Bai Ze showed a faint smile, suddenly lowered his voice, and whispered: "If the elder encounters someone who is lost, he can go to Mount Tai at a critical moment."

As soon as this statement came out, Xuanyuan's heart moved slightly, thinking, it seems that the military advisor must have seen something, and this battle must be careful.

"Don't worry, military advisor, I'm not a reckless person. If I lose my match, I won't be impulsive in order to ensure the lives of everyone."

Xuanyuan smiled lightly, said goodbye to Bai Ze, and soon disappeared from the city.

At this moment, only Bai Ze was left in the Xuanyuan Palace. He looked up at the sky with deep eyes.

"It seems that Heavenly Court should also make some moves."

The voice was very soft, as if talking to himself, with a strong sense of anticipation.

This battle will not only kill the evil witch and eradicate the demon ancestors, but also make Heavenly Court lose face.

Chapter [-]: Heavenly Court's Imperial Seal (Third)

Xuanyuan, Kong Xuan and the others, regardless of the day or night, rush through the wind and dust, and they have absolute confidence in their hearts for the final decisive battle.

"The lower realm is going to be in chaos."

In the Lingxiao Palace, the Haotian Mirror is suspended in the center, reflecting the pictures of the Three Realms and Six Paths.

Among them, there are several separate scenes, the moment when Xuanyuan and others disappeared from the city.

It's just that, even if it is the Clear Sky Mirror, for the Great Divine Ability, if you want to hide your location, you can always hide it.

Taibaijinxing bowed and congratulated the Jade Emperor on the top: "Your Majesty, Pan Taoyuan has matured, the lower realm will be in chaos, and the affairs of the world must be on schedule."

Waiting for one day, the whole heaven has been waiting too long.

As an important official in the heavenly court, if Taibaijinxing has no ambition, it must be fake.

Although he once led the celestial soldiers and generals to land in the mortal world, spread the blessings of heaven, and made mortals invulnerable to all diseases.

But that's just ordinary mortals.

In the eyes of cultivators and those in power, only the Holy Father of Wudang Mountain and the Virgin of Wa Palace, the Jade Emperor without heaven.

For the Supreme Being of the Six Paths of the Three Realms, this is eternal pain!

"Very good, is there a charter for the affairs of the four seas?" Haotian said in a good mood and high spirits.

"The Dragon King of the Four Seas has already compromised with my Heavenly Court, and now he can become a member of my Heavenly Court only after His Majesty's decree."

Taibaijinxing has a smile on the corner of his mouth, and his face is full of spring breeze.

There are so many famous mountains and rivers in the world, and the imperial seal of the world is also to take all the wild immortal mountain gods for their own use, so as to supplement the huge heaven where life is scarce.

"Well, regardless of the two lich clans, as long as they submit to Heaven, they can't let it go."

Haotian is also insanely poor, no matter what kind of creature or strength, as long as he is willing to submit, he will be conferred an official position together.

Finally, he asked a few more places, and then fell silent.

When Taibaijinxing saw this, he was not stupid in his heart. He knew what the Jade Emperor was thinking, but he didn't dare to disturb him. He could only stand there without squinting.

After an unknown time, Lingxiao Palace let out a sigh.

This voice was full of helplessness, also with a hint of regret and powerlessness, as if encountering an unsolvable problem.

"How should the human race deal with it?" This is the pain in Haotian's heart, and it is also the race that he has always wanted to recover.

But the human race only respects sages and Li Zhenwu. For other foreign teachings, except for mortals, the great supernatural powers are not very cold.

It is precisely because of this that Heavenly Court has never been able to receive the submission of mortal practitioners, which has led to the fact that the entire Heavenly Court has remained sparsely populated over the years.

"Your Majesty, if you want to make mortals submit, you have to solve the problem from the root." Tai Jinxing said, but he did his best.

It's just that the Jade Emperor Haotian couldn't help but have a bitter face when he heard the words.

The meaning of Taibaijinxing, he understands best, wants the cultivators of the human race to submit, they can only work hard from their holy father.

But Haotian knew exactly what Li Zhenwu was.

It's not that he doesn't want to seal Li Zhenwu, but he doesn't dare. After all, although the ruthless master disappeared from the heaven, but the ruthless character who once dared to challenge the saint, he couldn't seal it indiscriminately.

If the decree is light, I am afraid it will lead to the dissatisfaction of the human race, and then there will still be no human race practitioners in the heavenly court.

On the contrary, the saint is dissatisfied.

You must know that Li Zhenwu, who has lost the face of a saint, except the human race, all spirits in the world are deeply taboo about him.

It is no exaggeration to say that the Holy Father of Wudang Mountain is a taboo-like existence in today's world.

If the non-human race had the support of Empress Houtu and Empress Nuwa, I am afraid they would have fallen into the teachings of the saints long ago, but if this is the case, there are still countless mortals who have served the saints of the two Eastern religions.

After all, mortals live a hundred years in a hurry, and the Holy Father is not there, and he can't give them anything.

In this way, he naturally turned his head and worshipped other saints, at least one thought.

Taibaijinxing also saw the key, so he only said this, so that the Haotian Jade Emperor could make plans early.

"Li Zhenwu, the Holy Father of the Human Race, really embarrassed the Emperor of Heaven, Ruo Guo..."

The Jade Emperor Haotian had a headache, whispered to himself, and suddenly stopped, and faintly heard the sound of Sanskrit sounding from his mind, but it was the sound transmission of the two Western saints.

This sound transmission is only aimed at Haotian alone, Taibaijinxing and the immortal soldiers in the hall are not aware of it.

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