Because they have no choice, and only by letting Houtu carry out that mission, can the Wu clan have a future.

Otherwise, it won't be long before the remaining Wu clan will die under catastrophe and become a stepping stone for all souls.

Li Zhenwu came out of the thatched hut, and his body was in the air, sitting on a plate in the void, overlooking the human settlement below.

At this time, at the foot of Wudang Mountain, it is divided into three residential areas, forming a 3.0 present triangle, which encloses Wudang Mountain.

The human race has Shennong as its leader, and has been recuperating and growing.

Not long after sheltering the two lich races, the development of the human race almost showed an explosive development, and the number of births of the population was unmatched by other races.

I don't know how long it took, when Li Zhenwu woke up from his practice.

"You guys are very patient!"

He looked up at the sky with a faint smile on his lips.

What the saints thought, they had already known in their hearts that the Houtu obtained the Primordial Violet Qi, in their eyes, it was just a waste.

In fact, there are saints who think, but it is to let the back land be preserved for the time being.

When they make a move, they will definitely be aggressive and leave no leeway.

Chapter [-] The Emperor Fuxi (Third)

Prehistoric people do not know the years, but for ordinary people, life is only a hundred years.

But for the great supernatural powers, a retreat, or a practice, a hundred years will pass by.

Hundreds of years after the Lich War, the prosperity of the human race has completely become the master of the flood.

The prehistoric wilderness is infinite, but the human race occupies seven or eight out of ten. Near every famous mountain and lake, there will be human races living here.

The two Lich tribes that survived the war, some powerful ones, occupied famous mountains and established themselves as kings.

The human race adheres to the fate of heaven and earth. In the face of these insignificant existences like ants, most of the strong people ignore them, and even occasionally use Enbud, which is respected by the human race as living gods.

There are strong witches who occupy famous mountains, they are called mountain gods, and there are monsters who occupy rivers, they are called river gods.

No matter what the name is, they dare not drive out the human race.

But the human race is a kind of delicious food to all the prehistoric spirits. If they are not slaughtered, they will do everything possible to make them voluntarily become their own food.

So, there were people ferrying boats, and then the wind and waves were created out of thin air. If you want to calm the wind and waves, you have to sacrifice your life.

"Everything is in motion. The weak have the way of survival for the weak, and the strong also have the way of survival for the strong. As long as it doesn't hurt the foundation of the human race, it's fine."

On Wudang Mountain, under Li Zhenwu's thought, all things in the wild are within his grasp.

He didn't try to stop him, he didn't experience the tempering of blood and fire, how could he become the master of the whole world in the future.

However, for hundreds of years, the number of human races who were born, aged, sick, and died has gradually increased.

"Houtu hasn't fully understood that Hongmeng Purple Qi. Even if I tell her clearly, I'm afraid I don't know what to do."

Li Zhenwu sighed, but he was not in a hurry. After all, the number of human races was gradually increasing, and it was already dozens of times as much as before.

The current population is considered to be blooming everywhere in the prehistoric world.

On the other hand, Xuanyuan and Shennong's differences in philosophies were not slowed down by his existence.

"The two of you should have this catastrophe, and the different ways are not conspiracy, and no one can stop it." Li Zhenwu's eyes fell in the temple, and he whispered to himself.

If he used majesty to suppress the thoughts of the two, it would be feasible, but it would have a great impact on the future cultivation of Shennong and Xuanyuan.

"Huh? This is..."

Suddenly, Li Zhenwu's eyes narrowed slightly, and he landed on a family on the edge of the Holy Land of the Human Race.

That was one of the tribes. In addition to worshipping the Holy Father and the Mother of God, they also worshiped a person, and that was Fuxi.

At the beginning of the end of the human race, there was a great cause and effect for the human race to survive, because Fuxi couldn't bear it in his heart, and he spoke out and pointed out a way to survive.

But also because of this, when the Lich War came, Fuxi did not participate in the war, but he was also entangled in karma, and eventually he left.


Suddenly, the red glow erupted, covering the whole world, as if being burned by flames, emitting a crimson color.

This kind of vision is not surprising in the great land, and many people don't take it seriously.

However, the moment the vision disappeared, the cry of a baby's baby was also transmitted from the edge of the Holy Land.

"Fuxi, be the emperor!"

Seeing this scene, Li Zhenwu raised a faint smile at the corner of his mouth, then raised his hand and pointed it out in that direction.

He found that it was equally interesting to watch the historical progress of the human race.

"Well, since you reincarnated into a human race without the help of reincarnation, it seems that Nuwa still feels bad for you." Li Zhenwu smiled faintly, and then shot a ripple, which went straight into the newly born Fuxi.

Of course, he didn't have any malicious intentions, he just made Fuxi's future path easier.

But for the former demon god, Li Zhenwu's move was just the icing on the cake. After all, the future Fuxi also inherited the cause and effect of the previous demon god and became the supreme human being, the emperor of the three emperors.

The resident stone house was surrounded by people at the moment, and their eyes all fell on the baby Fuxi.

It wasn't until there was a commotion outside the door that everyone's attention shifted.

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