After a while, the Jade Emperor Haotian showed joy on his face, turned his head to look at Taibaijinxing, and said in a deep voice: "Taibai, after all, the human race is the ruler of the heaven and the earth, and the emperor of heaven is in charge of the three realms and six realms. Naturally, you can't fall into his identity as a saint of the human race. Take this emperor's decree to Wudang Mountain..."

In the end, Mian Haotian didn't know what to say, Taibaijinxing was instructed, and immediately took Tianbingtian to the lower realm.

Wudang Mountain, the ancestral hall of the human race.

There are still a few human races living here, but it is not abandoned. They take care of their ancestral land and hope that the Holy Father will appear again.

Suddenly, thousands of auspicious auras bloomed in the sky, immortal energy was dense, transpiration filled the air, and there were more colorful haze spraying, a splendid and magnificent scene.


In the ancestral hall of the human race, Shennong had already felt it, and brought the high-level human race stationed in the ancestral land to the square to greet him.

"When Immortal Master Taibai is here, Shennong will be far away to welcome him." He cupped his hands and did not bow down to salute.

The same is true of the high-level human race beside him, but they looked at the immortals on the auspicious clouds, but there was a strange feeling in their hearts.

"Following the decree of the Emperor of Heaven, Li Zhenwu, the holy father of the human race, has merit and virtue to all spirits in the world, and he should enjoy the blessings of the world.

As Taibaijinxing's voice fell, the ancestral land of the human race shook violently.


Above the nine heavens, thousands of golden lights were sprinkled, the Ruixiang Qilin floating clouds ran, and the sound of the avenue fell, full of grand and majestic momentum.

This is……

As soon as the vision appeared, the world was shocked.

Not only the Jade Emperor Haotian in Lingxiao Palace was stunned, but even the saints were petrified in their respective dojos.

At this moment, Emperor Zhenwu was established, causing the top creatures in the whole world to fall into incredible emotions.

"what is the problem?"

The Jade Emperor Haotian's face was pale, and his body was full of ferocity. It was unbelievable.

The Lingxiao Palace was in chaos, the heavenly soldiers and the heavenly generals bowed down and fell to the ground, and the atmosphere did not dare to chuan.

Chapter One Hundred and Sixty-Three Names of Heaven

Heavenly Court, how could such a vision appear?

The sight is so eerie!

Not to mention that the Jade Emperor Haotian was stunned, even the saints were caught off guard.

You must know that back then, the two Western Saints transmitted their voices to allow the Jade Emperor Haotian to be decreed, so there was nothing to worry about.

But I didn't expect this to happen.

After all, they were originally uneasy and kind, even if Li Zhenwu was enshrined as Emperor Zhenwu, his status was second only to Haotian Jade Emperor in Heaven.

For the saints, it is equivalent to belittling Li Zhenwu in disguise, which is two grades worse than their status.

It is unbelievable that they guessed the beginning, but could not predict the end.

Shouyang Mountain, inside the Tusita Palace.

Taishang Laojun sat cross-legged beside the Bagua stove, and when he sensed the vision of Wudang Mountain, his face turned red, and he finally sighed.

"Heavenly Dao ordered it. I didn't expect that the title of Zhenwu Great Emperor was not enshrined by the Haotian Jade Emperor, but a title that existed for a long time in the operation of the Dao."

If this is the case, then it is above the heaven, and even Hongjun can't stop it.

The Jade Emperor Haotian and the saints' small abacus can no longer play, and even when the vision comes, their luck will be affected a little.

Western Lingshan.

"Miscalculation." Zhun raised his hands together and shook his head with a wry smile.

"He 613 is no longer there, but the luck he has affected cannot even be wiped out by the way of heaven. It's a terrifying existence."

Then he sang a Buddha's name and said with a sad face.

This calculation was deduced by them, but in the end, everyone was buried in it.

What does God's ordination represent?

In other words, the merits enshrined by the Jade Emperor Haotian are gone. On the contrary, even his position as the Emperor of Heaven is slightly worse than that of the Great Emperor Zhenwu.

But for the saints, the fortunate thing in misfortune is that Li Zhenwu is no longer there.

If they are still there, they have not yet been sanctified. In addition to their strength, their status must be equal to them. This is a fact that even the Dao of Heaven must admit.

Inside the Biyou Palace, the Tongtian sect master woke up from his immortal wandering. Sword light shot out from his eyes, the corners of his mouth raised, and he snorted coldly.

"A bunch of jumping clowns!"

For what the Second Saint of the West did, he felt a little gloating, even a little smug.

How could the prehistoric aliens that were recognized by the teacher at the time be so simple?

This is the most real thought of the Master of the Heavens.

Don't participate in the calculations against Li Zhenwu, on the contrary, if you know it, you will destroy it as much as possible.

"The way of true martial arts he cultivates is mysterious and mighty. My Immortal Execution Sword Formation, the power can be improved again, I am afraid that it has disappeared recently, it is just intentional."

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