
His body is like electricity, rushing in the void, turning into a shadow, approaching a great witch in an instant, raising his hand and punching it.

"When my benefactor saved me, I remember it in my heart. The way of being a human being is the way of my Kong Xuan."

A faint voice sounded, and this place was completely boiling.

The creatures on the battlefield, whether they were humans or evil witches, were stunned when they saw Kong Xuan.

He was slender and tall, his fists clenched tightly, his hair fluttered, his roots bloomed with splendid luster, his mottled robes fluttered in the wind, and his whole person was full of an unspeakable aura.


Then, he moved.

Punch out, the space is agitated, and terrifying energy fluctuations erupt.


A great witch screamed, and it was too late to resist, and the huge body was directly annihilated.

"How is it possible, how did he become stronger?" Xing Tian went mad, bombarded the five-color space violently, and the powerful anti-shock force cracked his body, looking very terrifying.

However, he did not stop, even more crazy.


With a loud noise, the five-color space was pierced by a punch and shattered.

Xing Tian ripped apart the sky and stepped forward. The cracked wound on his body gradually healed under the nourishment of demonic energy.

"Peacock, right, I want you to die."

When he came to the center of the battlefield, his eyes were cold, staring at Kong Xuan, and rushed straight over.

Along the way, there were killing gods who wanted to attack, but they were all punched by him, so powerful that they were a mess.

Chapter [-] Beheading and punishing the sky! (Second more)

The demonic flames were surging, attacking and killing from a distance, and the speed was extremely fast, filled with a terrifying breath, like a chaotic god and demon descended.

Kong Xuan smashed the big witch in front of him with a punch, and was about to turn to leave when suddenly his pupils shrank, and his heart filled with shock.

The five-color space turned into splendid rays of light, intertwined in the sky, and finally flew back to his back, entwined together, forming a pair of colorful wings.

"This is the magic way?" Kong Xuan's face was solemn.

The innate five-color divine light blends into it and can form a trapped space.

There is no doubt about the tenacity of Shenguang, even if the peak of Daluo Jinxian wants to be smashed, it will be difficult.

After all, as a five-color divine light, it contains mysterious power, and it claims to be a world inside, allowing him to fight beyond the ranks.

But Xingtian cultivated the magic way, and broke it in such a short time by self-mutilation.

This is amazing!

"Gaga, give me death." Xingtian Dawu crossed the void and directly killed Kong Xuan.

He is tall and has a disheveled hair, like a god and a demon, full of indomitable suffocation.


The mountain-like fist, covered with a layer of magic flame, bombarded.

The air was turbulent, and a mighty force erupted.

"Hmph, get out of here."

Kong Xuan did not retreat, but advanced, went up to meet him, and resisted.

When the two collided, a splendid divine light bloomed, extremely bright, as dazzling as the sun, dazzling.


The loud noise was dull, the energy was raging, and the ground was sunk in a radius of ten miles.

Kong Xuan's figure retreated sharply, and the five-color divine light on his back burst out, crystal clear, like wings flapping, suspended in the air.

"As expected of a great witch who cultivates the magic path, it is indeed difficult to deal with." He looked cold and looked down.

There was a pothole in the original ground, bottomless, there was a whistling sound, and with a bang, Xing Tian flew from the ground to the sky and killed him again.

At this moment, the giant Xingtian Baizhang was surrounded by magical flames, and his breath was terrifying.

"Death!" He didn't talk nonsense, he smiled coldly, showing a bloodthirsty look.


The fist bombarded out, like a huge mountain, covering the sky and the sun.

And there are magic flames that permeate out, wrapping around the arm, exuding violent energy fluctuations.

The fusion of the demon's power is stronger than ever, the power is terrifying, and even the space ripples, it seems that it can't bear it.


Kong Xuan didn't seem to be afraid, the divine light on his back bloomed and flew out, like a five-handed three-foot sword light, swiping towards Xingtian below.

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