At this time of the flood, the atmosphere of primitive and tribal fusion, where the human race lived, can see obvious traces.

"The earth carries all things in the world, no matter whether everything is withered or prosperous, it will bloom here!"

Looking at the magnificent appearance of Honghuang, Houtu suddenly felt blessed and moved.


As her voice fell, the world shook.

Outside the sky, auspicious and colorful, colorful clouds and mists emerged from all over the place, and the sound of the avenues sounded, filling the prehistoric places.

"It turns out that I am the back soil, and bear the withered glory of all things!"

It was at this moment that Houtu's pretty face turned and looked towards Wudang Mountain, her beautiful eyes filled with mist, and her heart was full of reluctance.

Luckily, she already knew what she should do.


The lonely sigh resounded through the heavens and the earth, and Houtu turned around and returned to the Jiuyou world.

Seeing countless souls gathered here, surrounded by him, looking both respectful and fearful, could not help but feel sad.


The entire Jiuyou land vibrated, as if the sky was collapsing and the earth cracked, and countless chaotic auras surged from the sky.

Next to the Jiuyou Land Realm is a void space, and suddenly a world emerges.

Houtulian stepped forward and walked into the illusory world, looking sad and reluctant to give up.

"Anita Buddha, the Holy Land is the most holy, responsible for hundreds of millions of living beings in the prehistoric wilderness, touching my Buddha, the Land of Ultimate Bliss, and I would like to open the door for you."

A Buddha's name is passed on!

Immediately afterwards, the Buddha's light bloomed in the west, countless Buddhist kingdoms reflected the vastness of the world, Bodhi gave birth to incense, and lotus flowers fell.

"The back land is holy!"

In Wanxian Square, the sect master of Tongtian stood up, his face was cold, and he was full of admiration in his heart.

Even Lao Tzu of Dousi Palace in Shouyang Mountain and Yuanshi Tianzun of Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountain woke up from the retreat.

"The back land is holy!"

Everyone sighed in admiration from the bottom of their hearts, and then disappeared in place, heading for the Jiuyou land.

Chapter [-] Saint Robber!

Wuzhuang View, under the ginseng fruit tree.

When a vision occurred in the prehistoric land, Zhen Yuanzi spat out a mouthful of blood, his face flushed, and he was ashamed and angry.

"How can the people of the Witch Clan become holy?" He screamed in the sky, full of grief and anger.

It never occurred to me that Houtu could refine Hongmeng Purple Qi, and looking at it, he already had an opportunity to be sanctified.

If nothing else, when the prehistoric vision disappears, it will be the moment of sanctification.

At this time, it is impossible to cut off the beard.

I wanted to endure for a while, bring the secret to come, and then do the thing that seized the opportunity, but now, obviously there is no chance.

"No, there are seven saints under the teacher's sect, and they should definitely not be Houtu."

Zhen Yuanzi gritted his teeth, feeling uneasy, and wanted to make a final fight.

"One seventy three" shouted!

The book from the ground was thrown out, fluttering in the wind, exuding a misty yellow cloud, instantly submerging into the earth, and heading straight for the Jiuyou land.

Nine Serenity Sea of ​​Blood, Soul Town Hall!


Ming He spurted out a mouthful of blood essence, his face turned pale, and he cried out.

Unexpectedly, the ancestors of the ancestors could also comprehend the opportunity for sanctification. This is definitely an unprecedented event, and it reveals a strange taste.


The next moment, Styx suddenly woke up and screamed in the sky: "After the Lich War hundreds of years ago, she resolutely took off her ancestral witch body in order to integrate the broken prehistoric world. Is that because of this?"

When I think about this, I am even more disappointed!

In the dark, as if everything is fixed, people can't react at all.

Back then, when Hou Tu took off his ancestral witch body, he was probably preparing for today, and let Ming He and Zhen Yuanzi still fantasize that the opportunity for sanctification was his own.

Thinking of this, Ming He became even more worried and sad: "What does she want to do in my Nine Serenity Realm?"

Heaven and earth are shaking, and the Jiuyou Earth Realm is the first to bear the brunt. In the empty space next to it, six reincarnations are faintly transformed, just like the main root of the world tree, linking countless worlds.


The majestic chaotic aura emerged from all over the flood, and the whole world seemed to be undergoing drastic changes.

However, this kind of change cannot be seen clearly, but in the hearts of the prehistoric spirits, it is a real change, and it is strange and inexplicable.

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