"Taibaijinxing is polite, this way please!"

Yaochi and Li Zhenwu smiled lightly, then followed Taibaijinxing and walked towards the palace tower in the depths of the fairy mist.

They rode the fairy clouds, and there were countless islands floating along the way, the heavens and the blessed land, the fairy light bloomed, exuding the brilliance of the sky, and even the cranes soared among them, hidden in the sea of ​​​​clouds, beautiful.

Soon, they came to the banquet place, and the crowd was full of people, and almost all the creatures with a little cultivation were invited.

"so many people?"

Li Zhenwu's face was full of surprise, and he was also shocked. It seemed that the Jade Emperor Haotian was really in a hurry this time.

However, the peach is not something that everyone can eat. The creatures under the peak strength of Daluo Jinxian have no luck at all, and can only taste other spiritual fruits.

"His Majesty the Jade Emperor sincerely welcomes all ethnic groups, and it is also a good place for the common people."

Taibaijinxing stroked his beard and smiled, his face full of pride.

Such a grand occasion made them, the old people in heaven, with light on their faces, and instantly became the focus of heaven.

"Great Immortal Taibaijinxing, I'm waiting for the little demon of the Chilong River. If I want to join the Heavenly Court, I wonder if I can tell the Jade Emperor?"

Not long after, someone nearby saw Taibaijinxing, and immediately gathered around and asked in a low manner.

There is no way to get through here, and they are all creatures under the strength. Their aptitude is not high, and they have no hope of proving the way. Now, seeing the heavenly court recruiting talents, they all want to hit their luck.

"Let's go!"

Seeing this, Li Zhenwu took Yaochi's weak and boneless little hand and fluttered away, looking for a corner to sit down.

The Lingxiao Palace is very large, their positions are arranged on the second step, and the top is the position of the Haotian Jade Emperor and the saints.

"Hey, fellow Daoist, why do I feel that you are a little familiar?"

Suddenly, a surprise sounded from the side.

I saw Zhen Yuanzi came with two Taoist boys and sat down beside Li Zhenwu.

Yao Chi got up in a hurry, gave Zhen Yuanzi a slight blessing, and called out a clear brother.

"Junior Sister Yaochi is also there. It seems that this fellow Taoist must be the king of your Mount Tai." Zhen Yuanzi said with a smile when he saw this.

He has an easy-going temperament, and he has no interest in the struggle of the world.

Especially after Li Zhenwu disappeared, he even lost his heart to fight for hegemony. Such powerful aliens were all under the disappearance of the All Saints Pit. For Zhen Yuanzi, this was a reminder.

If you don't prove the sage of Hunyuan Tiandao, you can't compete with the sage after all.

He refined the Book of the Earth and opened up an Earth Immortal Realm, and being that supreme ancestor would be considered at ease.

"I've seen Daoist Zhenyuan!" Li Zhenwu sat still, responded lightly, and ignored it.

Seeing this scene, Zhen Yuanzi's mind moved slightly, and a strange color flashed in his eyes, but seeing that Li Zhenwu's attitude was not enthusiastic, he didn't care anymore.

The girl in Yaochi looks like an ethereal figure, sitting beside Li Zhenwu, there is a fairy light permeating, and it is hazy, which makes it difficult to see.

In the hall, the noisy voice gradually quieted down.

The high platform at the top bloomed with a splendid fairy light, the haze sprayed, and the sound of the avenue reverberated, which not only blocked the sight of all beings, but also blocked the detection of spiritual sense.

"Thank you all for coming, the Pan Tao Banquet is now open." A majestic voice came from above.

No need to guess, everyone knows that the saints have arrived.

The sage has a noble status, and is the highest living being in the heavens. It is difficult for ordinary living beings to see once.


The Pan Tao Banquet was quiet, and almost all the creatures outside the palace stood up one after another and bowed to the high platform in silence.

Following this, countless graceful fairies, holding trays and walking in lotus steps, shuttled through the crowd.

The nectar and jade liquid, the spirit jade wine cup, and many spirit fruits filled every table.

The spiritual energy was so strong that it turned into substance, and everyone was intoxicated, the pores were dilated, and the whole person fell into a situation of rapid improvement in strength.

"Oh, this is Pan Tao."

In front of Li Zhenwu's table, there are various spiritual fruits, one of which is a peach, as crystal clear as jade, with bright colors flowing, and it contains amazing spiritual energy.

"As expected of the first spiritual root in the heaven, it is almost comparable to the old man's ginseng fruit tree."

Next to him, Zhen Yuanzi said with emotion that the Heavenly Court with the support of Hongjun had such a deep background that the original Monster Race Heavenly Court could not be compared at all.

In fact, Heaven has nothing but a lack of people.

This large banquet is also to find the best talents in the world, so that the heavenly court can restore the majesty of ruling the heavens.

"Everyone, this emperor's heavenly court is enjoying a banquet today, but the creatures in the mortal world are miserable. It is a pity that the human race does not seek heavenly court, and this emperor is not easy to intervene."

At this moment, the voice of the Jade Emperor Haotian came out from the haze filled with immortal light.

As the voice fell, all beings in the banquet turned their heads, and their eyes fell on the second step, the man and the woman.

It's still coming!

Chapter [-] Watch the play! (third more)

At this moment, Li Zhenwu and Yaochi can be called everyone's attention.

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