Occasionally, Zhen Yuanzi would ask Li Zhenwu when he was puzzled. In the end, Zhen Yuanzi was surprised by Li Zhenwu's fraternity.

"This is definitely an unimaginable ancient existence." In his heart, but unconsciously, he raised Li Zhenwu to an unimaginable height.

Isn't that right, Li Zhenwu can tell the reason for almost the general trend of the world, Sanren Avenue, this is definitely not an ordinary quasi-sage comparable.


Wudang Mountain, the ancestral hall of the human race.


The merits of Heavenly Dao suddenly descended, shrouding Shennong in the hall.

"Elder Shennong, is this?"

Seeing this scene, everyone who stayed in the ancestral hall was shocked, and their eyes showed the color of inquiries.

The vast golden light of merit descended from the sky, like a nine-day star river, splendid and mysterious, containing inexplicable fluctuations.

When they watched from the side, they all felt that their pores were dilated, their minds and bodies were refreshed, and their souls were about to be sublimated.

"What a miraculous energy fluctuation, it is of great benefit to cultivation."

"Wait, this golden light is a bit familiar."

"That is the golden light of merit and virtue, which can only be obtained by doing the things that benefit all souls under the heaven."

"Then Elder Shennong has been in the ancestral hall, how did this golden light of merit come from?"

Everyone fell silent, staring at Shennong, who was bathed in the golden light of merit, with fiery eyes.

The atmosphere in the hall froze, and until the golden light of merit dissipated, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Shen Nong's body was bright and golden, and a smile appeared on his face as he turned to look at everyone.

"There is no need to guess, Xuanyuan has already proclaimed emperor, and Heavenly Dao felt it, so he descended." Shennong smiled lightly.

"Since Xuanyuan is the emperor, then the human race is unified, which is exactly the meaning of heaven!" An old man laughed, and his heart was very happy.

The rest of the people wait, the same is true.

The unification of the human race means to push prosperity to another level.

After all, there were countless tribes back then, and under the original elder system, they had reached their limit and could no longer go any further.

Now, it's different.

It is not difficult to imagine that in the next few hundred years, there will be a golden age and a prosperous song!

"Elder Shennong, now that the human race is about to fight, why does Xuanyuan rush to become emperor?"

Suddenly, someone found the key and couldn't help asking.

Hearing this, the others were also shocked and turned to look.

I saw Shennong indifferently and explained: "Because the war is imminent, proclaiming emperor to consolidate the luck and increase the morale of the army can be said to be the best time. It seems that Xuanyuan has grown up, and he is no longer so impulsive. brat!"

At the end, Shennong was not without emotion.

The human race has undergone three changes after the Lich catastrophe.

For the first time, in the hands of Shennong, the originally weak clan has grown into a force that neither the Lich clan, the hegemons of heaven and earth, could underestimate.

In the second revolution, Shennong retired and Xuanyuan became the leader. At that time, the human race was truly blooming everywhere.

Now is the third time, under the arrangement of the master of Mount Tai, all the tribes are unified, the emperor is supreme, and the supreme luck is condensed.

As long as the war is won, it is not difficult to imagine how terrible cohesion the human race will have at that time.


Suddenly, Shennong, who was talking and laughing, changed his face slightly, and his originally peaceful eyes burst out with terrifying rays of light, fierce and domineering.

The people around were shocked when they saw this.

"Has something changed?"

These people and Shennong have always been in the ancestral hall, and they have never seen Shennong with such a terrifying side.

Without guessing, you know that there must be a big change.

"Suppressed by the Taoist ancestors, he slept for countless years, and now he is dragging his body to recover, and he even dares to stir the world's luck. I don't know what to do."

Shen Nong suddenly stood up, filled with shocking murderous intent, he turned his head and looked at the direction of the deer, which contained supreme majesty.

"You wait here for a long time, and this emperor will help Huangdi."

The voice fell, and in the ancestral hall, the figure of Shennong had disappeared.

Chapter [-]: The Demon Ancestor Rahu! (third more)

Ben Emperor?

Shennong's voice still echoed in the ancestral hall.

But everyone was instantly stunned, and for Shennong's self-proclaimed, they couldn't react for a while.

I don't know how long it took before there was a continuous gasp of cold air.

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