But the evil witch came prepared, a giant of a thousand feet, extremely powerful, majestic, raised his hands and raised his feet, and suppressed everyone.

In the end, the Human Race was defeated and retreated to the City Lord's Mansion to resist stubbornly.

Mount Tai is still quiet, filled with fairy light, and it looks holy and grand, majestic and atmospheric, as if it knows nothing about the outside world.


Suddenly, at the end of the sky, there is a red ray blazing, which seems very urgent.

"The Immortal Chief saves the life, the evil witch is attacking, I and the human race will fight to the death, but the other party comes prepared, I am afraid that less than half a stick of incense will be slaughtered."

Before the red light arrived, City Lord Hu's whimpering voice was transmitted from the red light, which contained despairing sadness.

Chapter [-] debuts!

From the beginning of the mountain to the present, Taishan has been very low-key, except for the collection of a group of creatures at the beginning, and then it became silent, and there was no sound.

If it weren't for the strong spiritual energy here and the fairy light blooming from time to time, it would almost be forgotten.

You know, this is very abnormal for this spiritual mountain and the owner of the mountain.

At the instigation of everyone, Bai Ze once asked Li Zhenwu, but the reply he got was that you have cultivated well, and your strength is still weak.


The five-headed black bear demon, after obtaining the magic door and supernatural power bestowed by Li Zhenwu, has greatly increased its strength and has reached the realm of Taiyi Zhenxian, so why is it weak?

And the shape-changing bull demon is not bad, it is only a foot away from Taiyi True Immortal.

It is no exaggeration to say that their lineup and strength, in the land of Shenzhou, have been regarded as the overlords of the previous party, and they can be regarded as able to despise all living beings.

So strong, yet still weak?

Not only Bai Ze and the others were puzzled, but even Yao Chi was puzzled.

However, Li Zhenwu said lightly, the time has not yet come, since he is protecting all spirits, naturally he is not in a position to take the initiative to attack.

"I believe in the king." Yao Chi naturally had no opinion on this answer.

It's just that, hundreds of years have passed.

When a battle broke out in a human city ten miles away, the entire Mount Tai was boiling.

"Haha, it seems that the timing that the king said is not far away!" Rao is Bai Ze's calm personality, and after holding it for hundreds of years, he couldn't help shouting excitedly.

"Elder Bai's predictions are like God, it seems that the time for me to become famous in the world has come." The black bear demon boss grinned.

"This time, the name of Mount Tai will be spread all over the world."

Everyone was also very excited and couldn't wait to rush down the mountain, which seemed very urgent.

You know, they have painstakingly cultivated for hundreds of years, for the sake of heaven's merit.

After all, the six paths are opened, the good and the bad are divided, and the merits come to all souls. Although these creatures are not saints, they do not hinder the desire for a strong Dao heart.

Sure enough, when they arrived at the foot of the mountain excitedly, they heard the call for help from City Lord Hu at the end of the sky.

"Hey, City Lord Hu, don't be in a hurry, what are you doing here?" the boss of the black bear demon shouted, full of energy, swept away the listlessness before.

The city was attacked by the evil witch, and City Lord Hu led the strong human race to resist desperately, but the opponent was too strong.

They sent the message to the Elder Hall, but when they received a reply, it would take at least half an hour to get here.

But for half an hour, it is obviously unrealistic for the defense line that has almost collapsed.

"If you can't resist, you can go to Mount Tai to seek shelter on your own." In the end, Xuanyuan opened his mouth and instructed City Lord Hu to fight his way out of the encirclement and use the secret method, which is why he came here.

However, City Lord Hu did not expect that he had just opened his mouth, and there were dozens of Lich creatures from the Black General waiting here at the foot of the mountain.

Bai Ze stood on the top of the mountain, his robe fluttered, shaking his feather fan, and did not come forward.

In his opinion, the evil witch who attacked the city was not worth his shot. After all, there were General Hei and others, and it was more than enough.

"Everyone, the human city is in trouble. Fairy Yaochi once said before the opening of the mountain that all spirits in the world can be sheltered. Hu, this time..." City Lord Hu was covered in blood and weak. Seeing General Hei and others, he couldn't wait to speak.

"Brothers, evil witches are in trouble. In the name of the great king, we will act on behalf of the heavens and fulfill the virtue of benevolence and righteousness."

Before City Lord Hu finished speaking, he only felt a pain in his shoulder, and his words were interrupted.


The black bear demon boss turned into a giant bear, holding City Lord Hu with one hand. Before he could finish speaking, he waved his big hand and led dozens of brothers towards the city.


Seeing this scene, City Lord Hu was dumbfounded, the whole person was stunned, thinking, it seems that they are more anxious than me.

However, the five black bear demon brothers, along with the dozens of creatures who followed, all shouted loudly. Those who didn't know how excited they thought they were seeing the beautiful girl.

They are all transformed into their own bodies, there are fierce birds soaring in the sky, setting off a gust of wind, and there are shamans of thousands of feet, exuding a powerful aura.

One of the bull demons was pitch-black, and its hair was smooth and silky like satin. It ran with four hooves, and the whistling sound could be heard incessantly.

"Fellow Daoists, I see that you are similar, have you seen them there?"

City Lord Hu was carried by the black bear demon boss, looking at the creatures around him, a strong sense of familiarity surged in his heart.


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