If you can get rid of the dross and take the essence, the future cultivation path will definitely be easier, which can be described as a precious martial arts.

However, Yao Chi shook his head slightly and said lightly: "You don't need to thank me, this is the intention of the king of my family, as long as you have good intentions, not people who are evil, people who are not evil, and the king of my family, all will be treated equally. ."

The voice fell!

With a bang, everyone present was shocked.


Such a sky-defying tablet of enlightenment was not evolved by Fairy Yaochi, but the King Taishan, who never showed up. This news was beyond everyone's expectations.

"How is it possible, according to our joint deduction, to announce the opening of the mountain, only Fairy Yaochi is alone, are there other great supernatural powers who can't do it?" Xuanyuan, Pan Wang and the others looked at each other and felt shocked in their hearts.

If they knew it when they first climbed the mountain, they might not have felt anything.

After experiencing the magic of the Enlightenment Monument, in their opinion, only Yaochi under the ancestral sect of Hongjun Dao can do it.

But now, 037 is someone else.

"Don't make random guesses, my king is a creature that existed since the beginning of the sky. He has been living in seclusion in the mountains and cultivating. All kinds of cause and effect are not connected. If you want to know his existence, you can't deduce it."

Seeing that the crowd continued to deduce, Yao Chi spoke at the right time, interrupting their conjectures.

Creatures that exist since the beginning of the sky?

On the top of Mount Tai, there was a continuous sound of gasping cold air.

Only Bai Ze stood beside him, his face expressionless, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, wanting to laugh but not daring to laugh.

Among the people present, he was the only one who knew the identities of Yaochi and Li Zhenwu the most.

However, it can be imagined that Li Zhenwu's methods are against the sky.

Even as the ancient demon Bai Ze, he could hide from the world, but for saints, he couldn't hide the past, let alone the way of heaven.

In the end, Li Zhenwu still did not show up, and in the hearts of everyone, it was a bit more mysterious.

"Fairy Yaochi, I and the human race still have important things to do, so I will say goodbye this time."

Xuanyuan led dozens of powerful people from the clan to bid farewell to Yaochi. He stepped on the jade stairs and gradually disappeared from everyone's eyes.

And other creatures did not follow.

"The opening of the mountain is over, if you have any doubts, you can tell Elder Bai." Yao Chi left a light sentence, then turned and left, shrouded in a glorious figure, hidden in the magnificent palace.

In the field, except for the human race, most of them were from the monster race, and there were also a few witches and mountain gods.

They looked at each other, looking slightly struggling.

"If you have any doubts, someone Bai can answer it." Bai Zexian was daoist, shaking his feather fan, with a refined and elegant temperament.

By going to know the future, he is naturally very clear about the questions of these creatures in front of him.

However, the atmosphere in the field was dull and silent.

Bai Ze was embarrassed, and was about to ask, when five black bears came over to break the embarrassment in the field.

"Are you waiting to enter the master's door?" The black bear boss's voice was strong, revealing a strong self-confidence.

As a little demon, in this world, the strength is weak, and this time to get the opportunity of supreme existence, what I think in my heart is to hold the golden thigh.

Don't look at them as kings and hegemons in their respective territories, it's just because there are few strong territorial people, and they are not spiritual mountains and rivers, so there is no one to fight for it.

If the spiritual veins of Mount Tai are as powerful as Bai Ze, Li Zhenwu will suppress it without saying a word.

The creatures of the same level, the five black bear demons, can be said to know what these creatures think.

"Elder Bai, the five generals, I was born humble, and instead of being confused for a lifetime, it is better to go to the king's gate and accumulate merit."

The one who spoke was the transformational bull demon, the true immortal's peak cultivation base, and the most powerful one among the many creatures present.

This time, when he opened his mouth, he was also recognized by everyone's voice transmission.

The corner of Bai Ze's mouth raised a smile, his eyes were clear, he could see through their minds, and said, "This mountain is transformed by spiritual veins. Everything is left to Bai, thinking that I, Mount Tai, is the first spiritual vein in Shenzhou, and your cultivation base is weak, doesn't it mean that I have fallen into the prestige of the master?"

"I am willing to spread the prestige for the king and achieve the name of the first spiritual mountain in the world."

The cow demon comprehended and led the crowd to bow down to the magnificent palace. The sincerity of his heart made even Bai Ze feel strange.

Of course, he is a congenital soul, and for other creatures, his vision is naturally different.

"Okay, if you want to enter the master's door, you still need time to verify whether you are a big treacherous person." The boss of the black bear demon said from the side.

Everyone was confused and immediately expressed their position again.

Along with the first batch of creatures under Taishan, Bai Ze also tried his best to teach the Dao to everyone every day.

During this period, Li Zhenwu evolved some magical powers and distributed them.

However, he has never appeared, and is extremely mysterious. In the eyes of everyone, he is comparable to the existence of a saint.

Cultivation has no time. Ever since the opening of the mountain, Mount Tai has been very low-key, and all beings in the world will almost forget it.


On this day, there was a loud noise ten miles away, where a witch attacked, broke through the city wall, and smoke billowed.

There was a big battle there, led by City Lord Hu, leading dozens of strong human beings, struggling to resist.

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