"Elder Shennong!"

"Elder Shennong!"

When you see someone coming, no matter who is in the house, they all salute respectfully.

Shen Nong has dark skin and bright eyes. He has been the leader of the human race for many years, and his temperament has become more and more calm.

However, at this moment, his face was full of excitement, and he quickly lined up the crowd and went straight to the newborn baby.

Babies have fair skin with a shimmering luster, like jade, carving out a perfect work of art.

"Sure enough, it seems that my human race will be prosperous soon." Shennong laughed, bowed slightly, and bowed to the baby.

Hearing Shennong's laughter, everyone around was puzzled, wondering if the elders were interested in this child's aptitude and wanted to accept him as a disciple?

As soon as he thought of this, the baby's father immediately said respectfully: "Elder Shennong, but the dog has a relationship with the elder? If this is the case, it should also contribute to the human race 327."

You must know that being accepted as a disciple by Shennong is almost a step up in the sky, and his future achievements are limitless.

Everyone looked at the baby's father with envy in their eyes.

However, Shennong shook his head firmly and said solemnly: "Shennong, what virtue and ability, can make Fu... this son become a servant? I think in the world, only saints have this qualification."

As his voice fell, the stone house was dead silent.

In this regard, Shennong did not explain, but asked: "Can you name it?"

"No, I beg the Great Elder to give me a name!"

Even the mother of the baby is full of anticipation, because it is a great honor for them to get the care of the Great Elder.

"Since you have always missed the original Fuxi God, then give him the name Fuxi, and hope that he can inherit Fuxi's will and shake the land again."

The firm voice echoed in the stone house, and everyone who listened was full of blood.

You must know that for those who enjoy the karma of Fuxi's demon god, when Fuxi disperses the Tao on his own, he can feel it in his heart, so he worships it.

Unexpectedly, the first elder had such great expectations for this baby.

Chapter [-]: Dinghe Tuluoshu Universe!

Fuxi was born into a human race. He was intelligent and talented like a demon since childhood.

Before he was ten years old, he was already ranked in the temple of the human race and became one of the high-level people in the human race.

He is unparalleled, and often has fantastic ideas. For the clan, he has a great education.

It is no exaggeration to say that in just over ten years, Fuxi's contribution to the human race has been comparable to that of Shennong.

And this effect caused all the human tribes to think that he would be the heir of Shennong.

"Fuxi is not here, the human race is still too tender."

On Wudang Mountain, Li Zhenwu shook his head secretly, and continued refining Hetu Luoshu in his body.

This thing was originally owned by Di Jun, and with the help of Hetu Luoshu and Di Jun's strong physique, he was firmly seated as the number one expert in the heavenly court, and was as famous as Dong Huangtai.

You must know that Donghuang Taiyi has an accompanying Chaos Supreme Treasure Donghuang Bell, and Di Jun can compare it with it, which is enough to prove its power.

"Hetu Luoshu claims to be a small world, but unfortunately it is not stable enough. If it is refined properly, it may not be inferior to Laozi's Taijitu."

Li Zhenwu smiled lightly, urging the power of true martial arts to evolve the earth, fire, water, wind, and the universe of Luoshu of Dinghe Map.

The power of true martial arts is infinitely inclusive, and it has great miraculous effects on any spiritual treasure and energy.

No, the four kinds of local fire, water and wind catalyzed the power of the prehistoric world, poured into the Hetu Luoshu, the original formation world, will become more stable and powerful.

When Li Zhenwu studied too much when he got this thing, he first came to this world and felt the magic in it.

Now that it is refined, it is quite handy.

However, Hetu Luoshu is an innate spiritual treasure after all, and it took Li Zhenwu hundreds of years to refine it perfectly.


He flicked his wrist, and there was a hazy spiritual object in his palm, illusory like a dream, as if there was no entity.

It is the Hetu Luoshu that has been refined and refined!

Today's Hetu Luoshu was originally a volume and a book, but now it has been integrated into a picture scroll, and when it is unfolded, it can evolve into a small world on its own.

The small world is different from the past, vast and boundless, like a flooded world reflected in the lake, and the quality has been improved by many times.

"My original strength of true martial arts is already strong enough. Now, with the fusion of Hunyuan merit and virtue, I am afraid it is not much worse than that of a saint."

You must know that the merits and virtues of Hunyuan can only be obtained when Pangu opened the sky.

Just one act of Primordial Merit can make all the Three Purities transformed by Primordial Spirit become saints. It is conceivable how miraculous it is.

That is Li Zhenwu, the Hunyuan merit obtained is only a little weaker than Pangu.

"Fate is impermanent. If I can help, I will try my best to do it. As for the result, it is up to you."

Li Zhenwu turned his head, his eyes fell on the thatched hut, he suddenly raised his hand and threw Hetu Luoshu over.

Hetu Luoshu, turned into invisible energy, silently, submerged into the back soil of the Temple of Time, without the slightest fluctuation.

After doing all this, Li Zhenwu stood up, looked up at the sky, his eyes were as deep as pitch black.

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