Li Zhenwu clenched his fists tightly, and his body was surrounded by multicolored thunder, feeling the power in his body, he couldn't help screaming in the sky.


The crimson arrogance, like a sea of ​​blood, was extremely thick, and instantly rose again.

At this moment, he is invincible, his body is improved, like a supreme sword, a violent fighting spirit permeates, and he wants to fight against the sky.

"Senior brother, why do I feel that Li Zhenwu seems to be getting stronger at this moment?"

Yuanshi Tianzun, who was 21 in the distance, turned to look at Taishang Laojun beside him, and asked with a puzzled face.

If Li Zhenwu just now gave the impression that he was a vast ocean, then now, it is the entire center of chaos, mighty and full of infinite power.

The crimson arrogance skyrocketed, giving the originally thin figure an illusion of opening up the world.

Taishang Laojun's face throbbed, the corners of his eyes jumped a few times, he pondered for a moment, and then said: "It's not a feeling, this fellow has really become stronger, beyond common sense."

The sound was not loud, but the Second Western Saint next to him could hear it clearly.

"Anita Buddha, could it be that this son, if he is not sanctified, can he break through again?" Jie Yin frowned, this time, it was really sad.

"It's hard to say, after all, it's a wild and alien species, and it's not necessarily a matter of any change." Zhunti's face was very ugly, and he squeezed the hand of the Seven Treasures Miaoshu without consciously exerting force.

You must know that if the punishment of the heavens cannot kill them, then the heavens will be hard to destroy, the earth will be hard to bury, and the saints will have nothing to do.

"I don't think so. Although this son is getting stronger and stronger, under heaven, even our saints can't resist. If we don't become holy, we can't go against the sky after all." Taishang Laojun said with a solemn face and a very solemn tone.

"That's good, let's see how long he can bear it." Yuanshi Tianzun said.

At this moment, Eastern Taoism and Western Buddhism are all looking forward to Li Zhenwu being punished and killed by heaven.

Otherwise, Li Zhenwu, as the Holy Father, will form an irreversible obstacle to the spread of their sect.

After all, the Holy Mother and the Holy Father have deeply penetrated into the hearts of everyone in the human race, and it cannot be changed in a short period of time.

"Humph! The way of true martial arts can evolve into the three thousand avenues, I think you don't expect it, you should plan earlier, put down your posture and apologize."

Hearing the discussion of the Four Saints, Tongtian Sect Master snorted coldly, his tone full of ridicule.

However, the bottom of his heart was not as calm as he appeared on the surface, and he was extremely nervous. After all, it was a thunderbolt from heaven, and the saint would have to peel off a layer of skin to bear it.

"Nuwa, as the Virgin of the Human Race, will naturally teach all living beings to distinguish right from wrong." Nuwa asked coldly.

As soon as this statement came out, it made the Western Second Sage and Taishang Laojun feel embarrassed.

They looked at Lei Haixia's figure without squinting, but thought in their hearts that after Li Zhenwu was executed, they would go to the Wa Palace in person.

"Zhenwu will be fine. Since he has done it, he must have figured it out long ago." Houtu Qing said coldly, disgusting the four saints in his heart.

Just when their minds were different, in the sea of ​​thunder, there was another riot.

The Thunder Tribulation of Heavenly Punishment that was originally brewing, at this moment, was extremely intense and mighty, suppressing all things in the world.

Lei Hai was suspended above Li Zhenwu's head, exuding a blurred multicolored luster, an aura of destruction, ubiquitous and terrifying.

"Haha, with this level of punishment, it can't hurt me!"

Li Zhenwu screamed in the sky, his figure remained motionless, and he looked up at the sea of ​​thunder in the sky, extremely powerful.


The sea of ​​​​lei condensed, and the colorful electric lights were intertwined like fireworks, which shocked everyone's hearts.

It is so beautiful, beyond all the good things in heaven and earth.

But the power contained in it made all the saints feel frightened, and they bombarded with such ferocity.

Li Zhenwu grinned, his fists were like dragons, and he could break everything, just like in the world, there is nothing that cannot be broken by bombardment.

"Get out of here!"

A loud shout sounded, and the dazzling golden fists had already met the colorful thunder tribulation, which was extremely powerful.


The loud noise is continuous and shocking.

A pair of iron fists smashed the thunder robbery again, majestic, like a god and demon, standing in the sky.

So brutal!

The saints asked themselves, if they faced thunder tribulation, they would not be able to be so arrogant.

This is how arrogant, how elegant, dare to fight against the sky, fearless.

"It's really hard to destroy the sky, and the earth is hard to be buried. Even the punishment of heaven can't shake half a point. Is the way of true martial arts really so powerful?"

You must know that the Immortal Execution Sword Formation is so powerful because it combines the power of true martial arts, reaching the limit of the way of killing.

"If you leave him, the saint may never have peace." Taishang Laojun said lightly with a leisurely expression.

He and the sect of the original Tianzun were originally one body, representing the orthodoxy of Eastern Taoism.

They have always regarded Western religions as aliens.

But now, the real anomaly is probably Li Zhenwu who Hongjun said personally, which made all the saints feel shocked, but helpless.

"Wait, the punishment has just begun. No matter how strong Li Zhenwu is, he will not be able to go against the sky for only one day." Zhun raised his benevolent eyebrows and put his hands together.

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