
A giant dragon of a thousand feet, showing its teeth and dancing claws, exposed half of its body from the river, staring at Kong Xuan coldly, exuding a terrifying aura.

The dragon's body is pitch black, its eyes are red as blood, its scales are dense, and it is as sharp as a blade. A pair of front claws are as big as a house, glowing with a fierce cold light, capable of smashing divine weapons.

It is terrifying, exuding a brutal aura, and the dragon yin together, revealing its fangs.


Kong Xuan snorted coldly, his figure remained motionless, his hands contained blue light, and he met the huge waves that were beating.


The two collided, the huge waves were pierced, and 21 burst into pieces, turning into water and returning to the river.

"Little peacock, how dare you come to Long Ye to be presumptuous?" Heilong said indifferently, his nostrils sprayed the thin black dragon's breath, it was extremely cold, and the air was frozen.

"The mere reptiles dare to make trouble, watch me cut you."

Kong Xuan stood on the shore, his black hair was flying, his robes were automatic without wind, and he was extremely powerful.

"Oh. Are you here for those ants?" Heilong raised the corners of his mouth with a contemptuous smile.


"Then you will die for me."



The black dragon roared in the sky, and the dragon roared like an overwhelming sea, setting off a huge wave that hit the sky directly.


Dragons are born to control the wind and rain. At this moment in the river, it is like a tiger with wings. The power is terrifying. Even if the big demon arrives, they must be extremely cautious.

However, Kong Xuan's body was like a rock, neither dodging nor evading, raised his hand again, and bombarded it with a punch.


Mottled colors appeared on the surface of his fist, breaking through the huge waves and bombarding the black dragon.

"The little peacock dares to come and die, then the dragon will eat you."

The black dragon sneered, his front claws were like fine gold and iron, blocking Kong Xuan's fist marks, and the sound of golden ge exploded, sparkling sparks scattered, and the terror was boundless.

The next moment, the body of a thousand feet long, wanted to rush from the underworld, to forcefully slay Kong Xuan.

"I promised the teacher that I would not let you set foot on the shore for half a step."

Seeing this scene, Kong Xuan rose to the sky, and the five-color divine light behind him was dazzling and dazzling.

The peacock family is naturally arrogant, and what they say, they will naturally do it if they die.


He swooped down from the sky, holding the red divine light in both hands, like a congenital divine sword, falling from top to bottom suddenly.

The hundred-zhang-long red sword qi shot out, cut the air, and slashed towards the black dragon's huge head, which was very terrifying.

Seeing this, the black dragon's scarlet eyes widened, and his mouth spit out the dragon's breath. The extreme low temperature wanted to freeze the red divine light in the air.


The red divine light held by Kong Xuan seemed to be burning with flames, exuding a terrifying high temperature.

In an instant, the dragon's breath was smashed, and it was unmatched.


The black dragon was so angry that he jumped up and wanted to dodge away.

The scarlet light was so terrifying that he couldn't even bear the dragon's breath. If he touched his body, he might not be able to bear it.

"Cut you!"

However, Kong Xuan shouted loudly, and the other four-colored divine lights on his back flew away from his body and suddenly brushed downwards.

call out!

The black dragon couldn't dodge in time, the dragon's body was brushed, and it staggered and almost flew out.

This is not to mention, what terrified him was that after being brushed by the divine light, he felt that the cultivation in his body was actually lost.

The divine light that can brush people's cultivation is simply against the sky!

"Who are you and why are you fighting against Benlong?"

The black dragon was terrified, shrank suddenly, his whole body sank to the bottom of the river, and quickly escaped from the place.

The next moment, the scarlet divine light was awe-inspiring, severing the river, and terrifying energy fluctuations erupted.

The hundred-zhang-long river channel, the river water was evaporated in an instant, which was shocking.

"This birdman is a little different, it's better for Benlong to go first."

Seeing this scene, the black dragon trembled in the bottom of his heart, and without thinking about it, he turned into a human form and fled from the bottom of the river towards the upstream.

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