
When his voice fell, Li Zhenwu's figure became illusory, then was blown away by the wind and disappeared in front of Kong Xuan.

This is Kong Xuan's path, and Li Zhenwu will not obstruct it.

If I hadn't met him, with the Buddha-nature in Kong Xuan's heart, I'm afraid Zhunti would have discovered it long ago.

Now, it has been consumed, and some, it is just the way of true martial arts, which contains the will to move forward.

"Teacher's kindness is like re-creation. The disciples don't know the teacher's name until now. Please tell the disciples that if they are successful in their cultivation in the future, it is better to return to the teacher's sect."

Kong Xuan shouted loudly at the void, he knew that with Li Zhenwu's realm, even if he left, he would definitely be able to sense it.

Sure enough, a faint sigh came from the void.

"Kong Xuan is a true martial artist, and he must not spread it before he succeeds in cultivating the Tao."

When the words fell, Kong Xuan was shocked, his whole body was sluggish, his eyes were full of shock.

You must know that he once stayed in the place where the human race lived. Naturally, he knew how sacred the word Zhenwu was to the human race.

Unexpectedly, the teacher who taught him turned out to be the legendary Holy Father of the Human Race.

What a terrifying opportunity is this?

Most importantly, according to word of mouth among countless living beings, the Holy Father of the Human Race once fought against the Saint without falling behind, shocking the world.

At this moment, it suddenly appeared here, which is absolutely beyond imagination.

"The teacher has never revealed his identity. It seems that Kong Xuan will not reveal his identity if he wants to act in a secret way."

This matter, no matter how you look at it, reveals that it is strange.

However, he let it go, just silent for a moment, then recovered, bowed towards the void, and then vacated.

Since then, in the land of Shenzhou, there has been an additional peacock demon king, whose strength is sky-high, and the five colors are amazing.

"It doesn't seem calm anymore, I'd better go shopping more."

By the Weishui River, Li Zhenwu stepped out of the void with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

He transformed into a young man with red lips and white teeth, and there was a hint of a cultivator's breath in his steps.

I want to compare the introverted atmosphere of returning to the original and returning to the real world, but now, the cultivation realm that is revealed is the realm of Jinxian.


Li Zhenwu walked along the Weishui River, his speed was not fast, but he took a thousand feet, just like walking in a leisurely court, leisurely.

Moreover, he did not deduce the secret, the road ahead is full of unknowns.

A few days later, an unusually magnificent mountain range blocked the way. At the end of the Wei River, it entered from the cave at the foot of the mountain, and finally did not know where to go.

"Ha, where did this bitch come from? It is said that it is her territory with a radius of a million miles."

Suddenly, there was a monster running in front of him. If you say running, it is better to say that it is a suitable point to run for your life.

Their faces were full of fear, and they ran wildly, with smoke billowing, as if there was a big terror chasing behind them.

There were five black bear demons, each of them as strong as an ox, with muscles bulging all over their bodies, like a walking mountain, a hundred meters tall.


Where these black bear demons passed, the forests were swept away, and the dust rose into the sky, which was very terrifying.

Just the powerful aura emanating from it made the nearby creatures tremble, and every cultivation base had the realm of a true immortal.

"Bah! The little black bear dares to come and go wild, let's see how this girl treats you."

Suddenly, I saw the mountains in front of me, a barefoot girl, stepping on auspicious clouds, slender jade hands clutching her temples, galloping over.

The girl's black hair is like a waterfall, as bright as satin, and her petite figure is wearing a light gauze tulle, and her graceful figure can be seen at a glance.

Her facial features are exquisite and picturesque. At this moment, her eyebrows are lightly raised, and her face contains the meaning of slaughter. She is very strong in chasing the five black bear demons.

Chapter [-] Loli Yaochi! (third more)

In the prehistoric world, age cannot be judged by appearance, even the strength of cultivation.

These black bear demons are the nearby demon kings, and their own strengths are very powerful.

A few days ago, I heard from the little demon that there is a young girl here, who is domineering and domineering, threatening to rule this mountain range, and all living beings must obey her command.

This is amazing!

The five black bear demons are arrogant and arrogant, naturally intolerable.

So they came together, wanting to give this girl who doesn't know the sky and the sky a good show.

Who knows, before going up the mountain, they were beaten down by the opponent, and they were powerless to fight back. The violence was terrifying, and they also said that they would be recovered as mounts.

At this moment, the five brothers were disgraced and cursed in their hearts.

It's almost eight lifetimes of bad luck. When I encountered such a evil star, I almost vomited blood and had to run away.

However, the barefoot girl was so terrifying that she couldn't catch a single breath before catching up with the five black bear demons and blocking their way.

"Leave it as my mount, and this girl will let you live. Otherwise, I will leave you alone." She whispered, her crystal jade clasped her temples, very strong.

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