You must know that Li Zhenwu is not a saint, but he is so ruthless towards the back soil that he has communicated with, which makes people a little uncomfortable.

In the illusory world of reincarnation of the six realms, Houtu's face is full of holiness, and there is a trace of loneliness in his heart.


Her lips parted slightly, and she said goodbye silently, her eyes fell on the back of the blue shirt, and tears rolled down unconsciously.


The void space oscillated, and the world within the six reincarnations underwent drastic changes.

The originally illusory world is gradually condensing at this moment, countless mountains and rivers emerge in it, and the palace group is rolling.

That world still has blue sky and white clouds, but the aura inside is similar to the Nine Serenity Sea of ​​Blood, so eerie to the extreme.

A huge bridge, linking the worlds, is very spectacular, like a bridge spanning two worlds, full of huge momentum.

"Hmph, Houtu is about to die, you Li Zhenwu are ruthless, but I can't be unjust." The original Tianzun looked cold and disregarded at all.

As the voice fell, the four saints took the lead, six figures, stepping on the mysterious position, rushed to the past.

They want to break through the obstruction of Li Zhenwu and the three of them, enter the cycle of six realms, and snatch the Dao fruit of the back soil.

"Wait a minute!"

The sect master of Tongtian screamed in the sky, and the four swords of Zhuxian he carried on his back, unsheathed, and transformed into a world of supreme killing.

The Immortal Execution Sword was formed, blocking the way, so that Taishang Laojun and others had to enter the Immortal Execution Sword Formation again.

Seeing this, Nu Wa also entered the formation and joined forces with Tongtian to block the attack of the Four Saints.

In the field, only Li Zhenwu remained indifferent, with his hands on his back, standing on the spot, motionless.

No matter how fierce the battle in the Immortal Execution Sword Formation was, he did not react at all, but turned around and looked at the holy woman in the illusory world.

In the illusory world, Houtu's pretty face is holy, and a hazy brilliance emerges from his body, which then becomes the nutrients of the six worlds, making it more concise and becoming a real existence.

"True martial arts!"

Feeling the gaze of the youth in the green shirt, Houtu Zhu's lips slightly opened, and he spoke lightly.

Tone, but indescribable loneliness!

The corner of Li Zhenwu's mouth raised a faint smile, his eyes brightened, and he was still silent, but a warm smile appeared on his face.

The two were separated by two worlds and looked at each other in silence.

That warm smile made Houtu's lonely mood a little better.

"You won't die!"

I don't know how long it took, Li Zhenwu spoke lightly, raised his hand and pointed to the void.


The space vibrated violently, and invisible ripples spread in all directions.

The sudden change made all the saints in the Immortal Execution Sword Formation stunned for a moment, especially when they heard Li Zhenwu's words, a strange emotion arose in their hearts.

"Come on!"

Immediately afterwards, Li Zhenwu spoke again.

There was no space, the earth, wind, fire and water emerged, the chaotic atmosphere was torn apart, and a rumbling sound broke out.

At the entrance of the Nine Serenity Sea of ​​Blood, a giant standing in the sky, majestic, breaking through the chaotic atmosphere, came to Li Zhenwu forcefully.


Zhu Rong is a million feet tall, with a dark body, with red lines on the surface, like lava flowing.

Twelve dark soul-devouring flags were carried behind them, exuding inexplicable fluctuations, like the center of the entire chaos, full of incomparably powerful momentum.

Li Zhenwu nodded, his eyes raised slightly, and he looked at the people in the Immortal Execution Sword Formation, and suddenly opened his mouth with a sound like thunder.

"Didn't you just ask me, why do you want to watch Houtu fall?"

While speaking, he raised his hand again and tapped towards the void, and the invisible ripples spread out again.

"The six paths of reincarnation are the karma left over from the time when Pangu opened the sky. If the land inherits these great causes and effects, it is natural to complete the heavenly path and realize the opportunity for sanctification of the six paths of reincarnation."

The faint voice echoed endlessly in the arena. When everyone looked at Li Zhenwu's expression, they suddenly felt a horrific feeling in their hearts.

Chapter [-] Lingbao blocks the house! (third more)

Li Zhenwu explained at a critical moment, and his indifferent attitude made all the saints feel strange.

Especially the Second Saint of the West who had dealt with him, his face throbbed suddenly, and his eyes had a strong sense of alertness.

You know, from the beginning to the end, Li Zhenwu didn't move at all from the beginning of Houtu incarnation of the Six Paths.

At this moment, the Hunyuan Great Array to suppress the entrance to the sea of ​​​​blood was summoned. These strange behaviors shocked all the saints.

What is he doing?

This is the thought in the minds of the saints.

After all, the Six Paths of the Later Earth is imminent, and all the saints dare not intervene. The Taishang Laojun has given up on the purple qi, and he can only take the next step.

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