Since he had to make a move, Kong Xuan was no longer hypocritical, and when he pleaded guilty, he took the lead.

His feathers exploded, his body exuding bright colors, like a rainbow coming from the sky, flapping his wings, whistling to suppress the past.

so horrible!

Although it is not in the realm of an immortal, but as a different kind of heaven and earth, with a trace of the blood of a phoenix, it is very powerful to be able to fight beyond the ranks.

The wings were dyed with mottled multicolored luster, covered with the energy of the Phoenix bloodline, like a big net covering the sky, covering the fat man all at once.

"Break it for me!"

Fatty's expression was solemn, and he shot calmly. His body was shaking like a wave, and a pair of round fists directly bombarded him.


A loud noise erupted, the wind swept through, and the air wave blew up the surrounding trees, countless fallen leaves flew, and then fell like a torrential rain.

Fatty's body is like a mountain, motionless, the waves of fat all over his body remove all power, and then bounce back.


Kong Xuan flew out upside down, flapping his wings, and landed without any risk, his two claws staggered and almost rolled to the ground.

"What a miraculous method." He muttered to himself, his eyes were surprised, but his head was raised with absolute arrogance.

"If you only have this strength, I advise you to leave early!"

The boy in the white shirt burst into a drink, strode from the side, shot it with a palm, and burst into a dazzling light.

The palm wind is like thunder, rumbling, rolling the gravel and fallen leaves on the ground, like a stormy wave, sweeping the past.

"What a terrifying power. Isn't the battle of the immortals using the divine channel method? Why are they both so powerful?" Kong Xuan was stunned and confused.

You must know that the most common battle between immortals is fighting magic weapons, and the last is supernatural power.

Only the witch clan of the previous era or the ancient great demon would do this, because close combat is very particular about physique.

However, there was no time for Kong Xuan to think too much. The palm of the young man in the white shirt was crystal clear, emitting precious light, like the palm of a white jade, containing a violent and unparalleled power.

"I brush!"

He screamed in the sky, his mottled feathers exploded, and the multicolored divine light on his back rose into the sky.

That is his tail, the most powerful part of the peacock family.

However, no matter how powerful it is, it is just an ordinary Spirit Treasure effect, and it won't be too much against the sky.

call out!

The feathers on the back shone, and the red light skyrocketed, like a peerless sword, alarming Jiuxiao.

"Break it for me!"

Kong Xuan shouted loudly, at the juncture of life and death, he couldn't care so much, because the palm was too terrifying, ignoring any Taoist law, solid as pure iron.

The red divine light flickered, like a divine sword slashing, from top to bottom, swiping towards the white-shirted boy.

The next moment, a magical scene happened.

The fat man was stunned, as well as the white-shirted boy who was recruited.


Under the swipe of the red divine light, Baoguang's introverted, gloomy palm returned to its original appearance.


Kong Xuan's wings were raised, like a brightly colored bead curtain, gently flicking over, touching the body of the white-shirted boy.

The powerful force knocked the white-shirted boy into the air and fell to the ground, almost gasping for breath.

"What kind of spiritual treasure is that?" Fatty exclaimed, such a powerful palm force was ineffective after a swipe, it was so strange to the extreme.

The boy in the white shirt struggled to do it, looking at the colorful light on Kong Xuan's back, his eyes were shocked, and his heart was still throbbing.

No one knows better than him, the power contained in the palm of the red divine light just now disappeared silently.

Not only that, he also felt that the cultivation in his body seemed to have disappeared a little under that brush.

This is so weird.

Even the cultivation base can disappear, which is simply shocking.

"Do you still want to fight?" Kong Xuan put away the five-color divine light, raised his head, and said lightly.

At this moment, he is a proud peacock.

"Stop fighting, your spirit treasure is too weird." The boy in the white shirt shook his head, jumped up, and slapped the dust on his body.

Seeing this, Fatty wanted to continue, but thinking that there were four colors of divine light behind Kong Xuan, he immediately shut up and said nothing.

Immediately afterwards, the two turned around, facing the direction of the deep valley, and fell to the ground respectfully.


When Kong Xuan saw this, he followed suit, prostrate on the ground, and saluted respectfully.


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