After that, there were many witch tribes, all willing to follow to the underworld.

They are incarnated as bull-headed and horse-faced, ghosts and ghosts, and maintain the rotation of the six realms of reincarnation.

"Judge Kuafu, it's time to return!"

Li Zhenwu spoke lightly, and the book of life and death and the judge's pen in his hand flew in immediately.

Both are treasures of the underworld. Kuafu has a great chance, and it is the source of the Lich War. You should enjoy two treasures.

Of course, the only real treasure in the underworld is the six-path reincarnation. It was born from heaven and earth, and it is the real magic weapon of heaven.

"The future of the Wu clan, it turns out that here, I finally understand what Zhenwu did in the first place."

Looking at the deserted underworld, with the arrival of countless witches, it gradually became lively, and Hou Tu's face showed a touch of relief.

You know, this is still the beginning.

Only when the local government is fully functioning and the souls of hundreds of millions of dead souls in the world arrive, can it be considered a real prosperity.

And the saints can only watch and do nothing.

"It's weird, it's intercepting the luck of my Western religion."

Jie Yin's face was ugly, his eyes fell on the underworld, and the Buddha nature in his heart almost exploded.

"Forget it, it's irreparable now." Zhunti sighed, his mind moved slightly.

Since then, the underworld has been included in the calculations of the two Western Saints.

There is no sect here, and for the saints, it is a place to compete for luck, but after the battle just now, they have no thoughts now.

The realm of the underworld is gradually revolving, disappearing into nothingness, as if it will disappear at any time.


The back soil took a step forward and went straight to Li Zhenwu's side. Her plain dress and her lotus steps moved slightly, a little more holy and loving.

Just as he was about to say something, he suddenly heard a sharp questioning voice.

"Haha, Li Zhenwu, you are really clever, and as a saint, you have to admire it!"

Taishang Laojun looked like a madman, his face was purple, and his whole body was trembling: "Unfortunately, you still can't count, the teacher is the way of heaven, he doesn't care about cause and effect, but the rules of heaven's way cannot be reversed!"

As the voice fell, in the originally empty space, countless thunder and lightning emerged, and the vision was terrifying.

Chapter [-]: Open Heaven Cause and Effect!Fall here!

This is?

The vision was suddenly born, the hearts of the saints were shocked, and the eyes were full of horror.

You must know that the lightning is not natural lightning, but is the result of catastrophe. Even if the saint is hit, I am afraid that a layer of skin will be peeled off.

At this moment, a void space suddenly appeared, and combined with what Taishang Laojun just said, everyone's hearts were shaken.

"Senior Brother, what do you mean?" Primordial Tianzun looked at the colorful thunder and lightning that filled the void space, his hands and feet were stiff, and just feeling the fluctuations caused the saints to breed fear.

Even the Western Second Saints were full of curiosity and turned to look at Taishang Laojun.

You must know that the six realms have been opened, and the underworld has also been established. Logically, this time the calculation should all come to an end.

But looking at the thunder tribulation in the sky now, it seems to be just the opposite, which is really confusing.

I saw Taishang Laojun, his emotions had already recovered, he was leisurely and smiling while stroking his beard.

"The transformation of the back body into the six realms is the cause and effect of opening the sky. Even if there is a spiritual treasure to stop the disaster, this cause and effect cannot be changed. This time, Li Zhenwu is going against the sky and triggering the law of the heavenly way, so he will naturally be punished accordingly."

Hearing this, the saints had different expressions, and they all turned to look at Li Zhenwu with a sneer in their eyes.

The Tongtian Sect Master and Nuwa Houtu and the others were full of worry. Even a saint could not bear such punishment.

You must know that the sage's primordial spirit is sustenance in the void, immortal and immortal, even if the thunder calamity comes, the cultivation base will be damaged at most.

But what about Li Zhenwu?

He is not a saint, and now he is remembered by the laws of heaven, and his life and death are unpredictable.

Of course, in the eyes of the Taishang Laojun and the Western Second Saint, there must be death but not life. After all, the power of the thunder tribulation, even they can feel the breath of death.

"What Zhenwu does, it all arises from the back soil, and to accept the punishment of heaven, it should also come from the back earth."

Houtu had a sad face, looked up at the chaotic void, his snow-white neck, with a cold determination.

"Nuwa acted recklessly and reversed the laws of heaven, and she should also be punished." Nuwa took one step and stood side by side with Houtu.

They feel the power of thunder tribulation, and you will be knocked down to the dust if you want to reach the sky.

Only the body of a saint can bear it, but the result is a heavy loss.

Although the way of true martial arts is peculiar and even magical, under the thunder of the law of heaven, except for the saints, everything will turn into ashes.

Tongtian Sect Master's face was throbbing, his eyes were complicated, and he finally sighed.

"This is my accompanying magic weapon, and it is one-third of the Chaos Qinglian. I hope to be able to resist the catastrophe for the true martial arts friends."

Hearing this, the Western Second Sage was shocked, and the Taishang Laojun was furious, almost mad with hatred.

The original Tianzun even scolded: "Tongtian child, replace this servant with Qingping sword to be punished, that is not to implicate me and other instruments, you are just wishful thinking."

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