Five-color divine light, can brush all things in the world.

Under this swipe, the demonic flames surrounding Xingtian's body weakened a little, and the momentum suddenly decreased sharply.


Feeling the changes in his body, the hundred-zhang giant showed a startled expression, and was extremely jealous of the five-color divine light.

However, he still couldn't dodge, and was swept to the end by the five-color divine light.


Like a palm of colorful light, it enveloped Xingtian and shot it down towards the ground, strong and terrifying.

The ground shook, stirring up countless dust, obscuring the light of the sun and the moon.

In the distance, the human race and the evil sorcerer who were fighting desperately were all moved.

"What a terrible power."

"Could this be the true strength of General Kong?"

The masters of the human race, while their eyes were shocked, made their shots even more ruthless.

Wherever he went, no evil lich dared to fight!

In fact, the main function of the five-color divine light is not to trap people, but to brush people's cultivation.

Xingtian was careless for a while, and after being brushed, the magic flame was weakened and returned to its original form.

He is ten thousand feet tall, like a sacred mountain, with a strong and powerful body, and contains absolute power, which can shake the magic weapon of the gods.

"What kind of magical power is this?"

With an exclamation, Xing Tian got up from the ground, he felt weak for a while, and could not maintain his prosperous state.

It's so weird!

In the divine light brush, he was not injured, but his cultivation disappeared, as if suppressed by invisible rules, and he directly hit the ground.

"This is the innate supernatural power of this general!" Kong Xuan sneered without concealing it.

After this battle, his real trump card can't be concealed even if he wants to. Since that's the case, it's better to admit it generously.


The voice fell, the air burst, and a mottled phantom swooped down from the sky, killing Xingtian forcefully...

At this moment, the five-color divine light was dazzling and dazzling, crystal clear, like a three-foot sword light, controlled by Kong Xuan, and brushed over again.


Seeing this scene, Xing Tian's eyes widened, his mind moved, he turned around and wanted to escape.

Just kidding, that's a weird magical power to brush people's cultivation.

There is no need to doubt, if he is brushed several times, I am afraid that he will fall to the cultivation base of the great witch, and then he will be slaughtered by others.

When there is no cracking method, escape is the only option.

Boom boom boom!

The ground trembled, Xing Tian stepped forward, waved his hand, and beckoned the evil witch on the battlefield to escape.

However, no matter how fast the speed is, how can it be compared with the divine light? In just a moment, the colorful divine light came to him.


Xing Tian raised his hand, his palms were like palm fans, and he wanted to fly the five-colored divine light fan out.

But Shen Guang just brushed lightly, and then immediately retreated, without colliding with Xing Tian head-on, brushing off his cultivation level again.

"Damn, it's still my lack of strength. If Chi You is as strong, I'll definitely not be afraid of this ghost."

Xing Tian was furious, but he couldn't do anything about it.

The five-color divine light can fight by leaps and bounds, not to mention that the two are of the same rank, and it is even more accurate.

"If you want to run away, keep brushing you!" Kong Xuanyang screamed, chasing after him.

He rode the five-color divine light, flew out, and swiped towards Xing Tian's back. Xing Tian would block him several times, but in the end, he didn't bother to pay attention.

At this moment, Xing Tian just wanted to leave quickly.

Seeing this scene, a trace of coldness flashed in Kong Xuan's eyes, silently, he waved his hand to control the divine light, and with a snort, the divine light drew an arc and brushed towards Xing Tian's neck.

"Let you be arrogant first, and when I escape to Zhulu, I will smash your corpse into ten thousand pieces."

Feeling the blazing rays of light behind him, Xing Tianyang roared, his fists clenched tightly, he just ignored it, wanted to endure the last brush, and escaped with the shock force.

But this time, he miscalculated.


The five rays of light, red, orange, red, green, and blue, merged in the next moment, like a five-colored divine sword, emitting a sword clang and slashing sharply.

Chapter [-]: God's Light Shocks Heaven (Third)

The sound of the sword echoed in the sky, alarmed Jiuxiao, and passed it far away.

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