"Elder Shennong, don't worry, we will not take action." Hou Tu also said.

With the sound of the two people's voices, the fierce arrogance of the Wu people suddenly went out.

"If you are lucky, if you meet them outside, you will kill Er and others." Those great witches snorted coldly, and then turned into human bodies again.

At this time, Li Zhenwu just landed at the Zhenwu Dojo. He looked at Shennong with surprise, full of admiration.

This child is not in the pool!

Chapter [-] No more witches after earth! (Second more)

There are at least [-] Lich clans gathered together, and there are considerable hidden dangers for the entire human race.

Not to mention the existence of the two ancestor witches, Houtu and Xuanming, which made many high-level human races feel alarmed.

"Elder Shennong's move is too risky."

"If the lich makes trouble, it will be a disaster for us!"

"Without the Holy Father, there is no one who can suppress the strong of the two races."

The high-ranking human race stood on the periphery with nervous expressions, and they all became alert.

Xuanyuan Zai clenched his fists, clenched his teeth, and his eyes showed a look of firmness. The power of the great demon and the great witch of the two clans was a blow to his heart.

You must know that he has only practiced under Li Zhenwu's sect for decades.

I thought I was the second strongest in the human race, but now I still feel a sense of powerlessness in the face of the fierce witch and the demon with the monstrous flames.

However, this place is Wudang Mountain, and even the two powerful Lich clans do not dare to be strong.

"It's all here!"

At this time, Li Zhenwu spoke lightly, took a step, and came to Shennong's side.

The sudden change made everyone in the Zhenwu Dojo stunned for a moment.

The next moment, the two imposing Lich clans immediately stepped back and returned to the clan's camp.

As for the demon clan, they all looked apprehensive and felt guilty. After all, they had never dealt with Li Zhenwu, but from all kinds of rumors in Honghuang, they knew that this person could fight against the saint.

This alone is enough to shock all spirits in the world.

On the Wu clan's side, it was more casual. They respectfully saluted the feet of Lord Zhenwu.

"Zhenwu." Hou Tu nodded, his pretty face was holy, with a hint of worry.

Xuan Ming was dressed in black and nodded coldly. She knew that since Li Zhenwu appeared, something must have happened.

Sure enough, Li Zhenwu told everyone to disperse, Haosheng instructed Shennong to settle the two clans well, and then invited Houtu and Xuanming to gather at the thatched cottage.

The three of them sat on the futon, facing each other.

"I already know your purpose, but unfortunately, the vitality of the witch clan is not with me."

Li Zhenwu spoke lightly and did not hide it.

Because the flood is still on the verge of collapse, many mountains and rivers are scattered into the depths of the chaotic starry sky, and they will never come back.

But there are still most areas, although life has been charred, but it has not disappeared.

Countless cracks that are hundreds of millions of miles across, crisscrossed, isolated the originally integrated prehistoric land into countless areas.

In these areas, if the creatures want to go out, they can only pass through the areas full of chaos and space cracks.

As for the two clans of the Lich to stay, it is a problem.

You must know that the Heavenly Dao has fallen for a thousand calamities, and they are fighting against themselves, and their strength is no longer the eleven in its heyday.

And the result of the war was too tragic, causing everyone to die of the hegemony.

"Houtu understands that it's just the clan's departure and stay, but it's impossible to figure it out." Houtu looked sad and sighed.

"Friend Zhenwu Daoist, my sister has already told me everything, I know you are a person with great ability, can you tell me one or two?" Xuan Ming asked.

Hearing the words of the two, Li Zhenwu smiled faintly, and the void pointed out, and a picture suddenly appeared between the three.

In the picture, the land of the Great Desolation is in a state of disrepair, which was caused by the war between the two Lich clans.

"Integrate the prehistoric world, and restore all living beings to a universe." Li Zhenwu said.

As soon as these words came out, Hou Tu fell into a sluggishness, and even Xuan Ming's expression was a little ugly.

I do not know how long it has been.

Hou Tucai said slowly: "If this is the case, then give up the body of the ancestral witch, and I will also do it."

While speaking, she stood up, wearing a plain dress, elegant and refined.

"Since then the earth already knows, then I have nothing to say."

Li Zhenwu stood up, his eyes were clear, staring at the woman in front of him, without the slightest wave.

Immediately afterwards, the three of them came out of the thatched hut and walked straight to the edge of the largest crack in the prehistoric wilderness.

Chaos is overflowing there, and ordinary beings touch it, almost dying.

Only the great supernatural powers can use the divine passage method to cross the past.

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