However, at the place of offering sacrifices to the heavens, the opinions of everyone were different.

"The Holy Father is the heaven of our human race. To worship the Holy Father is to worship the heaven."

Someone said loudly, with a solemn expression, containing an attitude that does not need to be questioned.

However, the Yellow Emperor sitting on the throne, as well as several top executives such as Pan Wang and Ji Bo, were bitter in their hearts.

There is nothing wrong with what the other party said, on the contrary, there is still some truth to it.

However, the other party did not know that although the cultivators were walking against the sky, there were countless ordinary human races under them.

These people are the real focus of Huang Di and the others.

"There is a saying, I don't know if I should say it or not."

Suddenly, Ji Bo spoke slowly, interrupting everyone's quarrel.

In the hall, the silence fell instantly, and everyone looked over.

"The Holy Father is comparable to heaven and earth in the hearts of the human race. This is an undeniable fact, but for countless ordinary people, we still need to sacrifice to the heavens. After all, there is love in heaven, and all beings in this world live under the protection of heaven."

Ji Bo spoke slowly, and immediately attracted everyone's attention, even Huang Di listened intently.

"Everyone supports the worship of the Holy Father as heaven, but they just don't want to bow their heads to heaven."

The voice fell, and the hall was quiet.

Not because Gilber was wrong, but because he was so right!

You must know that in the battle of the deer, Heavenly Court, as an institution that supervises the Three Realms, ignores the living beings, and it is just to suppress the arrogance of the human race.

Such cold-blooded actions made all the great supernatural powers present feel disgusted.

It is absolutely impossible for them to report to the heavenly court.

"The Jade Emperor, the lord of heaven, as a disciple of Taoist ancestors, is the person closest to heaven in this world."

Having said this, Ji Bo smiled and continued: "Have you ever thought that in this world, isn't there a fairy under the Taoist ancestor?"

As the voice fell, the inside of the hall became audible.

After a moment, a strong commotion broke out, and everyone's originally nervous expressions were relieved.

"Yes, those who are fighting for the deer have the help of Taishan Baijun, who guides the human race, and General Kong fights bravely."

"Our human race, although the strength is not bad, without the help of these two seniors, I am afraid that there will be countless casualties in the war we want to win."

"Everyone is talking about whether you want to climb Mount Tai and perform that ceremony?"

"Of course it is, isn't it blatant nonsense?"

In an instant, everyone nodded in agreement, and their hearts resonated.

Seeing that there was no longer any objection from the crowd, the Yellow Emperor stood up and declared.

"At the beginning of the battle for the deer, if it wasn't for the guidance of the white military division, this emperor would not have decisively declared himself emperor. If it was not for General Kong's rescue, this emperor would have already been beheaded by the demon ancestor Luohu."

"Since everyone has no opinion, then choose a good time and auspicious day, the emperor will seal Mount Taishan and hold a ceremony for a few days."

The last words fell, and the hall roared.

Everyone looked solemn, and 260 felt their blood boil. That was the representative. The arrival of the prosperous world was to create a great cause for the ages.

Being able to participate in it, for them, is like having the highest honor.

"Ji Bo, King Pan, this Emperor ordered you two to set off immediately and tell Fairy Taishan Yaochi and Martial Daoists that there should be no delay." Huang Di ordered immediately.

When this order was issued, King Pan and Jibo were equivalent to diplomatic envoys, going to Mount Tai to communicate.

However, the respect for Mount Tai in their hearts was not disrespectful at all.

"The Holy Father is the heaven of the human race, and the Madonna is the land of the human race. You should build a statue, walk with me, and witness the feat of the human race."

The next moment, Huang Di spoke again, immediately making everyone extremely excited.

After all, although the Holy Father has disappeared, but Nuwa is still there, that is the real declaration of who the world, the world in the hearts of the human race, is.

Temple of Mount Tai.

"Huh? Statue of the Holy Father and the Virgin?"

When Bai Ze got the report from Pan Wang and the two, he couldn't help but look weird.

That's it for the statue of the Virgin Mary.

But the statue of the Holy Father, isn't the owner of the house your Holy Father?

Of course, he didn't dare to say these words, he just whispered in his heart.

Chapter [-]: Taishan Fengchan! (Second more)

The Yellow Emperor of the Human Race is going to hold a ceremony of conferring Zen on Mount Tai, borrowing Fairy Yaochi to report to the heaven, all the efforts made by the Human Race for the common people in the world.

This news was spread by people with a heart.

In an instant, it spread throughout the entire Shenzhou, and even the great supernatural powers in each state quickly learned about it.

Wa Palace.

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