While speaking, he was about to take another shot, wishing to suppress Tongtian here.

After all, Chaos Qinglian gave birth to three things, which were the things of the original Three Purities, and even the two Western Saints had them.

If the Qingping sword is attacked by divine punishment this time, the cause and effect of the chaotic Qinglian will affect everyone's instruments, which is unbearable for all saints.

If Tongtian replaced it with the Four Swords of Zhuxian, everyone would be happy to see it succeed.

Li Zhenwu grinned, raised his hand to stop Nuwa and the three of them, and said lightly, "It's okay, Zhenwu alone can bear the punishment of the laws of heaven."

"I also want to experience what the Law of Heaven is so special about."

The words fell, Li Zhenwu's arrogance skyrocketed, and the violent fighting spirit shook the world.

This scene fell in the eyes of the saints, and they were shocked in their hearts.

In the face of divine punishment, even the saints could not calm down, but Li Zhenwu, instead, gave birth to endless fighting spirit, what kind of courage is this?

After this battle, if Li Zhenwu hadn't died, he would have allowed the saints to re-examine this young man.


Houtu wanted to dissuade him, but Li Zhenwu waved his hand and stepped out, taking his steps calmly.

"All kinds of cause and effect, blessing this body, in the future, I should be able to go further."

The faint voice was passed out, full of aura that looked down on the world.


It seems to feel Li Zhenwu's provocation, in the void space, the thunder sea riots, the colorful thunder, contains the atmosphere of destruction...

"Haha, who am I, Li Zhenwu? He is an alien species, the sky is hard to destroy, and the earth is hard to bury."

Li Zhenwu laughed wildly, and when he moved, he plunged into the sea of ​​thunder.

The next moment, the entire sea of ​​thunder swelled, and a supreme aura of destruction erupted.


The loud noise shook, the sky thundered, and it crashed down, annihilating all matter.

Li Zhenwu's figure is thin, standing under the sea of ​​thunder, without fear, but with awe-inspiring fighting spirit, full of invincibility.

"Get out of here!"

The fist shone with golden light, dazzling and dazzling. Compared with the thunder in the sky, it was as dazzling as a chaotic sun star.

The next moment, Li Zhenwu did not retreat but advanced, stepping on the void and raising his fist to meet him.


The two collided, shaking the sky and shaking the earth, and the entire prehistoric world was shaking.

Countless creatures, thinking that Honghuang was robbed again, were all scared to the ground.

In the void space, the faces of the saints changed drastically, and the explosive power was so terrifying that they all felt the pressure.


The thunder struck like a sea, but Li Zhenwu's body was like a rock, motionless, extremely brutal, and bombarded out with his fists.

This place is rioting!

The thunder smashed open and turned into bright fireworks, reflecting the gloomy expressions on the faces of the saints.

"It's so powerful. If I came to meet the robbery, I would never be able to do it so calmly."

Tongtian sect master spoke with difficulty, and the four swords of Zhuxian he was carrying were suppressed by the terrifying heavenly might.

"This way of true martial arts, since it is an alien, nothing will happen." Houtu Zhu's lips were clear, and his tone was extremely firm.

Beneath the sea of ​​thunder, the picture is so magnificent that even a saint may not be able to see it for a lifetime.

If they succeed in capturing Dao Fruit, although they will also suffer from heavenly punishment, at that time, their strength will be doubled, so they will naturally have no fear.

But Li Zhenwu, but not a saint, can fight back against the punishment so strongly, which naturally hit their minds.

"Ding! Create eternal peace for the human race, and reward five hundred Hunyuan Dao merits!"

The cold voice resounded in his mind, causing Li Zhenwu, who suffered the thunder calamity, to have a smile on his face.

Chapter [-] The Vietnam War is getting stronger! (Second more)

"Ding! Blessed all beings, create six reincarnations, and reward five hundred Hunyuan Dao merits!"

"Ding! Act against the sky..."



As Li Zhenwu blasted away the first wave of thunder, the icy voice kept ringing in his mind.

From the planning of the Lich War at the beginning, to the calculation of saints, to help the sanctification of the land, the opening of the six reincarnations, and so on.

It's almost endless. At the moment when the dust hits the ground, there is a complete reward.

The merits of Hunyuan Avenue were added to the body, and it was immediately melted by the power of true martial arts.

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