After all, Bai Ze is well-versed in world affairs and knows good fortune and misfortune. Wherever they are needed, he will appear there.

At that time, as long as you act properly, all the spirits in the world will worship the King of Mount Tai, and the role of the heavenly court will become less important.


On the second day, the sun was just rising, the mountains were covered with white mist, and the red clouds were falling.

Countless palaces are continuous, the sun falls on the glazed tiles, colorful and full of mysterious luster.

At the foot of Mount Tai, there are people standing at the moment, there are human beings, there are all kinds of creatures, and there are monsters who have turned into humanoids.

They waited here early, and were full of curiosity about the owner on the mountain.

"Everyone, do you know the owner of this mountain?" A big man with two horns and a height of eight feet asked in a deep voice.

This is a human-shaped monster, which retains the advantages of race and looks very different.

"I don't know, but our elder Xuanyuan sent a message last night, and he will also come here. It seems that the master of the mountain may have a lot of background."

City Lord Hu stroked his long beard, his Taoist robe fluttered, and his immortal style was like a bone. Among the many creatures, his aura did not drop in the slightest.

Beside him, there are four middle-aged men, all human race masters, but the city lords of the four nearby cities.

Hearing the words of City Lord Hu, everyone was startled and trembled in their hearts.

That is the strongest of the human race, and its reputation is resounding in China. If any force encounters it, it must shy away from the existence of Sanshe.

Unexpectedly, the master of this mountain is so good that even the Xuanyuan of the human race is attracted here.

It's amazing!


At the end of the sky, there was a sharp whistling sound, and after a while, more than a dozen figures descended from the sky.

The head of the man wears golden armor, his face is handsome, and his hair is five black, like a waterfall.

"Elder Xuanyuan!"

While everyone around was shocked, City Lord Hu and the other four hurried over and saluted respectfully.

"The city owner doesn't need to be too polite. You have been guarding the human race for many years. It should be me who salutes you." Xuanyuan smiled, very casual, without the slightest pretence.

There were several people standing beside him, and each of them exuded a vast aura.

Almost half of the human race powerhouses such as Pan Wang and Jibo came, and it can be said that they attach great importance to it.


The surrounding creatures were stunned and trembling in their hearts, what a terrifying lineup this is, and the identity of the master of this mountain is absolutely terrifying.

"You don't need to worry, you and others are not enemies of our clan, and the master of the mountain opened the mountain today, everyone came to watch the ceremony and should be treated equally."

Xuanyuan glanced at everyone, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He is very confident and exudes a powerful aura, which makes all living beings startled. The vastness of that aura is definitely the peak strength of Daluo Jinxian.


At this moment, the ground trembled and the mountains and forests shook.

In the distance, the dust is rising into the sky, like a long dragon, quickly approaching here, as if thousands of troops are running.

"Gaga, that is a top-quality spiritual vein. If we can get it, our Wu clan will definitely grow rapidly."

In front of the long dust dragon, a giant of [-] feet, grinning and arrogant, led hundreds of shamans behind him and came powerfully.

They got news that this place was occupied by a great supernatural being, and it was a rare spiritual vein.

"Elder, but the big monster has warned us yesterday that the owner of this mountain is very mysterious, do you really want to take action?" a Baizhang witch asked cautiously.

"What are you afraid of, we are the Wu clan, the masters of heaven and earth, except for saints, who can do anything about it?"

The thousand-foot giant sneered, bloodthirsty light flashed in his eyes, he was very strong, and he held a large snake as a pet, which was shocking.

Chapter [-] The unlucky Wu clan! (Second more)

This is a quasi-big witch, whose strength is between that of Da Luo Jinxian and is very strong. Wherever he passes, the mountains and forests are destroyed and become a ruin.

"Could it be the meaning of the patriarch?" The witch man exclaimed.

"Shut up, that's what I meant. It has nothing to do with the patriarch. If you can get this piece of spiritual veins, the patriarch will definitely favor our tribe." The giant sneered, containing absolute confidence.

Hundreds of giants, coming in a flash, are in a mess, and they are like heaven and earth~, looking down on all living beings.

However, when they came to the foot of Mount Tai, they were suddenly dumbfounded.

I saw a dense group of creatures, there are various monsters and other creatures, and there are dozens of human race powerhouses.

The owner of this mountain is a little bit of Taoism, so many creatures come to congratulate him.

Moreover, there are human races among them. The taste of flesh and blood is a rare delicacy for the two lich races.

"Haha, people from the human race, I didn't expect you to be here too. If that's the case, then I'm welcome..."

The headed shaman laughed loudly, arrogant and arrogant.

But before he could finish his words, he felt someone from the clan beside him pull his shoulders, interrupting his words, and he couldn't help being annoyed.

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