"It seems right, the two emperors of the human race, Yan and Huang, led to the arrival of heaven's merits." The knowledgeable said.

This sentence is recognized by everyone.

After all, the two of them have great merits for the human race, leading them out of the darkness.


The city wall of the giant city of chasing the deer is thousands of feet tall, and the whole body is black.

When the army of the human race was about to cheer for victory and rush to kill the evil witches who had exhausted their killing intent.


In the giant city of Deer, a loud noise was passed.

A majestic and endless aura, domineering, permeates out of the city.

"what is this?"

"Chiyou, the leader of the Jiuli tribe, has already been executed. Is there still a strong person in the city?"

"Even if there is a strong man, Xuanyuan Huangdi, he can still beheaded."

"No, you see, I'm afraid there will be other changes."

Everyone was talking about it, but when they saw Xuanyuan Huangdi's solemn face, they suddenly had an ominous premonition in their hearts.

As they just said, Chi You has already been put to death.

Logically speaking, there is almost no suspense in this war, and the outcome has already been decided.

However, seeing the expressions of General Kong Xuan and Sergeant Bai Ze, his heart froze.

Even Xuanyuan Huangdi had such an expression.

In the end what happened?

This is the question in the minds of the human race.

Without giving them much time to react, the surviving evil sorcerer on the opposite side suddenly burst into a thunderous cheer.


Accompanied by violent shaking of the ground.

I saw eighteen giants of [-] feet appearing in the direction of the Giant City, full of evil and awe-inspiring aura.


Seeing this scene, countless gasps were heard in the arena.

The Human Race army was full of horror, and the scene in front of them was really terrifying.

"Is that a witch?"

Someone exclaimed, and their voices trembled.

The tens of thousands of feet tall body represents the strength of the great witch, but the aura contained in the eighteen giants is very different from the ordinary great witch.

"What a terrible demon ancestor, it seems that we have all miscalculated."

Bai Ze's face was ugly, he held the feather fan tightly, and he could no longer see that kind of detachment from him.

Yes, just a deep shock.

"Elder Bai, I'm afraid these are not ordinary great witches? I can't sense any breath of life on these giants." Kong Xuan asked with a bitter face.

Anyone can see that these eighteen giants have a dull look, and they don't look like normal creatures at all.

"Yes, if I'm not mistaken, these giants were originally Chiyou's eighteen brothers. As for now, we don't know." Huang Di Xuanyuan, holding the Xuanyuan sword in his hand, stood in front of the human army and waited solemnly. .

"The Demon Ancestor's methods are so good that he even turned all eighteen Chiyou brothers into puppets of the Chaos Demon God."

At this time, Bai Ze's tone was shocked and told the truth.

He told everyone that the Chaos Demon God puppet, although only a great witch, has a stronger physique. Eighteen puppets can join forces to suppress ordinary quasi-sages.

That is to say, after beheading Chi You just now, at this moment, he appeared again, an existence comparable to Chi You's strength.

Hearing this, the high-level people on the Terran side were all shocked beyond words.

"That's not to mention, they are not living beings. When they fight, they are almost always the way to lose their bodies. When an ordinary quasi-sage encounters, they will drink hatred."

In other words, even if Xuanyuan killed these puppets, he would definitely pay a heavy price.

this is too scary!

Eighteen great witches were refined and turned into lifeless puppets.

Simply chilling!

After all, the minimum strength of the Great Witch is to be at the peak of Jinxian, and even more, just like Chi You, it is comparable to the Ancestral Witch.

"They're here..."

Suddenly, countless people in the human race exclaimed, their faces full of fear.

Eighteen giants, with their bodies as pitch-black as ink, and their skins covered with a layer of demonic flames, rushed forward like this, with unparalleled aura.

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