It has become the focus of this peach feast.

"Life is ruined and the earth is sinking, just because of a wrong choice of the human race."

Haotian Jade Emperor's tone was pitiful and pitiful, heartbroken.

But everyone can hear that this time the war between the evil witch and the human race, with the participation of the demon ancestors, is different from the past.

Obviously, the Jade Emperor was at the top, and he was instructed by the saint to take action.

"Although I can't bear it, you should take a good look at it as a wake-up call."

Then, in the hazy haze, a simple mirror flew out and suspended in the void of the hall.


The mirror blooms with splendid fairy light, reflecting the nine heavens and ten places, and can observe all things in the world, which is unparalleled.

The next moment of "Four Five Zeros", the mirror turned, and a picture of a vast mountain range appeared.

"This is a strong monster from the monster race. Although he is powerful, he is obviously shallow in Taoism. The human race relies on this creature, and it is not enough to fail..."

"What the Heavenly Emperor said is wrong. The human race has infinite potential. Even if there is no help from outsiders, they may not be able to help the demon ancestor Luohu. I am afraid it is just intentional to sharpen the will of everyone."

The Haotian Jade Emperor talked eloquently, but Li Zhenwu couldn't bear it any longer, he spoke lightly and interrupted him.

The next moment, the entire hall was quiet.

Everyone's faces were stunned, they turned their heads and looked over, thinking who would dare to interrupt the words of the Emperor?

When they saw the person who spoke, there was a strange look on everyone's face.

The demon powerhouse reflected in the Clear Sky Mirror was Kong Xuan.

"Could it be that this powerful monster has something to do with the Lord of Mount Tai?"

Some people guessed that it was very close to the truth.

Others may not know that Kong Xuan's master is a martial artist, but Haotian is no one, if he doesn't know, he can't justify it.

Now that you know it, and belittling Kong Xuan openly, this is equivalent to hitting Li Zhenwu in the face in disguise.

But can Li Zhenwu bear it silently?

The answer is obviously not.

So when his words sounded, the entire hall fell silent.

"Yes, this little peacock is a disciple of this seat. Taishan actually wants to protect all spirits and ravages China in the devil's way. As a member of Taishan, he naturally has to come forward."

Without giving everyone time to make random guesses, Li Zhenwu took a sip of the nectar juice, put down the white jade wine cup, and opened his mouth again.


The creatures in the entire hall were in a commotion.

Their eyes were strange, looking at Li Zhenwu and Yaochi, and they fell to the ground in admiration.

This is in front of the saint's face, and in front of the world, directly arguing with the Emperor of Heaven!

In an instant, in the hearts of everyone, Li Zhenwu has been elevated to a ruthless man!

"Anita Buddha, the words of the benefactor of the martial arts, although reasonable, I am afraid that it is not convincing." The Sanskrit sound was agitated, and it charmed people's hearts.

It was the voice of the reception. After sitting behind the haze, after calculating, I found that something was wrong, so I opened my mouth.

It's just that he couldn't figure out what was wrong.

As a saint, since he felt something was wrong, there must be a problem, so he stood on the side of the Jade Emperor.

On the high platform, the haze filled the air and was covered by fairy light, making it unreal.

But Li Zhenwu could see that his eyes were clear, looking up at the scene inside, a smile flashed in his eyes.

"Dare to ask the saint, the war has not yet begun, why can you make a conclusion on the result now?" Li Zhenwu stood up, he was slender and straight, his voice was bright, and there was no fear at all.

Hearing this, there were countless gasps of cold air in the hall.

This is an aloof sage, the Lord of Mount Tai, even the sage dares to question?

On that high platform, seven saints sat.

The two Western sages were sitting together, and the Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun were together.

The two women among the saints were sitting together.

Seven saints and one Heavenly Emperor can be said to be the most honorable creatures in the world, recognized by the Dao of Heaven.

Just as Li Zhenwu opened his mouth, the second sage in the west had an ugly expression on his face.

"I have heard for a long time that the Martial Daoist, the lord of Mount Tai, has a powerful mana. On the eve of the war, this seat has already instructed Xuanyuan and others of the human race to seek help."

"Yes, the Houtu is the most holy. It has already taken off its witch body and evolved into hell at the same time. Now the witch clan left in the world is just a group of evil incarnations."

Empress Nuwa spoke, her eyes were cold, and she glanced lightly at the Haotian Jade Emperor who was so relaxed.

You know, the re-opening of Heavenly Court, for the saint who was once the Heavenly Court of the Monster Race, the taste is not too uncomfortable.

If it wasn't for Hongjun's will, Nuwa would have smashed the heavenly court with a hydrangea.

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