After the land floated up, he sat cross-legged beside Jiuyou, his expression was quiet and comfortable, without the slightest sadness, some, just great fraternity.

When she appeared, countless human souls swarmed and surrounded her.

The soul is illusory, stern and cold, and does not like the sun, but it has a natural sense of intimacy when it comes to the land.

"You'll have a good place to go."

Looking at the spirits around him, Houtu spoke softly with a holy smile on his face.

Chapter [-] The Back Earth is Holy! (third more)

When I came to the Jiuyou land, how to act, Houtu didn't know.

She comprehended Hongmeng Purple Qi and finally felt something, so she came here.

At this moment, I saw illusory souls floating around, densely packed and surrounded.

But it is very strange that these mindless, seemingly illusory souls do not dare to go all the way, and only stay three feet away.

"It's been so many years, and I'll continue to enlighten here, it's not bad - at any time."

Hou Tu sighed lightly, and then ignored it, Mei closed her eyes tightly, and held onto the Violet Qi of Hongmeng, now that she was enlightened and refined.

The Jiuyou Land Realm is the most yin and dirty land, after all, it is the gloomy treasure land that gave birth to the Jiuyou Blood Sea.

For most supernatural powers, the breath and energy of this place will make people feel uncomfortable, but for those who practice the sinful way, it is a holy place for cultivation.

In the filthy land, almost everything that cannot be exposed to the great land can be found here.


Nine Serenity Sea of ​​Blood, Soul Town Hall!

Hearing the arrival of Houtu, Styx was ecstatic, the whole person was sluggish, and felt like a dream.

"She got the opportunity to be sanctified, and now she comes to my Nine Serenity Realm, and Heaven will take care of me?" He said to himself, he was about to go crazy.

You know, with the arrival of Houtu, he felt a sense of it.

At such a close distance, he actually felt the existence of that primordial purple qi.

What does this represent?

For the great supernatural beings, I am afraid it is their own chance.

Not only Ming He had this idea, but Zhen Yuanzi of Wuzhuang Temple was also ecstatic, trembling all over, and couldn't help himself.

"I sensed that Hongmeng Purple Qi is somewhere, and it seems that the teacher is still favoring me."

Zhen Yuanzi's lips trembled, and he took out the book tremblingly, and when he thought about it, he hung it above his head and began to deduce the secret.

With the help of the innate spirit root ginseng fruit tree and the innate spirit treasure book, I quickly learned some cause and effect.


Putting away the book, Zhen Yuanzi snorted coldly, his face full of disdain.

"I didn't expect that Hongmeng Purple Qi was actually obtained by a Wu clan, but the Wu clan did not cultivate Yuanshen, and it was useless to obtain it."

After getting these causes and effects, Zhen Yuanzi calmed down: "It's just, I didn't expect that Houtu would reach the Jiuyou realm. Could such an invaluable Hongmeng Purple Qi fall into Ming He's hands?"

As soon as he thought of this, his heart became urgent.

You know, even if it came out at the beginning, there were seven saints under Hongjun's sect, and now the last saint is about to come out, and it must fall on him and Ming He.

As for the back ground?

What a joke, that is the Wu clan, and if you don't cultivate your primordial spirit, it is naturally impossible to become a saint.

Even if you hold the Hongmeng Purple Qi, you probably won't be able to comprehend anything.

This is the prehistoric world, the thoughts of all the great magical powers, even the saints.

But only Houtu herself knew that she could not only sense the secrets of Hongmeng Purple Qi, but also sense her own mission.

"How did you do it?" Although he sensed the mission, he was also drawn to this place by his mind.

But Houtu still doesn't understand, how can I accomplish that mission even though I do it?

You must know that everyone's sanctification process is different, and even saints can't guess, only Hongjun, as the teacher of saints, can see one or two.

The former leader of the Three Purities, Lao Tzu, was the only one who beheaded three corpses with Hong Jun and became a saint.

Others are more or less meritorious, and they have not changed much.

Just like the sermon in a dream, after becoming a saint, you can also use the method of big dreams to participate in the heavenly secret day and night.

Just as Hou Tu was thinking hard, there were more and more souls around her, occupying almost the entire Nine Serenity Realm.

"The teacher once said that the back land is the back land, but what is the back land?"

Watching the souls gather more and more, Houtu became anxious at the bottom of his heart.

Integrating the broken prehistoric wilderness, she took off the body of the ancestral witch. Although her strength is still the same, she always feels a little bit worse.

"Forget it, sitting still here won't help, it's better to go for a walk in the Great Wilderness, it can be considered to relieve the boredom."

In the end, Hou Tu sighed, then stood up, took one step, and came to the great land.

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