said that those who come here are all sheltered by the human race, but that counts?"

The several big demons headed by the demon clan were sweating coldly, looking at the dark man of the human clan standing in front of them, their hearts were extremely uneasy.

When the Wu clan wanted to kill these demon clan, Shennong made a strong move and blocked the attacks of several great witches.

However, when the Wu clan saw the demon clan, the hatred in their hearts broke through the sky and was on the verge of losing control.

"Elder Shennong, we don't mean to offend, but these evildoers should be killed."

A great witch looked down coldly, with a powerful aura, like a mountain and a mountain, powerfully oppressed.

You must know that although the Wu clan suffered heavy losses, there are still ancestors, so their confidence seems to be more sufficient.

Shen Nong's face was calm, ignoring the great witch, and turning to look at Xuanming Ancestral Witch: "Is this the way your Witch Clan behaves?"

The tone is very flat, the eyes are deep, and there is no wavering.

Feeling Shennong's gaze, Xuanming and Houtu suddenly felt a familiar feeling.

Li Zhenwu!

Yes, Shennong's indifference to humiliation made them wake up. This is Li Zhenwu's territory.

"The elder's words are serious. It's just that my son-in-law has a deep hatred for the people of the demon clan." Xuan Ming said lightly.

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