"Junior brother and sister, you have been serving the teacher for a long time."

In the end, not only the two Western saints, but also the leader of the saints, Taishang Laojun, and Yuanshi Tianzun, who disdain for all spirits in the world, even had a gentle conversation with the two of them.

This is amazing!

Since Haotian and Yaochi had memories, it was an unprecedented time.

"Junior Brother and Junior Sister, Tongtian Senior Brother is going to see the teacher first."

Tongtian, who has always been ferocious, also greeted the two with a smile.

Finally, Nuwa and Houtu came. They were not as shameless as the saints. They just smiled and nodded, but they were enough to shock Haotian and Yaochi.

"Yaochi, I have a feeling that our Daotong career should come to an end." Haotian whispered.

He and Yaochi still look like children, and their intelligence is not yet mature, but their hearts are still a little bit.

"I also feel that if this is the case, it would be great." Yao Chi smiled lightly, his big eyes full of anticipation.

In the Taoist temple, all the saints have arrived, sitting on the futon respectfully, their eyes slightly lowered, and they dare not look directly at Putian on the high platform.


Suddenly, a Taoist person appeared on the futon on the high platform. His eyes were deep, like all spirits in the world, and his temperament was indifferent, which made people feel illusory.

"Congratulations, teacher!"

When the saints saw this, they immediately got up and saluted.

"Sit down!" Hong Jun said lightly, unable to see his facial features, but his eyes made it impossible to look directly at him.

He glanced at the saints lightly, paused slightly on the back soil, and ignored it.

The saints took their seats and sat on the futon respectfully. No matter what was in their hearts, they did not dare to show their faces.

"Can you have something to say?" Seeing the silence of the saints, Hong Jun asked lightly.

Taishang Laojun stood up and asked respectfully, "May I ask if Li Zhenwu is dead?"

The voice fell!

With a loud bang, Nuwa and Houtu stood up abruptly and glared angrily at Taishang Laojun.

"I am not a son of man, I am a saint, I speak rudely, I am the leader of a religion, I don't know the etiquette, how can I enlighten all beings?"

Nu Wa clenched her teeth tightly and spoke fiercely. She was so angry that Li Zhenwu disappeared not long ago, and these people showed ugly faces, and they were shameless.

"Humph!" Houtu snorted coldly, in front of Hongjun, as long as Li Zhenwu was involved, he couldn't help it.

Seeing this, Hongjun pondered and said after a moment: "Li Zhenwu has been punished by heaven, so I won't mention it in the future."

As the voice fell, Taishang Laojun sat down without smiling, but Nuwa and Houtu didn't bother anymore.

"Dare to ask the teacher, the Western teaching created [-] Dharma, but the Dharma of Hongjun's family?"

Taking this opportunity, the Second Saint of the West immediately stood up.


Without thinking, Hong Jun replied softly.

As soon as these words came out, Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun's faces were throbbing, red and purple, and they were angry.

Chapter [-] The Heavenly Court is reopened, and Yaochi is abandoned! (Second more)

Eastern Taoism and Western Buddhism have always been fighting for orthodoxy, but it was only because of the appearance of Li Zhenwu that the two sects agreed to the outside world.

Now that Li Zhenwu is gone, they meet again in terms of teachings.

In the eyes of Taishang Laojun and others, they were not recognized as Hongjun orthodox when Yingyin and Zhunti founded the Western religion and created [-] Buddhadharma by themselves.

But now, Daozu Hongjun is sure that this makes the three major sects in the East very dissatisfied.

This means that in the future, Eastern Taoism will no longer have an excuse to suppress Western religions. This is a considerable threat to the three Eastern leaders.

"Everything is the Tao, and the battle of doctrines has ended. In the future, you and others will rely on your abilities."

Hongjun's words directly blocked everyone's words back.

Next, everyone spoke out and shared the doubts in their hearts with Hongjun, so that they could get rid of the doubts.

After all, since Hongjun joined the Dao, he has not spoken about the Dao. Now that he has the opportunity, he will naturally not let it go.

"Teacher, can the people's education be successful?" Taishang Laojun asked.


The answer is concise and to the point.

"Teacher, can my Western religion enter China to spread its teachings?"

As soon as Taishang Laojun sat down, he couldn't wait to ask again.


As soon as these words came out, the two sages in the west were full of joy, but the sages of Eastern Taoism had an ugly expression.

"Teacher, Zhen Wuke is still alive?"

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