The faint voice continued to pass, still calm.

"Six paths of reincarnation must be perfected, and you cannot be destroyed."

Li Zhenwu said with a faint smile: "But the back soil will definitely not fall, so what are you fighting for?"

The voice fell, and the vigilance in the hearts of the saints became more intense.

"Anita Buddha, Houtu is my junior sister, so naturally I can't watch her fall. Only if you don't accept the merits and virtues, can you go against the sky."

680 received a frown, his hands clasped together, the Buddha country behind him, golden light, and the Sanskrit sound burst through the heavens and the earth.

"That's right, the fall of the Houtu is destiny. I'm going against the sky like this, which is exactly the same as your goal, so why stop it?"

With the sound of the two people's voices, the original Tianzun and Taishang Laojun were rarely silent.

Because even they felt that the Second Saint of the West was too shameless.

The black and white are reversed, obviously they want to snatch the merits and virtues, but this time they say that they want to be good for the future. Western religions are indeed the ancestors who open their eyes and talk nonsense.

Li Zhenwu naturally understood what the saints were thinking, but he didn't want to pay attention.

It's just that some things have to be explained, and the effect will be better.

"Houtu inherits Pangu Kaitian karma, because it was originally the body of the ancestral witch and was transformed by the blood of Pangu, but now, she has taken off the body of the ancestral witch, and Kaitian karma is naturally not with her."

When these words fell, the Immortal Execution Sword Formation became quiet.

There is no space, there is a dead silence, the saints are stunned, only six huge mouths, the rumbling sound seems to devour the world.

Feeling the incredible gaze of the saints, Li Zhenwu smiled lightly and continued: "As for why he can still become a saint, it is naturally because the Taoist ancestor once said that there should be seven saints under his sect."

The faint voice is like a breeze blowing, but when it falls in the ears of the saints, it is like a stormy sea.

"Impossible, since Kaitian karma is not on the back soil, what is the formation of the six realms of reincarnation?" Taishang Laojun roared, pointing his crutches into the illusory world, his face full of disbelief.

You know, nothing is more convincing than the scene in front of you.

If the back earth does not need to fall, what is the land of the six reincarnations condensing?

After all, if Samsara wants to be stable, the world in which it exists must be similar to the Great Desolation, otherwise, with the power of the Six Paths, it would have collapsed long ago.

Everyone understands this truth, but Li Zhenwu's words made everyone feel incredible.

Li Zhenwu shook his head and laughed, staring at the expressions of Taishang Laojun and the others, a hint of sympathy flashed in his eyes.


At this time, the Tongtian Sect Master removed the Immortal Execution Sword Formation, the heaven and earth returned to clarity, and the figures of the saints also appeared.

"True Martial Dao friendly means, even the sky has been deceived." Tongtian sect master said with emotion.

"The way of true martial arts is truly miraculous. With this method, Sister Houtu will not have to fall." Nuwa's jade hand raised lightly and put away the Lingbao Hydrangea.

All the saints are not stupid, but very shrewd. Li Zhenwu's words are almost understandable.

It's just that the bottom of my heart is unwilling, or I can't believe it, because it's so incredible, even they can't imagine being saints.

"It's not that my methods are magical, it's just that the way of heaven is like this, but I can't go against the sky." Li Zhenwu said with a faint smile.

As his voice fell, Zhu Rong, a giant of one million feet beside him, swayed suddenly and turned into a three-meter man.

"Okay, you go back first!"

Li Zhenwu opened his mouth lightly, tore the void with both hands, threw Zhu Rong and two flags into it, and sent them back to Wudang Mountain.

Ten dark soul-devouring flags whistled in the wind and squeaked.

Seeing this scene, the saints were shocked.

"Show me!"

Immediately afterwards, Li Zhenwu shouted loudly, the sound waves rolled, and his eyes looked in the direction of the six reincarnations.


The world shook, and under the shocked eyes of the saints, a book and a volume appeared in Houtu's body, emitting a misty brilliance, and slowly suspended.

The formation of the boundary, the misty brilliance, is the nutrient that makes this world condense, and at this moment, it will be integrated into it.


When Taishang Laojun saw this, he exclaimed and lost his voice.

In the field, there was a continuous sound of gasping for breath.

Not only the two Western Saints, but also the Heavenly Sect Master and the Empress Nuwa felt incredible.

You must know that Hetu Luoshu is a congenital spiritual treasure, derived from a defensive formation, which is a world of its own, and can reverse the yin and yang universe.

But now...

"This is not Hetu Luoshu, an innate spiritual treasure, and it is absolutely impossible to derive a real world." Yuanshi Tianzun was shocked.

Unless it is the treasure of chaos, even the ten innate spiritual treasures cannot do it.

Although the underworld is a world of its own and cannot be compared with the prehistoric world, it is a world that stabilizes the reincarnation of the six realms, and it is not comparable to a simple spiritual treasure.

"That is Hetu Luoshu, but after I refine it, the inner world, derived from the wind, fire and water, is no different from the real world."

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