Between heaven and earth, calm down at this moment.

The eyes of countless creatures are watching this scene. Everyone's eyes are wide, and they dare not let out the air, for fear that they will miss the slightest.

Then, no surprise.


The splendid divine sword slid across Xingtian's body, bringing up a huge head.

Head separated!

Blood rose to the sky, dyeing the sky red, as if a torrential rain was pouring down.

In the end, Xing Tian's huge body took a few steps habitually, and then fell to the ground with a bang.


The whole world fell silent.

In the distant battlefield, everyone was stunned and completely petrified.

Even the evil witch stopped and watched this scene with a look of despair on his face.

Xing Tian was second only to the godlike patriarch Chi You among the existing Wu clan.

But now, he was actually beheaded by General Kong of the human race.

All the evil witches were shocked, their hearts felt powerless, their wills collapsed, and they lost 21 fighting spirit.

After all, even the Great Wu Xingtian had to be put to death in front of Kong Xuan, not to mention the others. If they fought again, the result would only be death.

"Would you like to continue?"

At this time, Kong Xuan stepped forward and looked down at the remaining evil witches with cold eyes.

There are thousands of evil witches and witches on the other side, and at this moment, there are only more than a thousand witches left, and among them, the great witches are the few remaining who have been beheaded.

This battle is not without pain.

However, the Human Race army is not much better, more than a thousand people, and only one tenth of it is left at this moment.

And everyone, more or less, has injuries.

If it continues, the Terran side, except for Kong Xuan, will also not be able to form an effective combat power.

It's just that Kong Xuan alone can shock them.

Xingtian's corpse was still on the ground, blood flowed into a river, and the huge body fell down, like a mountain range, majestic and majestic.

That's best for deterrence.

"Do we still have a choice?" a great witch asked.

They looked apprehensive, clenched their fists, and after losing their fighting spirit, they still had the will to survive.

"I'll give you two choices, either die or go to hell." Kong Xuan stepped forward, standing tall and straight, and overwhelmingly suppressed.

"We have turned into demons, the people of hell, I am afraid they will not take us in."

"Yes, there is no place for us in this world. If we don't fight for hegemony, we will die sooner or later." A shaman looked sad and said loudly.

When they chose to stay in the world, they were originally in the world, but they did not expect to be found by the Jiuli tribe and warned, and finally decided to join the hegemony.

"Ignorance, there are six reincarnations in hell, which can wash away all the filth in the world. If you really want to repent, I think Yan Jun will be happy to take you in."

Hearing these people's words, Kong Xuan scolded coldly. Obviously, he had already realized that these witches were not evil by nature.

Only when you are charmed by others, will you make moves that want to dominate the world.


The witches knelt down and begged Kong Xuan to point out the maze.

Kong Xuan shook his head, waving his hand to put away the more than [-] people, and then sighed: "You are deceived and understandable. If you really want to repent, you can only beg the Queen Mother."

After he finished speaking, he ignored them, took a step forward, moved and disappeared.

After half a sound, there was a thunderous cry in the field.

"Queen Houtu, I was wrong in waiting."

"Our sins are heavy, and staying in the world is just a scourge. I hope the mother will be merciful and allow us to reunite with our clan."

The rest of the Wu clan bowed their heads sincerely and told their sins.

They know that the sage's means reach the sky, and he will definitely be able to hear his own words.


Sure enough, the void suddenly shook and was torn apart, revealing the scene of hell.

One of them was a ruthless man, with a solemn expression and anger in his eyes, glaring at them fiercely.

"If you can't wait, the maiden is merciful, since you know that your sins are serious, you will go to hell eighteen times and be tortured for thousands of years to wash away the evil spirits from your body."

The ruthless man holding the book in one hand and the pen in the other, is the Kuafu judge of hell.

Immediately, these witches did not dare to say a word, and walked in respectfully.

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