"The way of true martial arts will gradually disappear in time with the annihilation of Li Zhenwu."

"Everything has settled, and there is no possibility of life again."

The Second Sage of the West, Taishang Laojun, and the Primordial Heavenly Venerate felt relieved. The enemy of their mission was finally about to be put to death.

As a saint, Rao was deeply admired.

It is beyond imagination to be able to strengthen oneself to such a degree. If it is not for the punishment of heaven, the saint will not be able to do anything.


In the end, a blazing light erupted there, illuminating the sky, penetrating the ground, and circulating the inexplicable aura fluctuations.

And when the light dissipated, only a huge space gap was left, dark and deep, like a huge mouth, very terrifying.

On the spot, Li Zhenwu's figure was gone, it was empty, not even the scum.


Seeing this scene, Taishang Laojun had a smile on his face.

As expected, in the chaotic thunder tribulation in the ultimate form, the body of the saint will be annihilated, let alone Li Zhenwu, a great magician?

"You are not sons of man."

Hearing the wanton laughter of Taishang Laojun and the others, Nuwa and Houtu's pretty faces turned cold, and they yelled loudly.

It is difficult to see the extreme complexion, and the eyes are gloomy, and I dare not imagine that it will be such a result.

Just as the saints were about to quarrel again, the Heavenly Sound of the Great Dao suddenly sounded outside the sky.

"Wait here, Heavenly Court will reopen."

An ethereal voice faintly appeared in the minds of the saints.

Chapter [-] Dao Ancestor's Confusion!

There is no space, there is a mist, there is no material existence, and even time has never flowed. It is the most primitive land.

Hell is hidden in the void, under the nine seclusions, hidden beside the sea of ​​​​blood, and linked to thousands of worlds.

After the land became a saint, Li Zhenwu survived after all because of Li Zhenwu's journey against the sky.

But the price is that Heavenly Dao punished him, Li Zhenwu disappeared in place, and his life and death were unknown.

"If you can't see it, he will definitely not die." Hou Tu's eyes were filled with fog, and her pretty face was full of grief. She could not tell where Li Zhenwu was with her saintly methods.

I only feel that the whole heavenly secret is chaotic, and I can't see any future.

"Sister Houtu, let's go first. After seeing the teacher, we can ask more clearly." Houtu sighed and comforted him beside him.

Even she could not have imagined that the final Chaos Thunder Tribulation would be the ultimate form, and even the idea of ​​​​helping was abruptly dispelled.

At this moment, it was obvious that the Taoist ancestor was about to re-establish the heavenly court, but Houtu and Nüwa had feelings for each other and were lethargic.

Seeing this, Tongtian Sect Master didn't bother to disturb him. He sighed for 150 breaths and left first, rushing to the Zixiao Palace in the depths of the chaotic void.

In the distance, the Second Sage of the West and the Taishang Laojun, Yuanshi Tianzun and the others, a glimmer of joy flashed in their eyes, thinking that after everything was over, they would make a good calculation of the fate of the human race.

"Let's go too, don't make the teacher wait for a long time." Then he sang the Buddha's name and spoke softly.

But anyone could hear the irony.

Nuwa glared at him angrily, snorted coldly, then pulled the back soil and stepped on the auspicious clouds to leave first.

If you can beat these people, I am afraid that you would have shot immediately.

"No matter how strong the ants are, they are still ants in the end. When Li Zhenwu falls, he will disappear like dust." Yuanshi Tianzun carried his hands, golden clothes and jade crowns, and was extremely majestic.

"It doesn't matter, since they are all dead, let's not mention everything in the past." Taishang Laojun waved his hand and said regretfully.

In the end, they also left. In the void space, there is only endless darkness, and the huge mouth-like black hole, which is strange and inexplicable.

At this moment, in the endless darkness in the giant mouth, a golden light suddenly lit up, and it flashed away, and the darkness shrouded again.

The huge mouth that was torn apart in the void space gradually healed at this moment, and finally returned to its original state, as if nothing had happened.


Zixiao Palace, simple steps, Daotong Haotian and Yaochi stand on both sides, when they saw the arrival of the saint, they respectfully called brothers and sisters.

"Junior brother and sister have served the teacher for hundreds of millions of years, do you feel bored?"

The Second Saint of the West came first and asked the two Taoists with a smile.

Hearing this, Haotian and Yaochi were startled, their eyes widened, they couldn't believe it, the sage brother, who was usually aloof, had such a good attitude at this moment.

However, if the saint asked questions, even if they were Hongjun's Daoist children, they would not dare not answer.

"The two senior brothers are joking. Being able to serve the teacher is a blessing for Haotian and Yaochi."

Although it was really boring and crazy in Zixiao Palace, Haotian and Yaochi did not dare to say it outright.

"Really, I am equivalent to the teacher's disciple, and I can get closer in the future."

Jie Yin and Zhun Ti smiled faintly, and then walked straight into the quaint Taoist temple as if the breeze was blowing.

In place, Haotian and Yaochi were left stunned, completely unaware of what was going on, and their brains were blank.

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