
The Hongmeng Purple Qi that Hou Tusu held tightly in her hand turned into nothingness, and the true meaning of countless avenues poured into her mind.

At this moment, the prehistoric world was gloomy, dark clouds were low, thunder and lightning flashed, and the wind was raging.

All the creatures in Honghuang looked up and looked up at the sky. Countless auspicious signs gushed out, and the colorful rays of light were projected from the dark clouds, reflecting two extreme visions.

All the people in the world sensed that someone was being sanctified, and they couldn't help but feel an uproar.

Inside the Five Villages.

"It is a pity that the latter land is sanctified, but it is a saint who cannot exist in the world. I don't know how long it will take for the next opportunity to be sanctified if I miss it this time."

Zhen Yuanzi's face was full of regret, but at the same time, he was also grateful.

Unlike the selfishness of the saints, when the reincarnation of the six realms appeared, he knew that it was an opportunity for sanctification that belonged to the later land, and could benefit all souls.

If he was robbed, a person with great powers like him would probably not be able to live for long.

After all, there are deficiencies in heaven, and the prehistoric world always needs someone to make up for it. It is shameful that Houtu can be so selfless.

Even Styx in the Nine Nether Sea of ​​Blood was shocked and filled with gratitude.

"The land is the most holy, and I am ashamed of waiting."

He sighed in the sky and completely lost his heart to fight for the opportunity of sanctification.

The six realms of reincarnation appeared, and the other five realms gradually materialized, but only one of them was still extremely illusory.

That is the way of Shura, it is the Shura people created by Ming He, only they can fill the six ways and make reincarnation run completely.

"You all come here."

As soon as he thought of this, Ming He was stunned and summoned all the Shura people.

If things go on like this, even living in the sea of ​​​​blood is not a solution. Only by entering the Asura Dao can these creatures truly thrive.


In addition to Lust, the two emperors of the Shura clan led the mighty clansmen into the Hall of Soul Rescue.

Ming He sat on the head, holding Yuan Tu and his nose with two Innate Killing Spirit Swords, his eyes swept across the crowd.

After so many years of development, the Shura Clan is not as strong as it was at the beginning, and every clan's face is full of confusion.

The sea of ​​blood is a filthy place, which can accommodate these new races, but it is still incomplete after all.

And those are the normal reproduction of the race.

Only by entering the Asura Dao in the reincarnation of the six realms can it be completely liberated and become a race that can reproduce and thrive on its own.

In the Soul Town Hall, there was silence. All the Shura tribes raised their heads and respectfully looked at the ancestor Ming He.

"You have followed me for a long time, so you should also know your own shortcomings, right?" Ming He's eyes fell on the second emperor of the Shura clan, and he said lightly.

Da Brahma's heart was shocked, and he quickly said respectfully: "I dare not forget the re-creation of the ancestors, even if I can't escape from the sea of ​​blood, I will not have the slightest complaint."

"You are a brand new creature. Because you were transformed with the soul of the human race, you have unlimited potential in the future. It is just because you are entangled in the sea of ​​blood, you cannot get real liberation."

Ming He said lightly, his face solemn: "Now, I have seen your future, Patriarch, so, do you want to be free?"

As the voice fell, the entire Soul Town Hall was dead silent.

Everyone couldn't hide the joy in their eyes, but they didn't dare to say anything on their faces, and they all fell silent.

They didn't dare to say anything, you must know that entering the six realms means leaving the sea of ​​blood from now on. Although they wished at that time, they didn't dare to say anything in front of Ming He.

Seeing the concerns in everyone's heart, Ming He snorted coldly, "I originally wanted to help Houtu, so that the Six Paths of Reincarnation can be completely run. Since you don't talk about it, then let it go."

After he finished speaking, his anger seemed not to subside, he waved his sleeves, turned around and walked straight, wanting to disappear into the sea of ​​blood.

"Ancestor wait." Da Brahma immediately became anxious when he saw this: "It is our honor to be able to accompany the ancestors, but the clan cannot thrive, and in the future, there will be a day of self-destruction."

"Yes, we are reluctant to part with our ancestors, and we don't want our ancestors' hard work on the Shura tribe to be buried like this."

Everyone was talking about it, and their hearts were really struggling.

Hearing this, Styx raised a smile on the corner of his mouth, thinking to himself, one day, Styx, I will be able to walk with the saint indirectly.

As soon as he thought of this, he turned around and his eyes were very deep: "It's okay, the Six Paths are right next to the sea of ​​blood. When the reincarnation is stabilized, among you, those with a high level of cultivation will be able to transcend the Six Paths and enter the prehistoric world again."

The voice fell, and the hall of the soul shook.

Everyone's eyes widened, they couldn't believe everything they heard.

You know, at the beginning, they thought that leaving was equivalent to saying goodbye, but at this moment, they gave all the Asuras a big surprise.

"Since that's the case, I hope the ancestors will complete my clan!"

With a bang, all the Shura tribesmen knelt down and shouted in unison, with great momentum.

"Haha, then I will send you one more time, Old Ancestor!"

When Ming He saw this, he screamed in the sky, waved his hands violently, and sacrificed two innate spirit swords.

Bloody patterns spread out from the bottom of the sea, outlining a mighty formation.

The Nine Serenity Sea of ​​Blood formation, with Yuantu Abi as the twin formation eyes, erupted with astonishing fluctuations.

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