At this time, he was wearing a black robe, with a youthful appearance, and his face was extremely cold.

Never expected that he would encounter such a heaven-defying monster. If he hadn't run away from the situation, he would have been cut in half in terror.


The bottom of the river suddenly vibrated, and bright five-color light galloped from a distance.

Kong Xuan's eyes were cold and stern, his body was full of murderous aura, and he controlled the five-colored divine light and rushed directly into the bottom of the river to pursue him.

This demon dragon is very cunning and must not be let go.

"Bah! This brother, you and I are both demons, so why bother!"

Heilong was terrified. In the water, his body was flexible, like a swimming fish, constantly shuttled, and he escaped a hundred miles in a blink of an eye.

"Don't compare me to you, as a demon, you are not qualified to call me a brother."

In the rear, Kong Xuan pursued and was very strong.

With the blessing of the five-color divine light, his speed was as fast as lightning, and he broke through the boiling water, forming a trace of a vacuum.

so horrible!

Looking from the river, I could see that the place where Kong Xuan passed was like a sharp knife, dividing the river in two halves.

After a while, relying on the five-color divine light, it was only a kilometer away, and it was about to catch up with the opponent.

"Humph! Since that's the case, I'll let you sink to the bottom of the river."

Seeing that he couldn't get rid of the other party, Heilong's anger rose from his heart, and his wickedness turned to his courage.


His body was glowing, black as ink, and diffused out of his body. As soon as he touched the water, the light froze the water and solidified into a thick layer of ice.

Don't think about it, the black dragon is ruthless, and wants to freeze the entire river and drown Kong Xuan.

"Tricks of the worm, I see what other means you have."

Kong Xuan was still not afraid, the five-colored divine light behind him was dazzling and dazzling, and the five-colored light rose into the sky, illuminating the sky.


The next moment, the five-color divine light burst out like lightning, full of indomitable momentum, and slashed towards the demon dragon forcefully.

The black dragon's face was full of despair, his body was split open, blood was pouring out, and he couldn't rest his eyes.

The river god, who had ravaged the Wei River for many years, was killed just like that, still in the water, still unable to escape Kong Xuan's means.

Chapter [-]: Confucius realizes the Tao, master and apprentice are separated! (Second more)


After beheading the black dragon who was making waves, Kong Xuan broke through the water and descended to the shore with unparalleled power.

The five-color divine light flickered for a moment, hidden behind the robes, and returned to a calm appearance.

His eyes were deep, staring at the river surface filled with white mist, dazed, and had a profound understanding of the battle just now.

"I, Kong Xuan, was born with the innate light of the five elements. The first half of my life was bumpy. After I met my teacher, I was able to cultivate like this and kill the demon dragon. I couldn't imagine it before."

As an outlier of the Peacock tribe, he was ostracized by his tribe after birth, resulting in the tragic death of his parents and eventually wandering abroad.

It's horrific.

At this moment, as soon as the light of the innate five elements comes out, the strong dragons will be killed. How powerful is this!

Such a strong contrast changed Kong Xuan's mood.

"Now that you've realized it, then leave. Master will lead you through the door, and everyone will practice it. I'll give you everything that I can give. The only way left is to go for it yourself. It's not a bad idea to become a saint in the future."

I don't know when, Li Zhenwu appeared beside Kong Xuan and spoke lightly, out of the dust like a fairy.

Kong Xuan was shocked, turned his head to look, and immediately fell to the ground.

"Disciples who have become saints dare not hope, but the only guarantee is that what the teacher said will never appear."

This remark is to refute Li Zhenwu's fate argument, he is arrogant and stubborn in his heart.

If it weren't for this, he wouldn't have killed the evil witch desperately for the test.

That kind of imposing manner of giving up on me is also a heaven and earth spirit like the light of the innate five elements.

It's just that Li Zhenwu once said that sooner or later he would betray his teacher's sect. Although he didn't know whether it was true or not, he was arrogant and unbearable.

"Your character was originally unrelated to me, but since I accepted you as my apprentice, I naturally wouldn't care about the false fate. This matter will not be mentioned in the future." Li Zhenwu said with a faint smile.

"What does the teacher mean, don't care about the recklessness of the disciple?" Kong Xuan's face was full of joy, and the seven-footed man was moved with tears in his eyes.

Li Zhenwu raised his hand gently, an invisible force held Kong Xuan up, his eyes were calm, and he said, "You really have less training, and now you have an epiphany, we master and apprentice, let's just separate."

Hearing this, Kong Xuan's heart was moved, and tears were almost left behind.

This is the open-mindedness possessed by the teacher, not for fame and fortune, not for any benefit, just so casual.

"The children will definitely not fail the teacher's teaching. On the day of proving the Dao, they will definitely return to the teacher's side again and worship them day and night."

Kong Xuan took a deep breath, resisted the emotion in his heart, and bowed down again.

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