The black bull screamed in the sky, the bull's eyes widened, and he snorted a few times: "City Lord Hu, after we parted that day, don't you recognize us?"

While speaking, other creatures also walked in and winked.

All of them, without exception, exuded a rather powerful aura, and the lowest level was the real immortal realm, and the strongest Xiong Da was the real immortal realm of Taiyi.

This lineup almost blinded City Lord Hu.

"Are you..."

The next moment, he exclaimed, his face full of disbelief.

"Yes, we have already entered the master's door and received the master's guidance. Everyone's strength has improved by leaps and bounds."

Everyone in Taishan laughed proudly.


City Lord Hu's mind went blank, he couldn't believe it, what kind of sky-high cultivation speed was this?

In fact, Li Zhenwu is just a method of casual evolution. If he gives careful guidance, even a pig can make the other party reach the realm of Da Luo Jin Xian in hundreds of years.

It's just that when it's time to keep a low profile, you have to keep a low profile, after all, you're still doing things without the sage.


Soon, their speed reached the limit, and they came to the edge of the battle, with imposing aura.

At this moment, the city wall was mottled, the front was broken, and countless mortals were all gathered in the city lord's mansion, and a shocking battle broke out outside.

A giant of [-] meters is majestic and majestic. When he shoots, he will always be accompanied by a strong human being seriously injured, and he can't dodge in time, and he is smashed into powder by a punch.

"Haha, as my clan's gourmet, we must have the awareness of gourmet food." He laughed arrogantly, very indifferent.

At this moment, there was a vibration on the ground, and the smoke and dust in the distance rose to the sky, and the invincible momentum was overwhelmingly suppressed.

"Evil witches endanger the common people, they should be punished!"

The boss of the black bear demon waved and threw City Lord Hu aside with his eyes like a knife, staring straight at the hundreds of evil witches in front of him.

Chapter [-] The Black General is mighty! (Second more)

The voice fell, like a thunderous explosion, with awe-inspiring killing intent, shocking the offender.

For a moment, the evil witches who originally attacked the city's main mansion were all stunned.

This combination is so weird.

Not only are there monsters, but there are also witches, and what's more, there is even a towering ancient tree.

what's the situation?

The evil witch who came to commit the crime was astonished, never expected that just when the mansion was about to be breached, these creatures suddenly appeared.

"You wait for the slaughter of all living beings and all spirits, which is contaminated with supreme cause and effect. At this moment, the immortal is merciful, let the black general lead the army, and want you to be put to death."

After returning to the side of the human race, City Lord Hu told everyone the cause and effect, and turned around, looking sad and angry, and yelled at the evil witch who came.

The human race in the mansion, whether it is a magical person or a mortal, is cheering at this moment.

"Thank you to the gods of Mount Tai, if I escape this catastrophe, I will burn incense day and night to worship." The human race left tears and finally saw hope.

The evil witch was brutal. Wherever it went, the buildings in the city were destroyed and turned into ruins. I don't know how many people died in it.

Even if the supernatural powers resisted hard, it was difficult to take care of it all. Many of their relatives died tragically in the war.

If it weren't for the protection of the city lord's mansion, I'm afraid it would have been slaughtered long ago.

Now the Immortal Taishan sent a strong person to rescue, and for the originally desperate people, tears of excitement filled their eyes.

"Who am I, it turns out to be the creatures of that mountain range, but we have always been in the water of the river, so what do you want to do with our witch clan?"

The giant of [-] feet smiled coldly, his eyes fell on several of the witches, and he was even more furious: "There are a few of you, as my witch clan, you should have the ambition to dominate the world, but you are really a waste. The great talent of my witch clan!"

He was heartbroken, and seemed to be saddened by the actions of the witches from Mount Tai.

"Hugh is babbling nonsense. Empress Houtu opened the six realms for the sake of the world. Although I will not go to hell, it does not mean that I will follow you to fall."

"That's right, the Houtu is the most holy, and teaches us to be good at heart, but you, but you treat the teaching of the saints as nothing, and have evil intentions. You should be punished."

"This world is the world of the common people, not anyone's world."

In the face of the evil witch's accusations, their expressions remained unchanged, and they retorted loudly, full of arrogance and righteousness.

As the words fell, everyone nodded in agreement, shared the hatred and glared at hundreds of evil witches.

"Everyone's words are reasonable. Under the cycle of cause and effect, although the human race has grown countless times, it will never kill other creatures." On the human race's side, City Lord Hu shouted and got the response of hundreds of thousands of people behind him.

At this moment, as if there is no need to pronounce a sentence, their momentum can shake the world, and it is almost touching the people.

"It's ridiculous, and since this is the case, then see the real chapter under your hand."

The shaman who was brought in front of him thought, and the giant roared in the sky, and when he moved, he led the army to charge over.

Suddenly, the ground shook, and the war was about to break out.


Hundreds of evil witches, with hill-like bodies, are extremely strong, and their aura is not in the slightest.

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