"Interrupting Lao Tzu, are you tired of your life?" The giant turned his head, his tone indifferent.

It is not difficult to see that this is a real bloodthirsty evil witch. After being provoked, even the clansmen will not let go, and will still ruthlessly kill.

However, the witch who was pulling him no longer cares about it, his eyes are horrified, and he trembles: "Long... elder, that... that..."

After stammering for a long time, the shaman couldn't say a word completely, and the angry giant slapped it.


Shanyue Da's palm directly smashed him into the air, and his body smashed into countless trees before he stopped, coughing up blood, staining the ground red.

"Presumptuous, if there is another next time, I will let you disappear directly."

As he spoke, his eyes were like thunder, and he glanced at the hundreds of shamans behind him. Seeing that everyone was panicked and all showed fear, he nodded in satisfaction.

"Long... elder, he... he..." One of the witches couldn't help but stammered.


The giant of [-] feet was annoyed, thinking about what happened today, the group of delicacies in front of him, these subordinates are so humiliating, it makes people angry.

Seeing that he was about to get angry again, the witch gritted his teeth and roared in a low voice, "Elder, look at who they are."

As soon as these words came out, hundreds of witches nodded again and again, their faces full of fear, as if they had encountered a great terror.

"Hmph, even if Xuanyuan comes, I will eat it..." Seeing everyone's expression, the giant sneered, then turned around with arrogance, and looked at the creatures present.

In an instant, he petrified in place, his eyes widened, full of disbelief.

Among the dozens of famous people, a young man in golden armor with black hair like a waterfall, his eyes were indifferent, and he stared at them lightly.



The giant of a thousand feet went blank in his mind, as if there was a thunderous explosion, his body could not help shaking, and his hands and feet were completely unresponsive.

What a desperate sight is this?

You must know that Xuanyuan, as the strongest man in the human race, is extremely powerful, and ordinary great witches can suppress them with one hand.

He is only a quasi-big witch, he was just arrogant, he just wanted to be brave in front of his subordinates, but now that he really encountered it, he was almost scared to pee.

"You just wanted to say that even if you meet this seat, you can still eat it right?" Xuanyuan said lightly, his aura filled the air, neither impatient nor impatient, but as thick as a pillar, captivating people's hearts.

Dozens of clansmen sneered again and again, looking at it with malicious intent, all of them looked indifferent.

Even the other creatures were laughing silently at this moment, their faces full of schadenfreude, just wanting to look like a monkey.

"No, you heard it wrong. The master of Lingshan opened the mountain today. Although you and I are enemies, on this happy day, you can't just go to war if you disagree."

The thousand-zhang giant waved his hands again and again, the hairs on his body stood on end, his posture was at the lowest level, his face was mourning, and he was about to kneel.

The white jade steps are winding and twisting, spreading all the way to the top of the mountain. They are very steep, and it is almost impossible for ordinary mortals to think of climbing.

At this time, the five black bear demons came down from the mountainside. Seeing this scene, they immediately said: "It's okay, the time to open the mountain has not yet come. If you have any grievances, you can solve it yourself."

They turned into human figures, wore dark armor, and were extraordinary in heroism. They strode forward and stood on the two white jade steps.

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was shocked, and then turned to look at the hundreds of witches.

"Help me, Daxian, I'm waiting to open the mountain for He Daxian, how can the human race be massacred?" The giant, shameless, said loudly.

The other hundreds of witches immediately knelt down and begged the master of Mount Tai to save their lives.

"You have committed monstrous blood feuds, slaughtered living beings, and you carry unjust souls. If you really save you, wouldn't it be a big joke?" Xuanyuan sneered, with a strong expression, and he didn't mean to let them go.

"Everyone, we have no grievances and no enmity, do we really want to be on this happy day and stain the Spirit Mountain with blood?"

Hearing this, Xuanyuan sneered in his heart, just as he was about to make a move, suddenly his mind moved, and his murderous aura subsided.

"You guys don't hurry up, after today, you will be killed." He said lightly, holding back the killing intent in his heart.

When the voice fell, everyone was stunned.

They didn't know why, especially the people of the human race, and they were even more shocked.

After all, Xuanyuan has always been ruthless towards evil spirits and witches, and will never leave a living.

But now, it's a little unusual.

"Thank you Daxian for saving your life."

The giant of thousands of feet didn't care about this, he shouted at Lingshan, then turned around and took hundreds of witches to run wild.

Even if Xuanyuan didn't kill the killer, the other party only thanked the master of Lingshan, not the people of the human race.

It is conceivable that the hatred between the human race and the evil witch has reached the point where water and fire are incompatible.

"Elder Xuanyuan's actions are admirable, and Bai Ze is greatly admired."

At this moment, on the white jade steps, Bai Ze, dressed in a Taoist robe and swinging a feather fan, strode from the mountain with an elegant temperament.

With his appearance, the entire Mount Tai suddenly burst out with myriad fairy lights, and an extremely rich spiritual energy rushed towards everyone, containing a fragrant fragrance.

Chapter [-]: The Road to Heaven (Third)

This is the opening of the mountain, the time has come, and Mount Tai will declare the world, revealing its majesty and grandeur, as well as its rare spirituality.

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