The air vibrated, and an invisible force was transmitted from the deep valley.

Chapter [-] Missing with me! (Second more)

The deep valley is quiet, the entrance is densely foggy, and there are fairy lights circulating in it, like a light gauze bead curtain, blocking the scene inside.

To the nearby creatures, the owner inside is mysterious.

From its appearance to the present, unless there are intruders who are invincible to rabbits and wild boars, it is almost difficult to see each other in normal times.

It represents mystery, and the coercion comparable to that of a big demon pervades.

At this moment, the thick white mist dissipated, and the breeze blew the clouds and smoke, and it floated out, turning into a road in the air, leading directly to the primitive mountain forest a hundred miles away.


The path of the mist that suddenly appeared stretched out and went straight to Kong Xuan.

He took a breath, raised his head slightly, and was shocked.

This move is so mysterious and disturbing.

"Congratulations to the Immortal Chief!"

The rabbit and the wild boar spoke respectfully, their foreheads touching the bottom, and they dared not look directly at them.

"Xianchang!" Kong Xuan swallowed a mouthful of spit, his body feathers converged, the color on his body dimmed, and he did not dare to be too high-profile.


There is a fresh breeze blowing lightly in the mountains and forests, only the rustling sound of leaves rubbing against each other.

Kong Xuan raised his head, staring nervously at the end of the white fog road, his eyes full of anticipation, that mysterious existence was the purpose of his coming here, and his heart was inevitably nervous.

"What do you mean?"

Suddenly, a faint voice sounded between the two and Kong Xuan.

too suddenly!

Their attention fell on the end of the white fog road, and they were shocked by their concentration.

"Xianchang!" The rabbit and the wild boar reacted first, their foreheads touching the ground, and they said loudly.

Beside them, silently, a youth in a teenage shirt appeared.

If the other party didn't speak, he couldn't feel it.

Kong Xuan's whole body exploded with feathers, and for the first time he felt fear.


The five-color divine light was out of control, and it was still shaking, as if encountering a great terror, it almost flew away from Kong Xuan's body.

"Under Kong Xuan, please ask the immortal to accept me as a disciple." Kong Xuan was shocked, but he knew the purpose of coming here, and immediately spoke loudly, with a very sincere attitude.

The atmosphere in the field, with the appearance of Li Zhenwu, the air seemed to freeze.

The two people next to them didn't dare to speak at all, and the coercion emanating from the invisible made them feel as small as dust in their hearts.

Li Zhenwu lowered his eyes slightly, glanced at a few people, and finally settled on the five-color divine light on Kong Xuan's back.

Red, orange, red, green, blue, five colors, as bright as gems, contains mysterious fluctuations and magic.

"Interesting, this is the innate five-color divine light that will make the saints suffer in the future?" Li Zhenwu thought silently in his heart, a little surprised by the appearance of Kong Xuan.

You must know that the five-color divine light was born with Kong Xuan, and it has not been fully refined yet, and it can cut people's cultivation. It does have its own advantages.

After Kong Xuan's refining, if the saint is not prepared, his face will be cut off.

"Get up!"

After observing enough, Li Zhenwu spoke lightly, and Void sat down, looking at the peacock in front of him with great interest.

Hearing his words, the white-shirted boy and the fat man quickly got up and stood respectfully aside.

Kong Xuan was covered in feathers, and found that Li Zhenwu looked at the five-colored light of his tail, and felt uneasy in his heart.

Fortunately, in just a moment, the feeling of being stared at disappeared.

"Thank you Immortal for not killing him." Kong Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, realizing that he had made the right bet.

If the ordinary supernatural powers were born, I am afraid that greed would have arisen long ago, and they would directly kill them, and then take away the five colors of divine light.

But the existence in front of him, just glanced at it, was just out of curiosity.

However, Li Zhenwu's next sentence made everyone stunned on the spot.

"Let's go! As a peacock family, I have no fate." The faint words fell in the ears of everyone, and their minds were like thunder.

what is this?

Kong Xuan fell to the ground again and begged: "I beg the immortal to take him in, and if he can teach Kong Xuan the method of longevity, he will be a cow and a horse in the future, and Kong Xuan will repay him."

"I said, your peacock family has no chance with me."

Hearing this, the rabbit and the wild boar throbbed, looking at Kong Xuan with sympathy.

"Dare to ask the fairy, what is the fate?"

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