But it was too late to react at this moment.

While they were just waiting, millions of people had heard about the various magical effects of Huaxian Pond, and they were already extremely obsessed. Even if they wanted to leave now, I am afraid no one would go with them!

Thinking of this, these human race golden immortal powerhouses, let alone how regretful they are in their hearts...

"You will all jump into the Evolution Immortal Pond, and when you become a Celestial Immortal, this Emperor will begin to enshrine his position."

The Jade Emperor gave an order, and immediately there were heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals who pushed everyone in.

The sound of thumping was incessant, and Ye Lao, dozens of strong men this year, saw that they were powerless to return to the sky, so they could only jump in helplessly.

In a matter of seconds, millions of people, lifted up by the fairy mist, slowly landed on the ground and lined up neatly.


The Jade Emperor started softly, and a dazzling light bloomed above his head.

I saw Haotianjing shining, the mirror was bright, and countless azure lights were shot out, submerging into everyone's foreheads.

Immediately, the generals and soldiers were automatically sealed and arranged into a mighty army according to their strength.

These heavenly generals wear brightly colored armor and hold various weapons.

At the forefront, Ye Lao and other dozens of former Jinxian strong men stood silently with solemn faces.

In my heart, it was bitter.

After they got rid of their mortal bodies, they realized that once they entered the Immortal Transformation Pond, all sentient beings would not be able to be free, except for those with great supernatural powers to rescue them.

That is to say, the careful thought that wanted to take refuge in the first place has now completely become the subordinate of the Jade Emperor Haotian.

"Very good, where is Taibai?"

Looking at the mighty army, Haotian Jade Emperor's aggrieved mood was swept away by 2.1.

"Chen is here!"

Taibaijinxing held a whisk, and Shi Shiran walked out of the crowd.

"These are my sons from the heavens, you are well settled, don't be rude."

"The minister obeys the order!"

Next, Haotian did not have the peace of the monarchs and ministers.

Yes, it's just the majesty of being a Heavenly Emperor, with a stern look and a powerful coercion.

This is a warning!

When he left the Zixiao Palace, the Taoist ancestor gave the plain-colored Cloud Realm Flag, and when it was shaken, he could summon thousands of troops. After entering the Huaxian Pond, he had no heart to resist.

This kind of effect is almost the same as the future Conferred God List.

The only shortcoming is that the immortal dies, that is the real death, and cannot be resurrected from the Immortal Transformation Pond.

Chapter [-] Prepare for the sacrifice to heaven!

Heavenly Court, after winning the original battle, those opponents took refuge in, their strength increased greatly, and their control over heaven and earth became more and more severe.

The Dragon Kings of the Four Seas were impatiently entangled, but finally agreed, and had already obeyed the orders of the heavenly court.

However, who is the Jade Emperor Haotian?

He ignored the verbal promise and directly ordered Taibaijinxing to invite the Dragon King of the Four Seas to the Lingxiao Palace.

Under the pressure, the Dragon King of the Four Seas agreed to the Dragon Transformation Pond in front of him.

At this point, the territory within the four seas has completely fallen into the hands of Heavenly Court.

Only the human world, headed by the human race, only politely declined the invitation from the heavenly court.

Three years after the battle was over, the Yellow Emperor did not stop his exaggerated steps. He led the army of the human race, and wherever he passed, all creatures bowed their heads.

Ten years later, the land of Shenzhou has completely become the territory of the human race.

Arrogant monsters, and some big monsters, are also dormant in the deep mountains and lakes, and they dare not come out to cause trouble in the world.

As for the two scattered single lich clans, it was only determined that they were not evil, and the Yellow Emperor did not suppress them.

On this day, in the Xuanyuan Palace, the high-level people of the human race gathered together. twenty one

With a majestic face, Huang Di sat on the first throne, looking at the people below, he couldn't help but feel a little like another world.

"It would be great if the teacher was here!" The sigh in his heart was not revealed.

Below, at this moment, everyone is talking about each other, all expressing their own views.

"The Holy Father is the Holy Father of the human race. We worship it day and night, which is enough to show our respect." King Pan said, refuting the words of the crowd.

"The Great Hall of Sacrifice Heaven is to report to the heaven."

"Don't forget, the Holy Father is not bound by the way of heaven. If he returns to his ancestral land to sacrifice to heaven, he will only make the world laugh!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the hall fell silent.

When Li Zhenwu disappeared, they already knew the whole story.

At this moment, because of the unification of the human race, he has conquered the land of Shenzhou. Such a feat should be reported to the sky to condense the luck of the common people.

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