"The three realms of heaven, earth and man, the demon clan has fallen, and now the realm is formed. It seems that in the near future, the heaven will reappear."

Houtu's eyes were blurred and melodious. Looking at Li Zhenwu who was fighting, his pretty face showed a hint of relief.

The Hongmeng Purple Qi, unknowingly, gradually dimmed in her hand, like a wisp of smoke that would dissipate at any time.

When this wisp of smoke dissipated, that is, when the underworld was established and the six paths were operating.


The loud noise continued, six huge openings, deep and dark, burst out with a powerful force, covering all spirits in the world.

That is the cycle of six paths, and the creatures who enter it will be reincarnated into other identities according to their own merits.


At the entrance to the sea of ​​​​blood, Zhu Rong's Twelve Capital Heavenly Primordial Formation, twelve soul-devouring flags, hunting and hunting, the flagpole trembled, and almost flew away.

"The Houtu girl is ready to be sanctified, and the task given to me by the teacher can be considered completed."

Zhu Rong's body was dark, and he couldn't see the expression on his face, but his star-like eyes flashed with fiery light.

The soul-devouring banner has swallowed countless souls. At this moment, there are six attraction. Those souls want to leave the banner so that they can enter that reincarnation.

However, Zhu Rong suppressed it strongly and prevented those souls from coming out.

Because between the six reincarnations, a world-shaking war broke out, and the void there was annihilated. If the soul went out, it would definitely be wiped out by the aftermath of the shock.


Nine Serenity Sea of ​​Blood, Soul Town Hall!

When the six paths appeared, Styx was shocked beyond measure, and the whole person froze in place.

"There is Shura, and the chance that Zhenwu said is probably in Houtu."

At this moment, he finally understood why Houtu had stopped him from transforming the human soul.

The Shura people are not wild creatures, they can survive in the sea of ​​blood, but they will gradually weaken when they leave the sea of ​​blood.

Even if Lust Tian, ​​who was sent out by Ming He, arrived in the wild land, his realm fell not long after, and he was almost eaten by fierce beasts.

If Li Zhenwu hadn't appeared in time and brought Lu Yutian to Wudang Mountain to evolve a blood pool, he would have perished long ago.

As for the mission that Ming He gave, after Li Zhenwu rescued Lust, they knew that they had failed. This man was not something they could compete with at this level.

This is also the time Ming He has been obediently staying in the sea of ​​​​blood, and dare not make it public.


The loud noise shook the world again.

In front of Samsara, next to Jiuyou, chaos emerged, turned into earth, wind, fire and water, bursting with powerful power.

"Li Zhenwu, you really want to get along with me." Taishang Laojun was embarrassed, his nose was blue and his face was swollen, and his feet jumped with anger.

"No, it's just that you can't live with the world." Li Zhenwu said lightly, still very strong, a pair of iron fists, comparable to the treasure of chaos, fearless.

Of course, he wasn't feeling well either, he had already taken dozens of fairy beans.

The prestige of the saints is still the enemy of the three saints level, and he is also the supreme old gentleman who is the head of the saints. He is instantly powerful.

If it is not for the infinite breakthrough to the Super Saiyan God, I am afraid it will be difficult to persist until now.

"Anita Buddha, I have to admit, Li Zhenwu, although you are an alien, you can already be compared with our saints, but Houtu has affection for you, do you have the heart to watch her incarnate in the six realms and disappear into this world from now on? ?"

Reception is worthy of being sanctified in a dream, with sharp and sharp words to the extreme.

When the others heard it, they all had strange eyes and swept back and forth between Houtu and Li Zhenwu.

"Li Zhenwu, you have always regarded yourself with great love, but now, you have lost your way." Yuan Tianzun sneered.

"Yes, the so-called great love seems to be purely aimed at the human race." Zhun Ti was expressionless and said lightly.

They were very uncomfortable in the Zhuxian Sword Formation, and they were all in a state of embarrassment.

"Friends of true martial arts, don't listen to their gossip and confuse the public, and keep your heart, that's the right way."

Tongtian sect master shouted loudly, broke out with unparalleled fighting intent, and shot harder, interrupting the speech of the three, causing the two Western Saints and Yuanshi Tianzun to swear angrily.

There is no way, he has the way of true martial arts, so that the power of this array has been upgraded to a level, and it is unparalleled.

"Li Zhenwu, as a prehistoric alien, apart from the human race, are you just a ruthless person, so what is the difference between you and our saints?" Taishang Laojun asked loudly.

The voice fell!

With a whistle, countless clones disappeared instantly.

In the field, there was only Li Zhenwu alone, his blue shirt was fluttering and his body was straight, like a divine sword unsheathed, and his crimson arrogance illuminated the sky.

His eyes were indifferent, as deep as the chaotic starry sky, his lips slightly opened, and he said, "Cause and effect catastrophe, that is the nature of heaven, and since it is nature, what does it have to do with me?"

"What Zhenwu said is right. The body of the back earth is transformed into the six realms. That is to supplement the way of heaven. Sacrificing one person from the back earth is better than the annihilation of all spirits in the wild."

Houtumei's eyes radiated brilliance, and the crisp voice was transmitted, and it was extremely firm.

It's just that her heart is bitter and full of loss!

Chapter [-]: The merits of the Styx River, complete the six paths! (third more)

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