"Can you really kill the River God?" A little girl came over, pulled Kong Xuan's robe, and asked timidly.

Gradually, more people came, and they asked nervously, hoping to get confirmation again.

However, Kong Xuan was silent, his eyes were firm, and he looked directly at Li Zhenwu.

Without the teacher speaking, he did not dare to agree, and he felt uneasy in his heart, but his eyes became more and more firm.

Feeling Kong Xuan's gaze, Li Zhenwu laughed dumbly, "Since you have already made up your mind, why are you still waiting for my answer?"

His heart is peaceful, and his eyes are as deep as the night sky, as if he can penetrate the heart.

Hearing this, Kong Xuan lowered his head and said in a low voice, "Teacher once said that Kong Xuan would betray the teacher's sect, so the disciples dare not make their own decisions."

"Is there any harm in killing the demon dragon?" Li Zhenwu asked lightly.


"Can it cause life to be charred?"

"Even if the disciples are desperate, they won't let the demon dragon take another step on the shore, and they should be killed in the river."

"Since there are none, what else do you ask? Do you still want to beg you to do it for the teacher?"

As soon as these words came out, Kong Xuan was stunned.

He originally thought that Li Zhenwu would be unhappy. After all, Li Zhenwu's face was indifferent from the beginning, but now, it seems to be a little different.

"Go away, if you let that little worm step on the shore for half a step, you can kill it yourself!"

Li Zhenwu pretended to be annoyed, raised his leg and kicked over, Kong Xuan didn't dare to dodge, he took the kick abruptly and was kicked and flew out.


Under the horrified eyes of everyone, Kong Xuan rose to the sky, and his mottled robes lit up with five shocking rays of light.

The five-color divine light, like a peacock opening its screen, contains violent fluctuations and is terrifying.

"Is this an immortal?" The little girl was stunned, and a red glow appeared on her muddy face.

In the eyes of ordinary people, being able to fly and escape is the proof of immortals.

Everyone in the village suddenly turned their heads and looked at Li Zhenwu. This is the master of the immortal. Isn't that even more powerful?

"I beg the fairy to save us."

"Xianchang is merciful, we have had a hard time."

They knelt on the ground with a sincere attitude, but before their eyes, Li Zhenwu's figure had disappeared.

The next moment, the whole village burst into cheers.

"The immortal slays the dragon, such a big event must be informed to the nearby tribes."

An old man proposed, which was recognized by everyone.

"Also, I don't know how terrifying the demon dragon is. I'm afraid that the two immortals will be fooled because they don't know why."

"Then we will gather the young men of our village and go to support the immortals."

"That's right, anyway, you will die horizontally and vertically, and you will fight with that demon dragon."

At the moment, the young men in the village responded to the call, took out bows and arrows from their homes, and dozens of people marched mightily towards the habitation of the demon dragon.

In the land of a hundred miles, there is a Wei River, which is the drinking water of the nearby tribes.

Weishui comes from the depths of the earth, and I do not know where it leads or where it comes from, but there are legends that this is a branch of Jishui.

At this moment, the river water is turbid, the soil and gravel are rolling, there is no wind and waves, and the end is strange.

Kong Xuan was kicked flying by Li Zhenwu, and he directly controlled the five-colored divine light, killing him.

"The demon dragon comes out and suffers 2.6 deaths."

He stood on the shore with colorful mottles behind him, exuding an amazing momentum.


As his voice fell, the river suddenly roared with big waves, and the monstrous wind raged, terrifying to the extreme.

"Who dares to come to Benlong's territory to spread the wild."

A thick breath came from the bottom of the river, full of contempt.

Immediately afterwards, the turbid river water was suddenly covered with black shadows, thousands of feet long, occupying the entire river channel, and gradually emerged from the bottom of the river.

Before revealing his true body, the demonic energy was so intense that the surrounding temperature dropped suddenly, and frost whistled.

"Black Dragon?"

Seeing this scene, Kong Xuan's eyes were slightly condensed, and his eyes contained a strong murderous aura, without the slightest fear.

Chapter [-] Kong Xuan Slays the Dragon!

Kong Xuan once thought that the so-called river god may be the shape of a snake, not a real dragon.

But with the gradually clear black shadow of the river, he felt a dangerous breath, which was the instinctive reaction of the creature, like a natural enemy, hidden in the blood.

The next moment, the river exploded, and a loud noise came out, setting off a huge wave hundreds of feet high, which slapped towards Kong Xuan on the bank.

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