The sect master of Tongtian shook his head and laughed. As a saint, he did not dare to make any judgments on this alien.

Because from the birth of Li Zhenwu to the present, everything he has done can be called alternative, but every step is impeccable.

In this incident, the most embarrassed was the Jade Emperor Haotian.

He is sitting in the Lingxiao Palace at the moment, the whole person is still petrified, his mind is blank, and he feels the dark moment of life.

"Three realms and six paths, the Emperor of Heaven is in charge of everything, why does the name of Zhenwu have to be overshadowed by me?"

"The teacher once said that I, Haotian, should enjoy the blessing of the Emperor of Heaven. Isn't the Emperor of Heaven the most respected identity?"

At this moment, Haotian was puzzled.

But no matter how he wanted to break his head, he couldn't deduce it, and in the end he had no choice but to give up.

The only thing that is fortunate is that the guy who was ordered by Heaven is gone, and the most respected status of the Three Realms and Six Paths has finally been preserved.

"Pass my order, three days later, Heavenly Court will hold a Peach Feast!"

After thinking for a moment, Haotian packed up his mood and ordered a divine general to spread the news.

All immortals and gods who want to settle in the heavenly court can come.

"The saint's side, I have to go personally." Haotian muttered to himself, and left Lingxiao Palace with a bitter face.

However, before he stepped out of Nantianmen, his figure stopped in place, and his whole body stiffened again.

I don't know how long it took, he resisted the anger in his heart, bowed his hands towards the void, and put his posture extremely low.

"Brothers and sisters, remember to come when the time comes!"

It turned out that the holy thoughts of the saints had just swept in, and he had already agreed to participate without him having to go in person.

This was indeed a big blow to Haotian.

"They're all disgusting Ben Tiandi." He gritted his teeth and sighed, trying to calm down.

Seeing this, the nearby Nantianmen guards all showed a surprised look, thinking what happened to the Emperor of Heaven, why are the emotions so repeated?

However, in the face of the power of the Heavenly Emperor, no one dared to touch the bad head.

The Jade Emperor Peak of Mount Tai.

Yaochi, dressed in a thin gauze skirt and a lotus-step style, came curling up: "Your Majesty, Haotian invited me to attend the Pan Tao Banquet in three days, should we agree?"

Just now, she received a message from Haotian, and strange ripples appeared in her heart, so she came to ask.

Li Zhenwu sat cross-legged on the high platform, opened his eyes upon hearing this, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"What a peach feast, it seems that Haotian's abacus really hit our Mount Tai."

His attitude was indifferent, and he told Yaochi that the so-called Pan Tao Banquet was just a banquet that wanted to shame them.

You know, in front of countless creatures and saints, if the human race is defeated, and Li Zhenwu and the others are also present, the result is self-evident.

"The demon ancestor Luohu was born, if we leave Mount Tai, the human race Xuanyuan and the others will be difficult to deal with!" Yaochi knew the danger, so he reminded a few words.

Li Zhenwu waved his hand and said indifferently, "Pantao is the number one spiritual root in the heavens. It would be a pity not to participate."


When Yaochi wanted to say something, Li Zhenwu interrupted and said with a smile, "Don't worry, everything is up to me. Since there are peaches to eat, you can also watch the show by the way, why not?"

Hearing this, Yao Chi placed his trust in Li Zhenwu, and after thinking for a moment, he firmly nodded in agreement.

"Giggle, Your Majesty Yingming, if you can get his face in heaven, it's not a waste of this banquet."

Yao Chi covered Xiao and his mouth and let out a silver bell-like laughter.

As if she had already seen Li Zhenwu's heroic display of great power and shocking all beings.

Chapter [-] The mysterious martial artist! (Second more)

The address of Heavenly Court is on the top of the original Buzhou Mountain. After being transformed by Hongjun's great mana, the steps wind around the mountain and lead directly to the sky and clouds.

On this day, all the great supernatural powers in the world come.

Even Yuanzi, the ancestor of the Earth Immortal who had been in seclusion, came with two Taoist boys, so he could be at ease.

The great supernatural powers stepped on auspicious clouds and appeared directly at Nantianmen, and the specifications and treatment were considered considerate.

Only the creatures under the Golden Immortal Daluo could not get close to Nantianmen. They were suppressed by invisible forces. In the end, they could only settle for the next best thing, never ascending to the sky from Zhoushan Mountain.

"Haha, Haotian is also interesting. I don't know what he thought, but he even came to imitate us."

When Yaochi and Li Zhenwu arrived, they saw that the steps of Buzhou Mountain were crowded with people, like a black dragon.

"Your Majesty, let's fly up!"

Immediately afterwards, the two drove the auspicious clouds, not in the direction of Zhoushan, but flew directly towards Nantianmen.

The suppression of such invisible rules is insignificant for the two of them.

Nantianmen, the increase of guards on this day, almost mobilized most of the heavenly soldiers in heaven to maintain order in the future.

When Yaochi and Li Zhenwu came, Taibaijinxing had already been waiting here, and he specially greeted the great magician.

"Xiaoxian has seen Fairy Yaochi and Martial Daoist!"

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