You must know that after he came to Honghuang, he never really traveled the world, and every time he said goodbye in a hurry.

There is an opportunity at this moment, naturally can not let it go.

During this period of time, Kong Xuan became more and more respectful to Li Zhenwu, and he had to ask the teacher about anything before making a decision.

"Teacher, there is a human village ahead. It seems that some abnormality has occurred. Shall we go and have a look?"

Ahead, smoke billowed from the cooking, and a stone wall ten feet high blocked the way.

It was designed by the human race to prevent the attack of beasts, but for some monsters who knew magic, it was useless.

At this moment, most of the stone wall was broken, and there were dry mottled bloodstains, and the situation inside could be clearly seen. The stone house collapsed, and there were desperate cries.

The crying was heart-wrenching and heart-wrenching.

Kong Xuan's eyes were like electricity. Seeing this scene, flames filled his heart, and the five-color divine light hidden in his robes flickered non-stop.

There is no need to inquire, just based on the sight in front of you, it is enough to know that there is an unknown occurrence in this human habitation.

"Go in!"

In response, Li Zhenwu spoke lightly and took the lead.

Along the way, he didn't count the secrets, the breath in his body was restrained, just like an ordinary person, he didn't know the future, and he didn't use supernatural powers.

"Old man, what happened here?"

Kong Xuan caught a passerby and asked, it was an old man with a yellow face and thin muscles, and his eyes were dull and dull.

Hearing Kong Xuan's question, his scattered eyes gradually focused, and he said in despair, "Are you an immortal?"


"Do you understand the divine passage method?"

Kong Xuan was silent for a moment, seeing that Li Zhenwu did not express his position, he immediately shook his head slowly.

"Since there are none, then leave as soon as possible, otherwise, when the River God knows, there will be no chance." The old man cried out, turned around and left.

Seeing this scene, Kong Xuan was heartbroken, his eyes gradually exuding awe-inspiring murderous aura.

He pulled a lot of people to ask, and finally was told that this was a cursed village.

He was furious when he learned the truth, and the murderous intention in his heart could no longer be concealed.

"Teacher, the so-called river god is an evil dragon, just a hundred miles ahead, specializing in catching good women from nearby human villages, doing such filthy things, and with great supernatural powers, the surrounding humans are not allowed to leave, if anyone leaves , will slaughter everyone in the village."

Kong Xuan took a deep breath, so as not to go wild on the spot.

This way of doing things is no different from the evil witch who was beheaded at the beginning.

Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Five The Demon Dragon Makes Chaos! (third more)

In this village, no matter the old, the weak, the sick or the young, there is despair on their faces.

They are just ordinary people. Although they can tear apart tigers and leopards, they are obviously far from enough to see the evil witch with vast magical powers.

The nearby villages within a thousand miles are all the territory of the demon dragon, and the cruelty is boundless.

Every night of the full moon, the nearby villages have to choose beautiful women as tribute to him.

There used to be village warriors who went to encircle and suppress them, but they were all sunk to the bottom of the river by the demon dragon.

Li Zhenwu does not understand the secrets, and he can also know that it is one of the three major races of the once prehistoric dragon race. Although there is only a trace of true dragon blood, when he grows up, he can also make a fortune in the barren land of cultivation.

"What do you want?" He said lightly, with an unprecedented indifference on his face.

You must know that the vast land of Shenzhou is the integration of the once shattered floods. This world is now divided into four continents.

And Dongsheng Shenzhou is just one of the continents in this human world.

The human race is now blooming everywhere, and traces of human life can be seen almost every [-] miles.

However, they couldn't stand the chaos of those evil witches, which led to many small tribes not being able to thrive.

The human race had been kind to Kong Xuan, and even if he didn't have Li Zhenwu's relationship, he would not sit idly by when he saw it at the moment.

What's more, he has already refined most of the five colors of divine light, and his strength is so tyrannical that even if he encounters a big monster, he can deal with it one or two times.

"I should kill the demon dragon and seek justice for the deceased." Kong Xuan said loudly, full of rage and anger.

The momentum and unshakable determination reverberated in this dilapidated village for a long time.

This remark did not use Taoism, and the rumbling sound was passed out, so that everyone in the village could hear it, like a thunder, suddenly exploded, shocking people.

Countless thin figures walked out from all over the village, their eyes were dull and hopeless.

But at this moment, when they saw Kong Xuan and Li Zhenwu, their eyes lit up, and there was a strange emotion.

"Who are they, are they immortals?"

"No, but the young man said he wanted to kill the river god, is this true?"

"Did you hear that?"

"Beheading the river god, this is to save the people of the dawn of the world."

Adults and children all gathered around, and some old people, trembling, cloudy eyes gradually condensed.

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