
The next moment, there was a loud noise, and there was no space, and a gorgeous scene like fireworks was lit up.

"Baby Tongtian, this battle is not enough."

In the chaotic atmosphere, the original Heavenly Venerate is extremely powerful, stepping out, the holy prestige is like a vast ocean, mighty.

However, his clothes were tattered, and his golden clothes and jade crown could not be seen for a long time.

"Anita Buddha!" ​​Jie Yin and Zhunti rushed out side by side, with kind eyes and kind eyes, and came before the six realms of reincarnation.

When the Immortal Execution Sword Formation broke open, Tongtian also woke up, and when he learned the cause and effect of the previous talent, he was so angry that the Qikong made smoke.

"The generation of thieves, with me through the sky here, you can't take any further steps." He was so embarrassed that he carried the Four Swords of Zhuxian on his back, carried the Qingping Sword, and stood in front of the crowd.

"Tongtian Taoist friend, thank you for this time."

Li Zhenwu smiled faintly, stepped forward and stood side by side with Tongtian, facing the Four Great Saints with no fear on his face.

The two saints in the West, the second of the three sages, of course, the Taishang Laojun once clarified the three sages, which is equivalent to adding two more saints out of thin air. In this way, it is equal to the six saints.

In the face of such a gorgeous lineup, in the whole flood, there is no second one to be found.

Although Tongtian is powerful, it has not yet reached the level of defying the sky. Now facing the Taishang Laojun and others, he also feels a lot of pressure.

"Nvwa please help me!"

At this moment, Li Zhenwu smiled faintly, took out a hydrangea from his sleeve robe, and threw it gently towards the sky.


The next moment, 823, the hydrangea disappeared in the blink of an eye, auspicious clouds fell from the sky, cranes and phoenixes were flying, and the bright red flowers were falling, colorful and beautiful.

"The incarnation of the back land has great cause and effect for all the people in the world, but the actions of a few senior brothers are hurting the harmony of the heavens."

Nu Wa fluttered in white clothes, came barefoot, and stepped on auspicious clouds, coming out of the dust like an exiled fairy.

When she came to the void space, she said hello to the saints, and then took a step and came to Li Zhenwu's side.

This scene made the eyes of the gods feel strange, but they didn't know what went wrong.

"Junior sister, why is this time? Walking with the wild aliens is in vain as a saint." The original Tianzun was extremely angry and said coldly.

"Fart, what kind of saints are you? The teacher once said that saints are life-stealers under the way of heaven. That is to say, we are just stealing the luck of the people to maintain our own aloofness."

Tongtian sect master is hot-tempered, full of anger, and outspoken.

"Dare to ask you, what you did this time was to watch the fall of Houtu?"

The atmosphere in the field was very dignified, Taishang Laojun smiled and said lightly.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was quiet, and everyone's eyes fell on Li Zhenwu.

Chapter [-] Zhenwu takes action! (Second more)

After the earth becomes sanctified and the body is transformed into the six realms, it is the time of fall.

No one can change, not even saints have ever thought of changing.

The only thing the saints want to do is to capture the fruit of the Dao, the purple qi of the monarchy, or the merits of opening up the six realms.

These things are easy for saints.

But the only thing I haven't thought about is to change the fate of Houtu, because that is the cause and effect of the Tao of Heaven, and even the Tao of Heaven itself cannot be changed, let alone a saint.

Hongmeng Purple Qi was robbed, and merit was robbed, and as a result, the Six Paths of Reincarnation could not be formed.

When all sentient beings are unable to reincarnate, and there are deficiencies in the way of heaven, a certain amount of kalpas will naturally descend. What is the relationship between these and the saints, anyway, those who should be kalpas are all geniuses.

But if you want to change the fate of Houtu, the saints dare not do it. After all, it is against the way of heaven and will be punished by the way of heaven.

Feeling the eyes of everyone, Li Zhenwu was calm and unhurried, and even with his keen senses, he could clearly feel that there was a pair of eyes behind him, which contained great sadness.

It seemed like he was waiting for him to say something.

However, Li Zhenwu was silent, his eyes were indifferent, and there was no turbulence in what Taishang Laojun said.

Seeing this scene, the Four Sages on the opposite side sneered again and again.

"It seems that the true martial daoist is just deceiving the world." Yuan Tianzun's face was full of arrogance, and his eyes contained a sense of ridicule.

"Anituo Buddha, what Zhenwu has done this way is a great love for the people of the world, worthy of our admiration." Jie Yin said lightly, but his tone was full of contempt.

Zhunti and Taishang Laojun raised the corners of their mouths, and their silence towards Li Zhenwu was extremely contemptuous.

The eyes of the four saints, let alone Li Zhenwu, were connected to Tian and Nuwa, and they were almost unbearable, it was too embarrassing.

Li Zhenwu was still so calm, which was beyond everyone's expectations.

"Don't you have anything to say?" Taishang Laojun asked, pointing directly to his heart.

Their actions this time did not want Li Zhenwu to have a better time, and no matter what the result was, it would damage his heart.

"nothing to say."

The light voice, without a trace of waves, seemed very ruthless.

As soon as the Heavenly Sect Master and Nuwa heard it, they both felt indifferent and a little overwhelmed.

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